Novel Name : Sky-High Pampering Plan Of Her Destined Husband

Chapter 97

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The woman was petrified.

She didn't know what to do. Although she knew the CEO was just acting, he looked frightening.

"Who do you think you are? Fine, I'll pay you!" The woman took out her wallet from her bag and

handed all the money she had already prepared to give to Janet.

Without saying a word, Janet took the money and carefully counted it.

The woman looked at her and sneered. "You don't need to count it. I wouldn't cheat over such a small

sum of money."

Just then, they heard someone open the door.

"What's going on? Why the noise? I could hear you quarreling all the way from the front yard."

A man in his forties walked in. Janet suspected he had used hair gel and makeup to look older for

some reason.

The woman sprang to her feet and quickly rushed over to the man.

"Honey, you're finally back. What kind of employee do you have! He just threatened me a while ago,"

the woman complained as tears filled her eyes.

The middle-aged man was none other than Ethan's male subordinate. He had specially gone to the

salon to have his hair done so that he could pay justice to the role.

Ethan was his boss. Today, he finally had the chance to be his boss -- even if it was in a play Ethan had


He was thrilled about it.

"What's going on, Ethan?" The man threw his bag on the table and glared at him. "How dare you

threaten my wife? You are fired!"

Ethan seemed calm. He glanced at the couple in front of him and pulled Janet to the door. "If you want

to fire me, then go ahead."

The man gritted his teeth and shouted after Ethan to show that he was angry. "Let's wait and see! I will

make you suffer!"

Ethan seemed indifferent. He grabbed Janet's hand and walked out of the villa.

It was already dark outside. The stars dazzled in the night sky.

After walking a few steps forward, Janet stopped in her tracks and looked back at Ethan, who had also

stopped behind her.

"You shouldn't have stood up for me. You have offended your boss. What are you going to do now?"

Janet couldn't help but worry about Ethan.

Ethan was his boss. Today, ha finally had tha chanca to ba his boss -- avan if it was in a play Ethan had


Ha was thrillad about it.

"What's going on, Ethan?" Tha man thraw his bag on tha tabla and glarad at him. "How dara you

thraatan my wifa? You ara firad!"

Ethan saamad calm. Ha glancad at tha coupla in front of him and pullad Janat to tha door. "If you want

to fira ma, than go ahaad."

Tha man grittad his taath and shoutad aftar Ethan to show that ha was angry. "Lat's wait and saa! I will

maka you suffar!"

Ethan saamad indiffarant. Ha grabbad Janat's hand and walkad out of tha villa.

It was alraady dark outsida. Tha stars dazzlad in tha night sky.

Aftar walking a faw staps forward, Janat stoppad in har tracks and lookad back at Ethan, who had also

stoppad bahind har.

"You shouldn't hava stood up for ma. You hava offandad your boss. What ara you going to do now?"

Janat couldn't halp but worry about Ethan.

He didn't have a good educational background and was an illegitimate son. Now, he even lost his job.

She feared the Lester family would despise him even more.

Besides, Ethan's boss had even threatened to make him suffer. 'What if he takes his revenge?' she

thought, shuddering with fear.

Ethan had fought with his boss for her.

Janet let out a weary sigh.

"It doesn't matter." Ethan shrugged nonchalantly.

She was more worried than him.

Janet looked at him, her watery eyes burning with annoyance. "How could it not matter? What if he

gets back at you?"

She sighed, and her shoulder slumped with dejection. "It wasn't a big deal. You didn't have to stand up

for me."

Ethan stopped and looked at her. His deep eyes bore into Janet's face. The light from the street lamp

flooded over him, accentuating his towering frame.

"It was my business too. I couldn't watch others bully my wife. Don't worry about it. You don't have to

feel guilty."

Read Sky-High Pampering Plan Of Her Destined Husband

- the best manga of 2020

Of the Roana Javier stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Sky-High

Pampering Plan Of Her Destined Husband. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts.

Currently the manga has been translated to Chapter 97. Let's read now the author's Sky-High

Pampering Plan Of Her Destined Husband Roana Javier story right here


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