Novel Name : My Poor Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 1315 We’ll Sink Or Swim Together

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Like a rubber band stretched to its limit, public sentiment rebounded forcefully when pulled too far.

The Internet users grew increasingly discontent with the vitriolic tirades of the online trolls.

Their relentless, calculated attacks on Janet had left many unable to stomach anymore.

Through meticulous probing, the curious observers uncovered a shocking truth: most of the trolls

berating Janet were mere mercenaries, paid to tarnish her digital reputation. This revelation sparked a

wildfire Of anger, causing these hired digital saboteurs to face the fierce retribution Of the online crowd.

Armed with diligence and righteous indignation, the users unmasked these professional trolls, exposing

their social media profiles and personal photographs. Now, they found themselves on the receiving end

of public scorn, reviled even by passersby on the street.

While these trolls had sullied the names of countless celebrities in the past, they had never been on the

receiving end of such a backlash, In their distress, they sought to deflect the blame onto Vivi.

The de facto leader of the trolls confronted Vivi, his words sharp and unyielding.

“You stirred up this storm, Vivi. Being on the payroll doesn’t mean we’ll be your scapegoats. It’s high

time you step up and face the music.”

Vivi’s voice wavered with anxiety. “I’ve filled your pockets. You can’t abandon me now. If you dare leave

me to the wolves, I’ll drag you down with me. We’ll sink or swim together. ‘

The troll leader merely scoffed at her threat, countering, “Dream on if you think you can pull us into the

abyss with you. You better brace yourself for the onslaught of online fury, not to mention the wrath of

the White family and the Larson Group.”

With that, he hung up, leaving Vivi to Stew in her own dread.

Vivi crumpled to the floor in despair, the phone slipping from her grasp. She could never have imagined

that things would end up like this. She had masterminded online smear campaigns, stirred up

controversies, and thrown other influencers under the bus, all without ever being unmasked. In fact,

these machinations had only served to amplify her digital following and influence, elevating her to

Internet stardom and enhancing her financial and societal standing.

This emboldened her to hire trolls and take aim at Janet, believing her actions would remain shrouded

in the shadows of the internet.

She had often launched blistering attacks on her rivals, yet she had always managed to escape

unscathed. But the law of averages eventually caught up with her. Those who sow the wind will reap

the whirlwind.

Now, the public outcry was spiraling out of control, and the digital crowd was baying for blood. They

wouldn’t rest until the puppeteer pulling the strings was unmasked.

Unwilling to take the fall, the trolls sought to shift the blame onto Vivi, hoping to escape the public’s


Vivi, despite her dubious past, had always tread lightly around Janet in the public eye.

She was well aware that she was no match for the combined might of the White family and the Larson

Group backing Janet. Desperate to shield herself from detection, Vivi steeled herself and redialed the

troll leader’s number.

“We’ve been in cahoots for a while, let’s not sour things over a minor hiccup. I have a plan to defuse

this situation. pin the blame on Mandy. She has enough clout to stand up to Janet. Once the dust

settles, I’ll give you a hefty payoff and we’ll call it a day.”

Vivi found the prospect of crossing Mandy daunting, but the powerhouses supporting Janet were far

more intimidating.

Moreover, Mandy had a bone to pick with Janet, and it was her design that had sparked criticism Of

Janet. Making Mandy the scapegoat seemed like the perfect out.

“Consider it done,” the trolls assented without hesitation. With a new target to bear the brunt and a

cash incentive, why would they refuse?

Soon, the trolls’ accusations set the Internet ablaze, subjecting Mandy to a barrage Of online vitriol.

Upon learning of her predicament, Mandy swiftly issued an online statement. “I would never stoop to

such disgraceful tactics. If I had slandered Janet, may misfortune befall me, such as a fatal accident, or

losing my limbs, rendering me incapable visit ninja Of designing.” Despite Mandy’s fervent

denials, the wrathful users turned a deaf ear.

They swarmed her social media, unleashing a torrent of insults and accusations. This digital maelstrom

didn’t escape Lexi’s notice.

She presented her boss with the troll post accusing Mandy of smearing Janet. With a dismissive snort,

she remarked, “Mandy had it coming! She deserves to be called out online.

She targeted you deliberately last time, and now she’s hired trolls to tarnish your reputation. She’s

beyond contempt!’

As Janet watched the users continue their digital onslaught against Mandy, she rubbed her chin


“I don’t believe Mandy is behind this.”

Lexi, taken aback by Janet’s assertion, sought clarification. “Why would you think that? The trolls have

squarely placed the blame on her.”

In her characteristic calm demeanor, Janet replied, “While he’s Mandy can be headstrong and

conceited, she’s fundamentally a straight shooter. She’s not one to resort to backstabbing.

Read My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire Chapter 1315 We’ll

Sink Or Swim Together

Novel My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire has been updated Chapter 1315 We’ll Sink Or Swim

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Chapter 1315 We’ll Sink Or Swim Together novel My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire


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