Novel Name : The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1774

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Having said all this, the reporters had no need for further questions.

Alyssa detailed every bit of the reasons for the divorce.

Seeds were sown thirty years ago. Little did she know that three decades later, Presley would not only

repeat his tricks but amplify them.

Thinking about Presley’s recent actions, they were indeed erratic. Some had spoken about Presley,

that he had tarnished his lifelong reputation and prestige in his twilight


Everyone knew about the Harper family, an internationally renowned business empire with

immeasurable wealth. People had admired how wise and capable the heads of the Harper family were,

leading the family to where it stood now c2

Mentioning the Harpers now connoted an imposing power that few dared to challenge, though they

were not the force they once were. And with his current actions, if asked who was the worst head of the

Harper Group, everyone would undoubtedly point fingers at Presley. It was sad how he lost all his

principles in his old age

Chloe saw this news, and her emotions were complex

Alyssa wanted a divorce? This was something she had never anticipated

There was once, due to Alyssa’s marriage to Presley, some residual reverence in her heart for him. If

Alyssa chose him, then there must be something about him that was attractive at least enough to make

her willingly marry him

She wasn’t praising him, but she didn’t want to deny Alyssa.

From the beginning her attitude towards Presley was purely objective, never assessing his character,

out of respect for Alyssa

Everyone had their own thoughts and principles, but she never thought that the differences between

her grandparents would be so vast, that things had come to this point

Presley always cared about his reputation, but now, in his seventies, he was dumped.

The fact that they had come to this after more than seventy years together, spending a lifetime as a

couple, must have something to do with Chloe.

How could her feelings not be complex?

Chloe looked up at Elizabeth, “Is Alyss really.”

“Yes, putting up with Presley until now, she must be really tolerant. If it were me, I would never endure

him for over thirty years. Of course, if it weren’t for Presley giving up his stubbornness, and me giving

birth to Damon, Alyssa probably wouldn’t have persevered until now. And ust like you are now, back

then, even though I almost lost my child and was the victim, I was still womed that the two of them

would reach an irreparable point because of me. Full of guilt, I said a few good words. I don’t know how

much impact my words had, but I advise you not to take any stance on this matter. She understands

life better than any of us, and she doesn’t need us to make decisions

for her”

Chloe pursed her lips, agreeing with Elizabeth’s words.

Yes. This was Alyssa’s decision to make, and none of them had the right to interfere

After all these years, Chloe thought, it was time for her to deal with her relationship with Presley

properly, regardless of the outcome.

There was really no room for her to step in

Presley was still in H City, leaving Robin in charge of the Global Economic Summit, while he locked

himself in the hotel. He wasn’t ignoring Alyssa’s call from the night before, he was just afraid to face

some things

When everything had settled down, he finally realized what he had done. It suddenly reminded him of

the reason Alyssa almost divorced him thirty years ago.

From the day he took over the Harper family, he felt that nothing or no one was more important than

the family

Alyssa seemed to understand him and always respected his decisions. Even when it came to raising

their son, no matter how much hardship they went through, she would support him silently, even while

her heart ached for them

She was strong enough to help him pave the way for their children’s future and patient enough to watch

them bear burdens that most would find unbearable

But he forgot that she was a living, breathing person. A person with limits.

Only when Royce’s feelings were affected thirty years ago did he realize that her limit was their

children’s happiness. No one could dare to infringe on that

No matter how strict or harsh the family upbringing was, she could accept it. The children were

Harpers, but to her, they were just her children.

Those were the words she had shouted at him back then. That confrontation was probably the most

tense and angry moment of their lives

He had compromised then, probably because her attitude had shaken him. But this time, he felt things

were different. On the one hand, the situation was different, and on the other hand, he had

compromised once before. This time, he shouldn’t be the one to back down again

Especially since he was doing this not just for the Harpers, but for Damon’s sake as well

But he never expected things to go this far

Divorce in his twilight years, he can’t afford to be this embarrassed

So he had been hiding in H4 City, fearing that she would bring up the divorce if he returned

He understood her temper well enough For years, she had moved out of Hong Kong, and their

relationship had been problematic. Now, he had followed her from Hong Kong to P City, always hoping

that one day she would come to her senses and return home


He closed his eyes The past events made him feel exhausted

After a long silence, the door of the room was abruptly opened Robin walked in with a grim expression,

looking at Presley, and said, ‘Father

Presley’s brows knit together in consternation. “What’s got you all worked up? What’s happened?”

Robin’s expression was grave “It’s Mom. She held a press conference in P City. She has sued you‘

Presley’s face turned achen “A press conference?

“Yes” Robin replied, handing his phone to Presley

After watching the entire press conference. Presley’s hand trembled uncontrollably as he gripped the

phone. His face was contorted with anger “She actually actually

Robin rubbed his throbbing forehead “This situation has a significant impact on the Harper family, and

everyone else. Dad, do you want to go see Mom now?”

Presley’s face darkened, but he remained silent.

Robin continued, “If you don’t step in, Mom’s anger might not subside if this drags on, there might not

be a chance to salvage it.”

“Enough, enough‘ Leave me alone! Presley suddenly roared, his deep voice filled with anger and


Robin abruptly closed his mouth, his already grim face turning even more somber He left the room,

leaving his father alone

Standing outside, he let out a cold, bitter laugh. All of this was a joke his father’s predicament, and his

own situation

He had worked so hard for everything only for it all to be dismissed as worthless. He had strived so

relentlessly, only to be treated with disrespect.

If Royce had been in his shoes, would their father have spoken to him in the same way?


Even if his brother defied him, Presley wouldn’t have treated him the same way

Where had he gone wrong? He had taken pains to consider his father in every decision he made, but in

the end, he had not won his father’s trust or respect

What was he hanging onto Perhaps no matter how well he did, his father would never see it.

Presley sat alone in the room, overlooking the bustling street outside, with a stern face and furrowed


The outside temperature wasn’t particularly high, but the sunlight was abundant Through the thick

tempered glass, it turned into warmth, shining on him

However, his hands, resting on his knees were shaking uncontrollably. He seemed to be unaware, his

gaze still fored outside.

If he didn’t go back now, there wouldn’t be a chance to salvage the situation? If he did go back now,

would there be?

Upon receiving this news, he was incredibly angry

He had spent his life ensuring the Harper Group was prosperous. He hadn’t achieved any great feats,

but he also hadn’t made any grave mistakes. At the very least, he hadn’t ruined the Harper family

He had spent half his life in the corporate battlefield, only to lose all the dignity he had accumulated

over the years.

His favorite son, and his favorite grandson, both defied him. In the end, even his wife, who had never

understood him, added fuel to the fire. In his twilight years, she had made a mockery of him.

She was actually getting divorced? What a joke

Everyone was defying him. Everyone wanted to make his life difficult

He closed his eyes tightly. He seemed calm, but his body was still shaking

Elizabeth and her companions eventually decided to go to Granny Harper’s residence. Given the

gravity of the situation, they couldn’t pretend they didn’t know anything

Granny Harper greeted them calmly She even seemed delighted to see Rose.

Elizabeth brought along some fruits and headed into the kitchen to prepare a fruit platter. She threw a

glance at Hannah, the housekeeper.

Hannah later joined her in the kitchen. As Elizabeth peeled the fruits, she said, “Granny Harper seems

fine. In fact, she seems a bit too composed

Hannah washed her hands and joined in to help. She sighed as she replied, “Regardless of what her

intentions are, this is a serious matter They’ve been together for decades How could she not feel


Elizabeth placed the peeled fruits aside, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Hannah, if you were in my

shoes, or Chloe’s, what role do you think we should play? They say you should encourage

reconciliation, not separation. Should we do that?”

Hannah paused before sighing and shaking her head “Granny Harper seems determined. Once she

makes a decision, it’s almost impossible to change her mind.”

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully A shadow of worry clouded her face As she arranged the fruit platter and

brought it out, Rose and Chloe were chatting with Granny Harper The atmosphere was pleasant, but

the conversation had nothing to do with the press conference. Not a word was mentioned.

“Ah, I cant wait for my two great grandchildren to be born. I wish I could live for a few more decades, so

I could watch them grow up, fall in love, get married, and give me great–great–grandchildren”

Chloe gave a light laugh “You will, Granny. You’ll have to help us take care of them”

Granny Harper laughed joyfully. “Of course They’re my great–grandchildren. If I don’t look after them,

who will?”

Rose handed Granny Harper a slice of apple “Granny. No, my son’s future great grandmother in law,

have some

“Ah, you think you can win over my precious great–granddaughter with just an apple?”

“If you don’t eat it, she will still be ours Dont waste it

Granny Harper popped the fruit into her mouth, huffing, “You’re the craftiest

“Hehe, for my son’s future happiness, see how hard I work as a mother?”

“Just you with your glib tongue”

Chloe picked up a grape and ate it

They all had lunch together Until the end, no one mentioned anything about the situation.

In the car, the cheerful atmosphere they had maintained in front of Granny Harper was gone replaced

with a heavy silence

“Judging by Granny Harper’s demeanor, she seems fine. Rose remarked She could understand how

Granny Harper felt it was probably not far from her own feelings

All of Granny Harper’s hopes were now on her great grandkids, just like Rose As long as her child was

born, nothing else was more important.

Men, she had had them Life continued as usual But children were the most profound band

Elizabeth gazed out the car window, letting out a deep sigh She’s decided to put an end to this decades

long companionship herself. She’s not as nonchalant about it she appears,” Elizabeth said

Chloe remained silent

Elizabeth paused and turned to look at her “Dont you have any thoughts on this?

Chloe forced a smile. “My opinion doesn’t really matter now, does it?

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows It’s always easier to encourage unity than separation. But you, today

and even later, don’t seem to want to interfere in this matter”

“If Grandma has made up her mind, she won’t be easily swayed by a few words from us. She’s been

with Presley for a lifetime. Unless she’s pushed to the limit, she wouldn’t have made such a choice

today Moreover, she has left no room for retreat in this matter, not even for him.”

By making the divorce a public affair, she was clearly determined to get a result

What was left was to see who, between her and Presley, was more adamant

Considering Presley’s macho character, out of pride, he might agree in a fit of anger, right?

About The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride - Chapter 1774

The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the

below Chapter 1774 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 1774 and update the next chapters of this series at


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and

continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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