Novel Name : Stay Around You Now And Forever

Chapter 252 Unconsciousness

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Piper's hesitation made Emily even more desperate.

There was no surveillance, no witnesses, and even the most critical witness, Piper, couldn't figure out

what she saw.

And Tabby’s words gave everyone the deepest question.

If no one pushed, would the wheelchair move by itself? Would Matriarch fall into the lake by herself?

"Grandpa, hand this woman over to the police and let them handle this matter. We must do that for


Tabby wished to tear Emily off now, but he did not dare!

The eldest brother was standing in front of Emily, whose tall figure was like a big mountain.

Brother was here, no one could touch Emily!

Wendy just looked at Emily. It was very strange today. She was very quiet and didn't say a word from

the beginning to the end.

Patriarch stared at Hunter for a long time, and suddenly said, "I have something to tell you."


Emily was locked in an airtight room.

The room was not big, small, like a warehouse in the medical room.

But she didn't care, sitting in the dark corner, holding her legs. After her tears dried, she looked at the

dark front in a daze.

She finally killed grandma.

She knew that everyone ne would end up dead with her.

In this life, she and Vincent almost had no intersection, so now Vincent was still alive.

But she spent too much time with grandma, and grandma left.

She was the reason, she was the reason!

She was in this small room and didn't know how long she stayed.

Until someone opened the door of the room.

The light penetrated in, and her eyes couldn't adjust to it.

She raised her hand to block the light directed shinning at her, and when she opened her eyes again,

she did not expect that the person she saw would be him.

"Henry?" Her voice was hoarse, her throat seemed to be on fire, she almost couldn't squeeze out a


Henry walked over and helped her up.

She didn’t know if it was because of sitting for too long. When she got up, Emily felt a burst of blood

rushing to her head.

"Henry..." She rolled her eyes and fell straight down.

Everything in front of her finally fell into endless darkness.

If nothing happened, could grandma survive?

What if she never returned to this world, and what if she really died in that car accident?

Perhaps, no one would be hurt again.

Maybe grandma could still live well...


Emily didn't know where she was taken to.

Dazed and groggy, she seemed to have a long, long dream.

In the dream, grandma was smiling kindly, grandma's gentle voice, and grandma's call, "Emily, Emily..."

‘Emily is here, but, grandma, where are you?’

She wanted to hold grandma's hand, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold it.

Suddenly, grandma's wheelchair rolled up and rolled to the cliff behind her.

She was frightened, and hurriedly rushed over, trying to bring grandma back.

But she couldn't catch it, she still couldn't catch it!

"No! Don't go! Grandma, grandma, come back, don't go..."

In a daze, someone held her in his arms.

She kept shaking in his arms, constantly waving her hands, trying to catch something. In the end, she

seemed to finally grab the hand of grandma!

"Don't go, grandma, grandma, I will protect you. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid..."

The high fever was not going away, the girl was constantly babbling, sweating all over.

Her clothes were changed over and over again, and after a short time, they were soaked again.

They gave her intravenous drip, but her body temperature just wouldn't drop.

"Grandma, I will protect you. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid..."

Her faint voice made those who heard it feel sad.

His big palm fell on her face, trying to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

But her tears were endless. He just couldn’t wipe them off!

She didn't plead for herself, didn't complain for herself, in her dream, it was all to save grandma, to

protect grandma.

She didn’t need to complain anymore, she didn’t want to explain for herself anymore.

Because her explanation wouldn’t bring grandma back to this world.

The man held her hand tightly, his voice was low, yet so reassuring.

"It's not your fault, maybe, she is too tired to live and wants to leave early."

"You have to be strong and wake up. Otherwise, grandma will be sad!"

"Wake up, did you hear me?"

The voice seemed to be far away in the sky yet so close to her.

But why did he want her to wake up? After waking up, she wouldn’t see her grandma!

She didn't want to wake up, not at all.

She just wanted to stay in her dream. In her dream, at least, she could hold grandma's hand, and

grandma could smile at her...

She didn't want to wake up again.

She would accompany her grandma to the end of the world.

‘Don't be afraid, grandma, I won't let you go alone, I would stay with you, always...’

For three days, she had a high fever.

For five days, she remained groggy.

For seven days, she still refused to wake up!

She was trapped by her own heart. It was like a spell that trapped her tightly in a dream.

Ten days! The fever was gone, but she was still unconscious!

The person stayed by her side, she couldn't see his face, and could only vaguely hear him talking to


"Wake up, you can't escape forever."

"Wake up. Otherwise, grandma won’t be able to rest in peace!"

‘Grandma won’t rest in peace! She won’t rest in peace!’

She seemed to have something to tell her about her, about her mother...

"Of course, I know your mother, your mother was..."

The grandma in her dream suddenly changed her expression, and her body was stiff before she

finished her words.

Her ruddy face turned into jet black, and soon she became completely black all over.

She was shaking and twitching constantly!

She was in pain, she couldn't breathe, and desperately calling her name, "Emily, Emily..."

"Grandma, why? Who killed you? Why is this happening?"

Emily was going crazy. Grandma opened her mouth and tried to speak, "Emily, your mother...yes..."

Suddenly, she screamed, and a mouthful of black blood poured out!

She was poisoned, and someone was going to poison grandma!

No, she was not poisoned, she was stabbed!

Seeing the blood splashing out of grandma's chest, Emily wanted to rush over, but she didn't know

what was tying her up, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Grandma's wheelchair suddenly moved again, and she saw the lake again.

Grandma rolled down, and with a plop, she fell into the lake with the wheelchair.

Gradually, she sank to the bottom of the lake...


Emily suddenly opened her eyes and sat up,” Grandma, grandma!"

A fit figure was sitting at the bed, holding her shoulders with both hands: "Are you finally awake?"


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