Novel Name : He used to hate her

Chapter 10

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After leaving my school once and for all, I called my Aunt. I told her all that she needed to know. She

isn't happy with the trouble I'm causing her. But she's the only one who can help me. Help me get out

of this mess forever. After a lot of conversation, she agreed to get my transfer certificate and help me

finish the exams at a private institution. I may have depended on her now, but in future no matter how

much money I earn, I won't ask others for help. I gotta help myself. All I have is me, myself and I.

" Are you okay, Maddie? You can still change your mind," Sofia said, as I'm leaning on her shoulder.

" I don't want to waste my Aunt's money like this, Sofia. I would rather study somewhere than getting in

trouble and getting suspended for a week. My Aunt has already enough burden in her life. I don't want

to one of them. I'm doing this for my future. I already got a bad impression of our school. I know it might

continue further. I shouldn't have any distraction."

" You are right but I will miss you, Maddie. Promise me, you will visit me weekly."

" I will never forget you, Sofia. We can talk daily and I will come to visit you weekly. Before that, I have

got something to do. It can be considered as Revenge. I will explain in detail but tell me if you help

me?" I asked her, expecting a 'yes' in 0.0003 seconds.

" That's my girl. Tell me everything. I'm on your side." She replied faster than I could blink my eyes.

Then I filled her with everything she needed to know. Even after a warning to my whole class, someone

took a picture of Xander and me. I won't blame it on one person. Everyone is like that. Since I leaving

school, I will return whatever they have done to me.

" So, this is the list of all our classmates. We have to find each one's secret. Something that they hid

from their friends. Just one private thing that they kept to themselves. The proof should be a photo. We

have twenty-eight students in our class excluding us. We two need to execute this plan within a week.

If you think I'm being stupid, tell me now itself. If I don't do something in return to everyone who ruined

my life, I can never live with that." I wrote all their names on a board and explained it to Sofia.

" Even if you are stupid, I'm okay with it. This one lesson is going to make them never do this mistake

to anyone ever again." She agreed and we started working on stacking every single student to find

their one secret. That might not ruin their life as it did to me but it must be done before I leave this

school for good. A week passed with a lot of efforts and in that schedule, I couldn't reply to Henry's

infinite messages.

Henry: Are you avoiding me, Madison?

Please reply to me. I know you left school. But I wish to see you.

I will wait for your reply...

That's the last message I got a day ago. He doesn't know the stupidest thing I'm doing to teach a

lesson for everyone in our class.

Sorry, I couldn't handle the stress. My Aunt got the transfer certificate. I will be leaving the town soon. I

swear I will talk to you before leaving.

I sent the message and looked at the messy room. I need to clean up this mess before my Aunt

reaches home. If she finds out what I'm doing, she will think that I became a psycho just like my mom.

" Maddie, this is the last footage. I'm done with my job. So, what's next? What are we going to do with

all these photos and footage?" She entered my room and looks really excited to know what's next.

" everything's done. Help me clean everything from the floor. We are going to do the

same thing that my classmates did to me." I told her. picking up all the photos.

" Are you going to send it all to our school group? Is that what you mean?"

" Well, yes, but I'm also going to another thing. You are definitely going to help me with this. But I will

tell you tomorrow."

The only day I got to stay in this town. And everything will be in the past I believe. even Xander.

" I can't wait for the suspence. So, we got footages and photos of twenty-six students. Twenty-six?

Where's the other? " Sofia gave a confused look and checked it again and again. I know why the two

students are missing.

" It's Xander," I blurted.

" Xander? Are you still in love with him? Is that why you didn't dig any of his secrets to teach him a

lesson. I should have done this." she angrily said. But that's not the issue.

" No. This isn't about my love for him. I tried harder to find something to bring into the light but I failed. I

can't find anything about him. I really tried harder even without sleep. But I couldn't find something

wrong with him. He doesn't hide any unbelievable secrets or never cheated on Veronica. I can't even

find a single thing. Trust me, It pissed me off. " I told her in frustration. No one can be perfect. He's not

perfect but he was true to others. That's the only thing I found now and when I met him for the first


" I still can't imagine a person like that. But I believe you. So, who's the remaining missing student?"

" Um...that's Henry,"

" Is he another truthful boy who never told a lie or hide something from anyone?" She raised her


" I don't know about that because I'm not going to ruin his life. Not even a little bit. He's been with me

as me when no one does. I don't want to do anything to him."

" I didn't see this coming. Who knows, you might fall in love with him soon."

" I'm doing thing cause I'm grateful that he's on my side. Don't imagine any situations." I told her as the

doorbell rang.

" It's my Aunt. She's back from School. I gotta pack my luggage." I murmured and went to open the

door. Suddenly, I'm doubting that quitting school is the ending to all trouble or the beginning of

something new.


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