Novel Name : Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 41 Tale of Kinsman Blood

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Percy’s Point of View

Dawn drew near as its sorrow followed the departing of the Red Moon. It sprayed and marked its last

presence upon the grey sky with red; and it shimmered afar before being consumed by the lights of the

fiery sun. Yet its warning did not cease to pass.

For Artemis was now brought back to her camp, deep within the green woods and her life was

stretched wide upon a thin rope. Percy steps were swift and yet heavy for his heart was filled with

concerns. Paecus and Apollo managed to follow his tail, for Percy carried Artemis in his wolf form and

none beings were said could catch up with the wolves.

Her silver bed Artemis laid upon, and the dreadful wound on her arm stained the bed sheet for the

Ichor could not stop flowing no matter how they tried. The fire grew dim as her radiant slowly

decreased and the Moonlace at the sides of her throne darkened and dried with death. Percy tended

her, drying her sweat sodden forehead for now the poison was spreading. Her lips and skin was pale

and cold as snow, the colour of her cheeks faded as her auburn hair started to turn white, like the

colour of sheets. Yet her features still remained the beauties and fair of an immortal. But she was

ageing. For the poison of werewolves striped away the immortality; and for years the gods aboded and

made in that fair forms, but inside they were just ashes like of decayed mortal flesh. For their roots

were once mortally, and with death, they returned to ashes.

Another hour passed and they managed to stop her Ichor from flowing, for her essence escaped along

with the golden liquid. Yet they didn't have time, for her presence in the room seemed dismissed and

they hardly sensed her power.

"Apollo" Percy turned to him as he watched Artemis trembled by the fever and it broke his heart. "Is

there anyway to cure the poison, or at least to stop it for awhile?"

But the god of the sun, of medicine and the father of Asclepius whom resurrected the deaths was silent

and his face was darkened and just stared at the floor.

Percy inside was tumultuous and patient he heeded little. The anger took him as he roared in

frustration and held Apollo collar shirt.

"Tell me dammit!"

But Apollo was angered and he kicked Percy away.

"Don't tempt me Perseus!" He bellowed "you know I love her above all and I would doing anything to

save her. But there's none..."

The last sentence he sighed and spoke with despair and hope was lost within him. There he just sat on

the floor and disoriented and the morning was dark that day.

Paecus out of the three was calmest, yet he was troubled. He stood and traced far through memory the

time he dwelled with the werewolves; of their teachings, their lore and medicines and yet it seemed to

him that he hadn't gained enough of their trust to obtain the cure of their bites.

Percy legs stumbled and fell. He looked at Artemis from the floor and his eyes watery. The memories

came to him of times they spent and he repented his curses and his angers toward her. For his love for

her beyond the wide of the sea and sketched as far as the sky could reach. Seeing her in pain broke

his heart and part of it was his doing.

At that moment he wished Leto was beside him. To give him counsels and guidance for he was lost in

despair and sorrows. Then the Ichor of her that dropped on the floor spread toward him and wetted his

shoes, a sudden memory flooded back to his mind and the hope filled his heart.

Many years ago, before the discovery of Artemis in the times of the Romans, his mother had asked him

for his blood. Though he did not know the purpose of her doing. But he found out her dreadful wound

was healed few days later after he shed his blood. At the time he did not know his identity nor his

truths, so he thought the wound came from the Wolves within the forest. But now after everything he

had known, it logically came back and fit into pieces. Leto did not ask for his blood that day for virtue he

had assumed, but to cure the bite somehow he bite her in the full moon. The werewolf blood was the

answer to their bites.

The realisation came like fireworks in his mind and he was delighted with it. Without hesitation nor

counsel with others, Percy stood and bite his own wrist and his blood stained the floor beneath him.

Now Apollo and Paecus were astonished and confused when he pressed his bleeding wrist on Artemis

mouth. A moment passed when Percy was assured she drank a potion of his blood and he removed

his wrist from her tender trembling lips, which were now coated with Ichor and glittered under the light

of the candles.

The hope was high in his heart and Percy looked at her with wonder. Her pale cheeks slowly but surly

gained back their colour and her hair like Spring returned to Winter that ice melt and give place to

green grass. For its white colour faded and her hair returned to its silver, auburn colour. Paecus and

Apollo were clad and filled with joy. Her eyes did not opened, yet Percy was filled with hope for their

separation came near its end.

But a sudden convulsion took her and everyone's excitement dropped. Artemis seemed not to adapt

nor accept the blood of Percy and she started vomiting them out as it flowed out from the corner of her

lips. Then the colour of her cheeks faded and the ageing began and her hair dyed back to its colour of

snow and death followed her one more time.

"What happened?" Paecus grimaced. "Didn't your blood just cure her?"

"I-I don't know..." Percy stood with confusion and delirium. "My mother was cured by my blood before...I

thought it could do the same for her."

"Then why she's not healed yet!? Why did her body reject it!?" Apollo yelled.

"I DON'T KNOW OKAY!" Percy ranged back.

"I don't know..." and he said with a low and sad voice as his legs gave out the second time.

There they sat silently in the room filled with sorrow and wariness. For Percy heart was filled with dread

and repentance and sadness. For Apollo heart was darkened without hope. But there Paecus heart still

lingered to find the light, despite Artemis muttering with illusions and shivers by the poison. Hope still

with him and he spoke.

"What if the cure must come from the one that inflicted it? Your mother was bitten by you wasn't she?"

There Percy understood and his eyes widened as he stood from his wooden chair. Werewolf bloods

indeed was the answer but it had to come from the one that craved the bite. And now the fire of the

room plunged with high flame for the discovery carried hope.

"I'm going to find that bastard" Apollo was the most impatient for the love to his sister was great and he

picked up his bow and attempted to leave.

"Stop!" But Percy responded. "Enough death has been made. You alone can't defeat him Apollo."

"Then Paecus will come with me" Apollo suggested, his eyes were full with flame of fury and they

challenged those that opposed him. "Didn't he fear from your presence Paecus?"

"Yet I did not fight him" the powerful man reminded Apollo, for he also loved the werewolves and would

not lay his hand upon them.

"With that I shall go" Percy now stepped up from the quarrel and fumbles of Apollo. "For he's still my

blood and I shall persuade him with my best."

Without choice, they agreed with Percy.

After a moment of preparation, Paecus and Apollo left Percy alone in the tent. Percy walked up to her,

whom was shaking and trembling by the poison that was torturing her. He held her cheek and tears

swelled up his eyes. At the moment he would trade everything just to be switched with her, for she was

too fair and good to endure this. She suddenly grabbed at his hand and held dear on it even in her

consciousness, his scent still protected her. His heart that moment was hardened and made stronger

and filled with determination. His love for Artemis was too great to measure, and seeing her suffer he

would not accept. So he leaned close to her and whispered.

"Lay and sleep my love" and his kissed her forehead despite the sweats coated it. "I shall return and I

won't give up until I see your beautiful eyes again."

He leaned closer, to her lips but he just kissed at the corner of her lips. Because even though she

wouldn't notice if he made any attempt, he didn't want to take advantage of it and he respected her. He

poured very thing he felt for her into that kiss and for a short moment, life returned to her again. He

held her hand, for his heart also afraid he would be late and she would disappear forever. He never

wanted to let go. But his heart told him time was not in his favour. So he left the tenderness of her skin.

There Percy set out in haste and before he left, he entrusted the camp to Paecus that none could leave

it. There he slipped into his wolf form and ran toward the shadowy woods.

For days he tracked for Lucien. Through woods and streams and upon hard roads Percy sprinted.

There Percy noticed a confused tracks, as if Lucien purposely left behind or out of carelessness.

Nonetheless, it made it easier for Percy to find him.

It was already night when he halted in a wood somewhere around Virginia. For the dead trees there

drew a sensation of intimidation. He walked in his human form, across the dead trees and crunching

leaves. The crescent moon shimmering shined on his back, but its colour was not bright as usual; and

it was a sign to Percy that Artemis was waning and it urged him to move faster.

He was vigilant at all time. Percy didn't know if Lucien was still accepting him as one of his kind, or ever

since that bloody night, Percy was no longer recognised as a Shapeshifter.

Suddenly he heard turmoil between the trees on his side, as if a fast object moving through the trunks

of the trees. Percy knew he was in Lucien territory and werewolves were master at ambushes and

hunting, especially an veteran like Lucien.

So Percy ran, for his skills were more efficient in the clearings. There he came to an open area circled

by the black leafless trees in all directions. Now from a better view, the trees in front of him looked like

giant arms of undead men arose from the earth and their slender fingers attempted to touch the sky. Or

if they were calling him to join them.

Leaf crunches from behind came to Percy ears and he immediately turned. Lucien from there walked

out from the shadow that was rippling on his grey coat.

"I didn't expect you to come" Lucien said with a sneering tone. "Or perhaps you have discovered


That last sentence struck Percy and his anger rose.

"You bit her purposely didn't you?" Percy gritted his teeth, his fists folded so tightly to the point the nails

drew blood in his palms.

"She was foolish to come against me. Didn't I just lift a burden off your shoulders Perseus?" Lucien

clicked his tone.

"You know why I came" Percy managed to control his anger. "Just give me what I need Lucien and I'll

be out of your sight for good"

"What I need is you Perseus" Lucien folded his arms across his chest. "I don't care if she dies or not.

That goddess carries a curse Percy, and those follow her will be caught in her doom!"

"And for that I shall endure"

Lucien growled with frustration, for no matter how many times he tried to persuade, Percy would not


"Fine!" Lucien bellowed. "If you give me no choice then I won't give you. Choose between your people

and her. Either you step on my corpse and forsake your blood and save her, I won't shed my blood for

a god."

There Person stood and frozen, but Lucien did not stop there.

"What say you Perseus!?" He roared. "Your people or her!"

There Percy was pushed to the wall and he was afraid how to counter Lucien. The decision he had not

decided and now Lucien was forcing him to.

"Pathetic" Lucien said and that snapped Percy.

For a moment the wind was still and Percy growl vibrated through the woods and set the crows flying.

There under the crescent moon, he leaped into his wolf form, the black fur absorbed the light of the

moon and his red blazing eyes was flaming with fury. Percy attacked Lucien. But as quick as lightning,

Lucien transformed into his grey wolf and his colour unlike Percy reflected the moonlight and he shined

in the dark wood and under the dark sky.

They growled to show their intimidation and circled around to check for the opponent weak spot. But

Percy was still a young fighter and patient was what he did not have. So he charged first, lunging at

Lucien and despite his lightning speed, Lucien dodged with ease. There Lucien took his turn and made

a long scar on Percy back that forever he would embed it. Percy roar of pain filled the dreadful air and

the fogs of the wood was blown away by that roar. But he did not give up, for the damage increased the

anger of werewolves would also be, and they would fight to the bitter end. So Percy made a counter

attack again. But each time he managed to made a scratch on Lucien, he took back two or even three

scratches and all of them were lethal.

Not for long until Percy strength betrayed him and he was pinned to the round. Lucien stood over him

with might and victory and he stared down at the black wolf with disappointment and furry.

There Lucien left him.

But Percy, for the promise he took that he would return to her arms one more gave him back strength.

And he crawled as much as he could, despite the wound that was bleeding and screaming with agony

all over him. And he grabbed Lucien fur, pulling it and his blood coated hand stained the grey fur.

Lucien halted and turned his neck with a frown as Percy kept holding on him and did not let go.

"I won't give up" he growled and talk as his werewolf voice was deep. "Until I see her eyes open again."

Lucien as if volcano erupted in his mind and his face turned with even more dangerous. That golden

eyes flared with intense blast and kicked Percy away.

Percy slowly, but surely made back his stance and he stood facing Lucien. Though Percy ribs were

broken some and he could barely stand, yet the fire still burned deep in him. There Lucien marched

with fury towards Percy and landed a punch on his cheek. His punches were like crushes of hammers

and Percy was threw side to side each time a punch landed. At the point Percy eyes were barely

opening, even though he would not yield and turn human, yet his strength had left him.

Lucien jumped up and made his last strike, attempted to knock Percy out cold but something happen.

For his heart followed her, for the love burned even fiercer than the flames of Olympus and for the

promise he carried. Percy caught Lucien punch and he looked at Percy with surprise. The next thing

was even more unexpected when Percy palm felt so hot that Lucien had to wince from the burn. There

under the crescent moon, under the dead trees a new wolf was born. His black fur rippled, his eyes

flared with fire and so was his entirety. Lucien barely escaped from the fiery fist of Percy and looked at

him with wonder. For Percy once swallowed the Eternal Flame of Hestia and now because of the fierce

love for Artemis, he turned into flame himself. He glowed like a lamp even though he was in the shape

of werewolf, and the crackles of his flame disturbed the silence of the night.

Lucien face reflected Percy light and it was red like a man in fury. With a deep growl, Percy lunged at

him. The battle was even more intense than the last and not less destructive. For now Percy was more

powerful and Lucien had to put all his might. They fought out of the clearly and into the deep wood

beyond. Trees were knocked down by their missed strikes and they crumbled around them. The rocked

and ground vibrated and danced as a battle drum. Percy fist landed on Lucien and sent him to the

ground. Percy jumped up and ready to deliver a fatal strike but Lucien immediately rolled to his side

and Percy crashed unto the dried leaves on the ground and burned them to ashes. Lucien knew now

Percy was exceedingly strong and his power a long could not win him.

Suddenly he heard a sound of hope.

The running of water between the rocks came not far from them. A smile came to Lucien and as he

looked at the terrify form of Percy, he started to run. Percy now was consumed by his own fire and in

his mind was just an image of death and sacrifice for Artemis. Without hesitation, he chased after

Lucien and the hunting for werewolf began. They ran through the terrestrials of the wood, through trees

and bushes and Percy roar was so terrible that mortals shut their doors tight that night.

Lucien was the stream appear before as the dim light of them moon dance upon the running water. He

jump into the water and the coldness brushed his skin. About the middle of the stream, Lucien came

into a halt and turned back to face the beast behind him.

Percy appeared out of the woods and he left behind a path of burning trees and ruin. But Percy did not

stop, for victory was gleaming in his heart and he charged straight into the water. But he came into

Lucien trap.

There his flame was consumed by the power of Poseidon and Percy power was stripped off layer by

layer. His waxing time had come to a wane and Lucien immediately took the opportunity.

He struck back at Percy and sent into stumbling upon the rock. Lucien came back with his might and

Percy did all he could to stay alive, but he could not get back what he had as long as the water was still

around him. But Lucien made sure that Percy could not step out from that stream.

"Is this the life you want?" Lucien roared and landed a punch that made Percy spitting out blood.

"What what folly and love you desire so much!" There Lucien made another strike. "That even you

forsook your own people! Your father!"

But did not attack like the first time, or block him but just stood and endure.

"Is it peace that you are seeking?!" Lucien bellowed. "Or destruction is what you are aiming at!?"

"Both of you are the dooms for each don't you realise that!?" There he kneeled Percy and set him to

the ground.

Percy attempted to stand but Lucien roared and grabbed his neck and threw him back into the water.

Lucien came upon him and started landing every punch he could throw that Percy head crashed every

time unto the rock underneath him, and crushed them in pieces. Percy held his fist, yet he did not cry

nor yield.

It was all him that caused this. For the slaughter upon Olympus, the wound of Artemis and even now

the disappointment and fury of Lucien. But he could not die now, for her survival he had to stay alive.

"Pathetic! Weakling! Why can't you be one of us!?" Lucien knocked Percy to near the door of death,

and seeing him laying hopelessly on the ground, Lucien sighed with disappointment. "I expected a lot

from you Perseus"

Their his claws grew log and lethal and Lucien attempted to snap his throat open and ended Percy life

for good. As his brutal claws crashed down, a metallic sound of mechanism filled the air and Lucien

stopped his motion.


And he looked down, as for now a bronze blade had pierced deep and though his chest. Its sharp

blade coated Lucien blood and they gleamed by the reflection of the moonlight upon the water. As for

Percy in the critical moment returned to his human form and summoned Riptide to his cause and the

sword deliver the result of the battle.

There Lucien looked down at Percy, whose hand still held tight on the sword handle and Lucien blood

traveled like a stream down the blade and onto Percy hand. The grey wolf managed his last strength

and pulled himself away from the sword as it traveled across him.

And Lucien fell.

For the stream was dyed red by the werewolf bone and he laid hopelessly upon the stream, the cold

rocks, under the crescent moon and the starless sky. They both laid there, both exhausted but Percy

was more of shock than Lucien.

Then Lucien laughed.

His laughed came out weak yet it wasn't of despise nor pity but full of enjoyment. And Percy was

shock. There he crawled and through the running of the water upstream toward Lucien. Upon the night,

Percy casted a shadow on the dying wolf and Lucien laughed; and that laughter filled the air yet the

grass bowed with sorrow.

"Finally" Lucien choked out blood but he grinned. "You've grown. You can survive by your own now."

Blood was coughed out from his mouth and Percy now realised Lucien purpose. He grabbed the grey

wolf hand, whom now had turned back to human.

"Y-you set this up didn't you" Percy now was filled with dread and realised the anger took the folly of

himself. "Why did you do that? Why did you provoke me?"

But Lucien swept his hand away and smirked.

"Because you chose it Perseus." Lucien said. "I know now you cannot leave her no matter how I try.

But I know you one day may die because of your love. Now you've proven that you can survive, you

have realised that a werewolf does not always fight as a wolf"

"But for what cost Lucien?" Percy cried and Lucien smiled, yet now his eyes were starting to show the

sorrow, the softness of him.

There he plunged his necklace off and the metallic pendant as if were made out of silver in the shape

of a fang Lucien held high. Then he grabbed at Percy sword and the blade drew a narrow of blood

across his palm and they poured into the water. Lucien let his blood poured into the pendant, which

seemed to be empty inside like a container and sealed it close. He pressed it in Percy palm with all his

strength that remained.

"Save your goddess and the love you hold so dear." Lucien told Percy. Though now it came as a

whisper for his moment was coming close. "For from now perils will follow you two paths so stay

vigilant. This is the first doom I have shown you. Yet you two will experience more in the future."

For now Percy had no heart to what of his future nor the danger he had to face. Because a comrades,

a kindred and a brother his hands had caused harm to him made Percy heart filled with dread and

sorrow. So he cried and held tightly at the dying warrior of the North.

"I'm so sorry Lucien" Percy said. "I'm so sorry"

"Don't be" Lucien shook his head. "For the Fates have decided my moment long ago. Go now and

reunite with her Perseus, for that is the decision that you've chosen and still holding since that night we


There Lucien coughed out blood again. But this time he grabbed at Percy hand and held it will all his


"...However if your mind has change that you follow your brain instead of your heart....that you think I'll

be safer for both you and Artemis...and you seek to return to you blood again. Then remember this"

And Lucien gathered everything he had left inside him, for all his power he let out and he sang. For his

voice was weak and tired yet it filled the silent of the night and the moon dropped its tear to the earth.

"On your pace follow the Northern Star,

To land of ice...gods leave afar...."

But Percy immediately remembered the song, for long ago Paecus had sung to him. And its lyric and

beat like the rally and it set the fire back in Percy heart, the fire of passion. There Lucien was afraid to

not have enough strength to finish the song and he managed with his best. But Percy pressed on his

hand, and he continued the two lines.

"A legend race, once walked with grace.

Their great journey to land Adar."

Lucien was surprised, yet he was filled with relief for somehow Percy knew the song because it was the

only map. There Lucien smiled, and he looked up to the moon and its light shimmering. He closed his

eyes and they never open again.

But Lucien died with relief, and for the fire of passion and adventure still in him. So it consumed Lucien

and he turned to ashes; and they flew up to the sky. So no trace of Lucien was remained, not his flesh

was buried upon the earth nor Shinä the universe of the gods.

There the trees were silent, the wind stop blowing and the running water seemed to cease as if they

made a lamentation for him. For the son of the North that never returned.

N/A so what's up again guys and welcome to the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it and any comment

will be appreciated. Still stun and await the next chap ?✌???

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to toooo.....



Congratulations guys????????

Luv ya all and new chap will come out shortly


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