Novel Name : Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Mistaking The CEO For A Gigolo Chapter 1905

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Chapter 1905 Playing Dead

The bags of imported snacks clutched forgotten in their fists, and the children stared at Yuvan in

surprise as he announced his intention of appearing on the show alongside them.

“Didn’t Maya once complain that his acting skills are awful?” Zayden asked innocently. “Why should we

sabotage the quality of our show by allowing him to star alongside us?”

Joy gave the matter several seconds of serious thought. “We have yet to see his acting for ourselves.

Why not let him audition for it? If he shows promise, we can work alongside him and at the same time

hone our own skills.”

Zayden looked worried as he took a loud crunchy bite. “What if he’s awful?”

“Then we’ll give him the cold shoulder until he gets the hint!”

Zayden nodded earnestly at the idea. “This isn’t just our first rehearsal together. It’s also the first project

Mommy is involved in. We can’t allow his poor performance to make the rest of us look like fools.”

Right after the words were out of his mouth, Yuvan appeared from afar and made his way toward the

children with a smile on his face.

“Looks like we’ll be working together! If there’s anything you might need, just say the word. I’ll do my

best to help you.”

Zayden glanced at the newcomer up and down. “Not so fast. We would like to see if you’re good

enough to be working with us.”

“Hah! What does a little fellow like you know about acting?”

Zayden stuffed the other half of his chocolate bar into his mouth before drawing himself to full height.

“Little, you say?”

“My apologies.” Yuvan bowed good-humoredly. “Not so little after all.”

Zayden glared at him with distrust. “We’d heard stories about how you’re a terrible actor, but it wouldn’t

be fair to you without giving you a chance to prove yourself. Why don’t you act out a scene, and we’ll

judge for ourselves?”

Yuvan met the intensity of the child’s gaze. “All right, fair enough. What would you like to see?”

Zayden considered the question carefully before answering, “Anything you like. Give me the best

performance you’ve ever done!”


“Let’s be clear,” Zayden added hurriedly. “If you can’t even do well at what you do best, then you’re a

lost cause! We’ll only have four words for you!”

“Which four words?”

“You have been eliminated.”

Yuvan chuckled. I like this kid’s sense of humor.

As if making up his mind abruptly, the older boy turned to leave.

“Why are you leaving?” Zayden asked at once, disconcerted by the unexpected response. “Are you

admitting defeat already?”

Before he had managed to take five steps, Yuvan fell to the floor in a heap.

“What happened to him?” Zayden cried, visibly shaken.

Joy shook her head solemnly. “I don’t know.”

After exchanging a glance, the two children ran over to check on the unconscious figure.

Yuvan lay on the ground with deathly stillness. “Are you okay?” Zayden asked as he leaned over


After calling Yuvan’s name several more times to no avail, Zayden shook him. “Wake up! Wake up!” As

desperate as he was, Zayden did not have enough strength to rouse the older boy from his dead faint.

“Is he dead, Joy?”

Joy reached out a finger and held it over his nostrils. “He isn’t breathing. We should get him some


Just as she was about to summon an adult, her sharp eyes caught one of Yuvan’s fingers twitching.

With a suspicious frown, she took a closer look at the seemingly motionless figure on the ground.

“He has won!” she suddenly proclaimed, turning to face Zayden.

Zayden did not immediately register what she said. “What?” he asked blankly.

“He’s playing dead here, can’t you see? You really thought he’d fainted, didn’t you? What a stellar

performance. He’s won the right to be on the show with us.”

As if on cue, Yuvan opened his eyes from where he lay and stuck his tongue out at Zayden.

Zayden froze, scandalized. “You didn’t warn us that you were going to be playing dead!”

“You told me to do what I do best, didn’t you?” exclaimed Yuvan, looking delighted with himself. “This is

what I do best! Drama! Besides, my performance must have been so good that I scared you, didn’t I?

You didn’t even consider the possibility of me pretending! I think I won the part fair and square.”

Zayden sighed. “You wouldn’t have won if I ignored you. You’re taking advantage of my kindness.”

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