Novel Name : Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1336

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Meeting Some Old Friends

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked nervously.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Hayes. Mr. Hayes will not just sit around and watch. He had already come up with a

plan with Dr. Shoki before you woke up.”

Karl spoke with an assuring smile before Sebastian could answer and left right after.

Sebastian had entrusted the whole thing to Karl.

As for the company, Sebastian had made proper arrangements as well. Sabrina would return to the

company as the vice president. She would step in and aid Solomon in leading the company when he

was going through therapy.

Interestingly, Solomon dismissed Sabrina’s offer to help blatantly, but when Sebastian made such an

arrangement, Solomon simply accepted it without even putting up a fight.

He even gave his full cooperation to Karl when he came over.

Sasha, who was far away in Jetroina, was relieved to learn that Solomon was being cooperative.

As for Sasha herself, her treatment went smoothly and she saw marked improvement. Her vision got

better and her nose was no longer bleeding. Her skin also appeared healthier.

“I really think I’ll be back to normal soon, Sebby.”

Over in the ward, Sasha looked at herself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. Her skin had become

smooth and fair again. She ran toward Sebastian in a thrill, eager to share her joy with him.

Sebastian was making her breakfast when he heard her rambling on chirpily.

He was relieved and pleased to see her so cheerful.

“I’m glad you’re making improvements. Can’t wait to get out and have some fun already, I reckon?”

“Can I?”

Sebastian read her like an open book. Since he knew what was on her mind, Sasha jumped over

happily and wrapped her arms around his waist. She buried her head in his chest and looked up at him

with puppy eyes.

Sebastian found the sight rather amusing.

Sasha was acting like a child. This reminded him of their daughter.

He figured Sasha must have wanted to get a breath of fresh air badly. After all, she had been here for

months and had not set foot outdoors throughout. She must be so bored.

Sebastian decided to bring her out.

Haruto did not stop them when he heard they wanted to head out. He simply reminded them to make

sure that Sasha did not get any scratches or cuts on her skin.

He pointed out that she was still recuperating. The medication was still working in her system to fight

off the bacteria. The last thing they would want was the introduction of new bacteria in the case of an

open wound.

This could lead to unimaginable consequences.

Sebastian almost changed his mind when the doctor told him of the possibility of reinfection.

He did not want to put Sasha through the risk, but when he saw Sasha back at the ward again, he

simply could not bring himself to turn her down.

She had already put on her prettiest clothes waiting for him in all eagerness.

“What did Dr. Shoki say? Can we go out now?”

“He didn’t say much… He just asked you to be extra careful so you don’t get hurt again,” Sebastian

said casually.

He took out his keys and held her hand before both of them headed out.

After about half an hour, they stopped at a park near the hospital. Sebastian got out of the car first and

went over to open the door for Sasha. He then grabbed her hand and led her out of the car.

Sasha smiled subtly when she looked out of the car.

Didn’t he say we’re going to the mall? Why are we here at a park? This is no different from the garden

at the hospital!

Sasha did not know what else to say.

Knowing how thoughtful Sebastian had always been, Sasha just went along with his plan. She let him

hold her hand and went on a brief walk along the path with him.

“I believe this is our first time taking a stroll hand in hand, Sebby?”


Sebastian realized it was their first even before Sasha asked.

That was why he slowed down his pace on purpose so they could enjoy the moment.

For his whole life, he had worked like a busy bee. First, it was at Hayes Corporation. Then, since he

joined the Jadeson family, he dedicated all his time to the family.

Never once had he taken a real break from his work and commitments, and for the first time, he felt he

was finally able to savor the moment. He loved spending time with Sasha.

He felt this was the life he truly wanted.

Not long after they started their walk, they bumped into an unexpected person.


Sebastian was surprised to see the old man was pushing a wheelchair.

Sasha was equally astonished to see the man.

Trevor had aged a lot over time. His hair was white and he had lost a lot of weight, but these were not

why Sebastian and Sasha were shocked.

They could not believe their eyes when they saw the unhealthy and scrawny woman sitting in the

wheelchair he was pushing. She was looking at the sky blankly, her lips moving in inaudible mutters.

Wait… Isn’t that… Roxanne?

The old man seemed to have sensed the pair of burning gazes directed toward him. He looked over

and was stunned. “Sebastian…?” He finally spoke after a short silence.

Sebastian nodded.

“We happened to be around, so we came for a walk. What happened to Roxanne?” he asked, looking

at the woman in the wheelchair.

His grip tightened around Sasha’s hand unconsciously as he pulled her back and stood in front of her.

Sebastian’s reaction was so quick it was as if it was a reflex. Subconsciously, he perceived Roxanne

and Trevor as threats even when they did not mean harm, and the first thing that came to his mind was

to protect Sasha.

A bitter smile spread on Trevor’s face when he spotted Sebastian’s reaction.

He took a quick look at his daughter and assured the man, “Don’t worry. She won’t do any harm now.

She almost lost her mind after she found out about what happened. She threw herself into work and

started finding a cure for the poison. An explosion happened at her lab while she was working. She

survived the impact, but she’s been like this ever since.”

The air became still all of a sudden.


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