Novel Name : The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 100

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16. In the Courtroom


The courtroom is dark and almost ominous.

It makes me feel like I've committed a crime and I'm here to be sentenced.

Well, I kind of fucking am thanks to stupid Heather, the fucking Feather-Brained twit.

Last night’s revelations had kept me up all night.

That prophecy of Heaven’s was fucking intense and the fact she is going through that kind of heavy shit

at that age is fucking unfair.

I had filled Royce in on everything, well we kinda had a video chat, me, him, Leo, Azura and Kat.

We had spent hours discussing it, and once we had switched off, he had stayed on the phone all night

with me.

Talking, flirting and maybe a little bit of dirty talking.

Even when I fell asleep he didn’t switch it off.

In the morning when he heard me wake up his ‘good morning’ in that deep husky morning voice of his

had made me wish he was here so I could kiss him hard and fuck him.

I miss you, Magic Fingers.

I'm wearing a black high-neck ribbed top, leather pants and boots.

The little brat is already sitting there with her parents.

I fucking feel damn petty, but seeing Heather sitting there looking all scared only made me stare at her

a little more.I'm mad at her, sure she probably didn’t see the fucking death-noodle, but she did not get

attacked by a bright white Lycan.

Like fuck, how do you confuse that shit?

"It’s going to be alright." Dad says.

He, Liam and Raihana are by my side, and I'm glad they are.

The girls, Azura, Kat and Song, had messaged earlier to wish me all the best and good luck.

Think I’m going to need more than that shit with how uneasy I’m fucking feeling.

Mama Red,Aunty Raven and Uncle Chris had all called too, but honestly, it’s just making me feel like

this shit is fucking bad...

I'm not sure what to make of the others already gathered here.

Rivers is here too, the dumb cunt.

Those on the jury are seated.

Some of them are from the councils, others are not.

Dad would usually be there, but because I am his daughter, he couldn't.

Grandad Elijah will be joining though, and Allen, an old Alpha who has been by Dad's side for ages, is

on the panel too.

Then we have the witches.

I see Sephora there, and another two.

So Janaina won't be...

Fuck, why do I feel like shit isn’t on my side.

My phone begins ringing and I take it out of my pocket.

As much as I want it to be Royce, I know he wouldn't risk giving me a Call whilst I'm here in this room.

He had already talked to me on the way here, and he was about to catch his flight...fuck.

He had wanted to delay until after the trial, but Dad and Leo had said he should go and had practically

forced him, saying they'll keep him updated.

Dante? The phone rings and I answer it.

"Hey, I’m surprised you called.You're not one to often take a phone with you wherever the hell you are."

I say, not expecting him to call.

"Maybe, but did you think I'd forget to call on such a day?" His voice is soft, and I have to admit I like

him better on the phone.

"Well, you do have a lot going on.I wouldn't have complained, besides I can do without hearing your

voice." I say jokingly.

"Thanks for calling.Sometimes we all need our annoying older brothers to call."

He chuckles, "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint..."

"I'm sure you are far from sorry." I say quietly,glancing around and hoping no one is trying to

eavesdrop, although I know some are close enough and could probably hear the conversation.

"Well, I don't mind annoying you.However, today is not the day to drive you up the wall.Good luck for matter what happens..."

He trails off and I can tell he is struggling, and my heart thuds.

That uneasy feeling from this morning is growing inside of me.

"No matter what happens...?" I urge.

He sighs softly, "No matter what happens, believe in yourself, My Audacious Lioness."

My eyes fly open, remembering the nickname he had given me back when we were younger.He had

randomly given one to Kat and Zu as well… but it’s not one I’ve heard in years ..I hear theirs, but he

and I...we clash more often than not.I take a shaky breath, about to speak, when he beats me to it.

"I love you, little sis, remember that."

"Mm." I say, my heart thudding.

If I say more, I’m going to fucking cry.

Fuck these damn emotions.I’m not a fucking crybaby.I hate crying and I’m doing it far too fucking much


"Same." I manage to mumble.

He chuckles.

"Everyone is with you, and even if we can’t be there in person, we're thinking of you.Take care of

yourself.I'll let you go."

"Thanks." I mutter, keeping my head down before he bids me farewell and hangs up.

Dad pulls me in for a hug, rubbing my back, and I take the moment to rein in my emotions before he

moves back and gives me a nod.

"It's going to be fine." He says.

I nod as someone says we begin in five minutes.

The door opens, and the immense amount of power tells me my family is here before I even see them.

Turning, I see it’s: Mama, Alessandra, the Westwood Five, Asher, Ahren, Rayhan, Delsanra, Chris and

Grandad El stepping inside.

Aripple goes through the room and Dad smirks.

"Looks like your cheerleading squads arrived.They're just missing their pompoms and shit."

I can’t help but smirk at that, as Jayce sends a glare in Dad’s direction.

"Guys!" I say as I rush over, giving Mama a squeeze first before crushing the boys in big bear hugs.

"Urgh no."

Alessandra says when I try to pull her in, and she moves away from the group as if disgusted by them.

"Skyla, hey," Rayhan says, and I cock a brow seeing he’s shortened his hair.I don’t think I’ve seen it

this short in ages.

It's just below his chin and he looks as good as ever.

He gives me a hug and I hug him back.

Hmm, I should steal some pictures, but not sure if anyone will currently buy anything from me.I hug

Delsanra as she smiles at me and wishes me all the best.

"The truth will be revealed."

Grandad says before he kisses my forehead, giving me a pat on the shoulder and heads to the jury


One seat remains empty where Dad would have usually sat.

The centre seat...

Because of me, he couldn't be in his position.

My stomach twists, but that thought disappears when I see none other than Aleric walk inside.


He's dressed all in black.

I’m not sure if it is for the fucking trial or he’s still mourning his brother, but he's just a fucking bastard

who is possibly responsible for all this shit.

He walks swiftly down the aisle and towards me.

Dad's eyes flash, but he says nothing.

There are enough people around me for him not to try anything funny.

"Skyla, I'm so sorry it’s come to this, it’s going to be ok."

He says with concern in his fake-ass eyes.

Go suck on a dick, you prick.

"Of course it is, I did nothing wrong.I’m sorry for the loss of your brother...the Ardens must be feeling

the loss of their very best." I say innocently.

He looks at me sharply and swallows.

Yeah, I thought that'll hit a fucking nerve.

"Yes, he really was..."

"Take your seat Skyla Silara Rossi.The trial will begin soon."

Magdalene says from where she stands at the front.I’m relieved, wanting to get away from the snake-

no pun intended.He gives Rayhan, Delsanra and Mama, who had not left my side, a nod before he

walks to his seat."You got this baby."

Mama says, kissing my forehead.

"Miss Rossi."

Magdalene says.

Drop dead, you old crone.

I walk back to the front, giving her a scathing glare, and take my seat between Raihana and Dad.

Everyone has just settled into their seats when the doors behind us open.

Everyone turns as a surge of power enters the room and I look at the man standing there in a black suit

with a white shirt.

A few buttons are open, showing off the tattoos that cover his neck and like Dad, he wears a few


His brown hair is slicked back, and piercing ice-blue eyes meet mine for a second before they scan the


Behind him there are three women, and my heart skips a beat.

Azura, Kataleya and Song! They're grinning as they look at me.

Come on Sky, did you really think your girls wouldn't be here? Sure, they wished me all the best this

morning, but this really made my day.

Hushed murmurs rush through the room, as all attention falls on Leo.

"Is that...Alpha Leo Rossi?"

"It’s the Alpha of the Sangue pack!"

"He's...he’s here in person."

The crowd, the jury and the other council members are all in awe as they watch the man who has just


A cigarette is in his hand, and he now lights it.

"Since there’s a fucking seat on the jury and everyone can agree that I have a knack for these things, I

will step in for the King."

He says, taking a drag of his cigarette.His voice is powerful, echoing around the room.It's not a

suggestion, it’s a fucking statement.

18 I'm ready for many to argue, but no one speaks as a few nod their approval.

"Alpha Leo is known for his equality..."

".Only recently he’s begun to work alongside the council..."

"He is a man of intelligence and wit..."

"Any objections?"

Leo challenges, I can see Dad smirking and wonder if he knew he'll be coming.

"No, of course not.There is a seat free.I see nothing wrong with it."

Magdalene says, much to my surprise.

"Excellent." Leo replies, smirking.

He then makes his way to the jury stand.He steps up and sits down in Dad’s seat.

Leaning back against the seat, his sharp eyes assess the room, my heart thuds and I realise I know

exactly who Dad will choose as his heir...

My eyes snap to Dad, and his dark eyes meet my questioning ones.

A small smirk crosses his lips in confirmation, and he gives me the tiniest of nods and a wink.

Leo Rossi...

I look back at the stand, his powerful aura surrounds him, and I really fucking don't know how I didn’t

see it before, but he really was born to be aking...

"Let the trial begin."

Update Chapter 100 of The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan

Princess by Moonlight Muse

With the author's famous The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess series authorName that

makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 100 readers Immerse yourself in

love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the The Temptation of Sin And

The Lycan Princess series are available today.

Key: The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess Chapter 100


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