Novel Name : The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 269

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With a masterful show of aloofness, Eder fixed his gaze on the floor. A shell of indifference hardened

around him, infused with a dense melancholy that hung like a thick fog, forming an invisible barrier. It

was an unspoken warning, making it difficult for anyone to dare approach him.

Despite her best efforts, Grace found it increasingly challenging to unravel the labyrinth of his

emotions. Yet, the one emotion she did understand was the raw, white-hot anger churning inside her

like a volcanic eruption waiting to happen. One thought dominated her mind, resounding like a drum in

her heart to beat him senselessly until he’d be rummaging for his teeth on the floor, instilling enough

fear to make him think twice before uttering the words ‘break up” again.

This fiery anger was her guiding compass, leading her across the room, her soft steps barely audible

over the rhythmic hum of the house. Her target the mahogany ruler, stashed away in the first drawer of

the antique bedside table.

However, she hesitated as she extended her hand, ready to clutch the instrument of her rage. The

mahogany ruler was indeed heavy, symbolizing the weight of her fury. But what if she lost control, and

Eder, in his indifference, didn’t dodge in time? What if her wrath did more damage than she intended

But to retreat, to return empty-handed after such a determined advance, would it not make her seem

ridiculous, diminishing the seriousness of her intent?

Stealing a glance at Eder who sat on the floor, her eyes locked with his – his ebony irises revealing

nothing. With no weapon at her disposal, it felt like she was walking into a gunfight with a butter knife. It

was rather embarrassing.

Her gaze flickered to the sleek black leather belt hanging lazily on the coat rack nearby. A silent

determination overtook her as she grabbed it, expertly rolling the soft leather until it fit comfortably in

her hand, the chill of the metal buckle biting into her palm. Armed, she returned to the bed, the stark

contrast of the intimidating belt against her demure stature making a powerful statement.

“Do you see what I have here?” she questioned, her sweet voice adopting a fierce undertone that

carried an unmistakable threat. “Do not tempt me to use it on you!”

Eder’s response was minimal, a subtle flutter of his long lashes as he glanced at her weapon.

sideways. His expression remained unreadable, his eyes cast under a mysterious shadow, an

impenetrable fortress of silence.

“Remember when you clung to me, pleading for another chance, when I had let go? Now that I’m

willing to take a leap of faith with you to explore this future for a longer while, you’re retreating. Why? I

demand a reasonable explanation!” she insisted.

Under the warm glow of the lamplight, Eder’s chiseled face was magnified in all its rugged beauty,

captivating in its silence. A gentle bob of his Adam’s apple betrayed his nervousness as he lowered his

gaze, retreating further into his emotional shell.

His silence was louder than words, a silent protest, a refusal to engage. Was he resorting to the age-

old strategy of the silent treatinent?

Feeling a bitter taste of rejection, Grace bit her lower lip, the sharp sting echoing the throbbing pain in

her heart. “So, you need more time to think, do you? Then take all the time you need! Just make sure

you’ve thought it through thoroughly before opening your mouth again!” she spat out, tossing the belt

onto him.

Turning her back to him, she stormed out, leaving behind a turbulent wave of anger that slammed the

bedroom door shut. With her dramatic exit, a tangible blanket of gloom draped over the room,

permeating every corner with a palpable sense of tension.

The Millio

Chapter 269

Grace retreated to the adjoining room, her decision to sleep separately set in stone!

The night enveloped her with calming silence, but her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Eder’s

indifferent look surfaced every time she shut her eyes, denying her the sweet escape of slumber.

Feeling confined, she sat upright in bed, reaching for her phone. It was 2 a.m. already! Eder hadn’t

attempted to soothe her. Was he genuinely contemplating their breakup?

The thought was absurd, illogical! Grace buried herself under the covers, the alien sensation of solitude

creeping up on her.

That night, both found sleep elusive.

As Grace stirred from her restlessness the following morning. Eder’s door was firmly shut, suggesting

he was yet to rise.

After freshening up, she headed straight to Angle Group, refusing to exchange even a word with Eder.

Of late, 5 City was held hostage by bleak, rainy weather, the towering buildings shrouded in an almost

deathlike gloom.

Feeling a madness within, Grace sat at her desk, her chin resting in her palm, her gaze vacant as she

stared at the relentless rain outside her window.

The rain’s soft rhythm echoed in the room while Eder’s unusual behavior from last night replayed in her

mind like a flickering film reel, distracting her from Beth’s report sprawled in front of her.

Suddenly, she remembered the sound Eder had made when she had flung him off the bed last night.

Eder was known for his tenacity, rarely uttering a sound unless he was feigning petulance or in actual

pain. Yet, even in pain, he was capable of enduring it silently. So how could a simple push from her

result in such a reaction?

The more she contemplated, the more convinced she became that something was amiss. All the signs

pointed towards a possible injury that Eder might have sustained!

His uncharacteristic weakness is why he was caught off guard and easily toppled from the bed. The

realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and she hammered the table in regret.

Last night, blinded by fury, she had overlooked all these signs. Now that she pondered, Eder’s behavior

was a screaming red flag!

The sudden loud noise startled Beth, causing her to quiver slightly. “Director Salen, did I make a

mistake in the report?”

“No.” Grace snapped back to reality, swiftly organizing her bag. “I need to attend to something and. will

have to step out. Continue the report once I’m back. If I don’t return, we can discuss it


The rain in S City grew fiercer by the minute.

Within the confines of the Grant Group’s CEO’s office, Eder sat adjacent to the floor-to-ceiling window,

exuding an air of fatigue and despondency. His black eyes were devoid of the usual spark, almost as if

his life had been sucked out.

His gaze traced the cracks in the window, the relentless rain dividing them further, a stark reminder of

Nick’s words in Frant City.

“The virus in your system will lead to complications over time. It could leave you incapacitated. Grace

may initially pity you, but how long will that last? The moment you resorted to alternative medicine, your

broken body became unworthy of her. If I can’t have her, neither can you!” Nick had.




Underneath his suit’s cuff, Eder’s hand clenched into a tight fist, his complexion paling further, spirits

sinking lower.

Perhaps it was time to stop this self-inflicted torment. A sharp pain was better than a prolonged one.

Making Grace detest him, despise him, allowing her to move past the hurt and start anew seemed like

the best course for her.

Ava, the spokesperson for the LX Project, was elegantly perched on a nearby sofa, pouring herself a

cup of tea.

She was here to discuss the contract’s payment terms with Eder. However, since she had stepped into

the office, Eder seemed to be in his own world, staring at the rain-soaked window for close to half an

hour without acknowledging her presence.

“Mr. Storm, you seem quite out of sorts today. If I had to guess, it’s less about work and more about a

recent tiff with Miss Salen?” Ava’s voice was soft and enticing.

Irritation flashed across Eder’s face. “Know your place. If it’s not your business, don’t pry.”

Taking the hint, Ava smiled. “All right, I won’t intrude. However, should you need assistance with

anything, Mr. Storm, I’ll be more than willing to help!”

Eder seemed indifferent to her sugary tone, even displaying a certain degree of repulsion. “What are

you here for? State your business and leave.”

As Ava rose from her seat, sauntering towards him, preparing to speak, a knock on the door interrupted


“Mr. Storm, Miss Salen is here.”

What?! She came?!

Eer’s heart sk ipped a beat. Swillly, his hand, which

was sed

in a leather glove, seized Ava’s


Ava leaning in to hear Eder’s whispered words was the sight that greeted Grace upon her entry. Their

intimately close proximity and whispered conversation sent a jolt through her. “Eder?”

On hearing Grace’s voice, Ava jerked away from Eder, awkwardly pulling her wrist from his grip,

resuming her previous position.

“Miss Salen, what brings you here? Quite a coincidence…”

The woman’s peculiar behavior only served to deepen Grace’s suspicion. “I’m the one who came at an

inconvenient time? Then what were you two up to?”

Stumbling over her words, Ava quickly glanced at Eder, her cheeks coloring slightly in


“You’re free to imagine whatever you want.” Eder’s deep-set eyes were icy, his voice devoid of warmth.

Provoking her, was he? Grace Inhaled deeply, suppressing the bubbling rage within her, reminding

herself to stay calm. Her icy stare shifted to Ava. “You, step outside.”

Seemingly hesitant, Ava turned towards Eder, her voice sultry, “Mr. Storm…”

Eder remained impassive, his lips pursed tightly, Implicitly giving his consent.

Left with no choice, Ava sashayed out of the office.

Once Ava’s alluring presence had departed, Grace advanced towards Eder, noticing his ashen

complexion. She knelt beside him, placing her hands on his legs, lifting her face to meet his voice a

gentle whisper.




The Millionaire and lia Billisvaire la wife

“Eder, did

you sustain any injuries during your border trip? I’m sorry for my impulsive reaction last night. I didn’t

understand the situation. But you aren’t alone anymore. You don’t have to endure the pain all by

yourself. I’ll stand by you and share your pain. I’m also learning how to pamper you and safeguard you.

Isn’t that good enough?”

Update Chapter 269 of The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-

Wife by Athena

With the author's famous The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 269 readers Immerse yourself in love

anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the The Millionaire And His Billionaire

Ex-Wife series are available today.

Key: The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife Chapter 269


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