Novel Name : The Heir

chapter 10

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MAXIMILLIAN would laugh out loud if only they were not in the middle of a business meeting. The

shock on Victoria’s relatives’ faces when she said she will take the project brought him satisfaction. It

was like a pre-taste of sweet success for him and his wife. But then, it did not last long. Perhaps, it was

too early for triumph.

“Seriously, Victoria? Are you sure you are taking this project?” Iris said after she recovered from the

shock. “Come on, dear cousin. Maybe you should think about this more than a hundred times. Look, I

have been there at the LS Group. They are rude. Gosh, whenever I imagine how miserable my

Dominic looks like that day, I want to cry.”

“Is that so?” Maximillian butt in.

Iris scowled at him. She was about to say something when Franklin started mocking his wife.

“We all know that Victoria will only bring harm to our family’s name and the company.” Franklin looked

in his wife’s direction and sneered. “She can’t do it. Believe me.”

“No, she can.” Maximillian’s fists clenched.

“Really? Then why do you think she remains at the lowest position in the company? Because she’s a

woman who is certainly not capable of running the business—”

“Of course, Victoria is well capable of running the business. It is just that you are not giving her the

chance to prove herself. You and your medieval point of view!” Maximillian snapped. He could not take

it any longer. There was no way he would let that mockery slide this time around. He was not weak

anymore. “She has been doing her best at work. But what did you do? You did not pay attention just

because she is a woman, and you do not believe that she can do what men can do.”

“M-Max…” Victoria grasped his arm. “T-that’s enough—”

“No, Victoria. It’s you… it’s us who had enough of this… crap!” He gritted his teeth. “And you, Franklin.”

Maximillian pointed a finger at his wife’s cousin. “Do you really think you are that good at what you do?”

Franklin’s lips pressed into a grim line. Maximillian was sure that if the Old Mrs. Griffith was not there

as a witness, he would come to him and punch him in the face. The clenching of his jaw says it all.

“How dare you say that you son of a waste!” Franklin snarled. “You don’t even know how to run a


“Well, maybe you are right. I do not know anything. What I know is that you are one lucky guy who

always gets the favor of your grandmother because you are the eldest son of this family. So

convenient, isn’t it?” He sneered.

Of course, Maximillian knew how Franklin stole the projects Victoria worked hard for. But because the

favor of the elders was always in him, his wife would just sulk in their home and acted as if nothing was

wrong later on. Because she was a woman, she did not have the voice to speak for herself. It was as if

she did not have any rights. And it sucks! Gone are the days that the women’s role to the society was

nothing but to stay at home, take care of the kids and her husband. He knew Victoria could do better

than that. She was capable of being the career woman that she wants.

Old Mrs. Griffith stomped her cane on the floor, louder this time. It was her way to silence everyone in

the room.

“Enough. If there is someone who has the final say here, it is me,” the old woman said in a firm tone.

Franklin flashed a smug smile on his face. “See? Grandma has the final say in everything in this

household and the company. If she does not approve of Victoria taking this project, you can’t do

anything about it.” He turned to his grandmother. “Right, grandma?”

“Are you sure that you want to take this project, Victoria?” Old Mrs. Griffith turned to his wife.

Victoria straightened her back and grabbed his hand. It was cold and shaky. So, Maximillian cupped his

wife’s hand, hoping that it would somehow calm her.

“Y-yes, grandma,” Victoria replied in a shaky tone.

“If you win the deal to the LS Group, you will become the general manager.” Old Mrs. Griffith arched a

brow. “And if you fail…”

“Which I am sure will happen,” Franklin chimed in.

“If I fail…” Victoria heaved a sigh. “That means I need to pay for it. I need to—”

“Leave the company,” said Franklin, who cocked his head to the side arrogantly.

Of course, someone needs to pay the price. Maximillian was well aware of that, and Victoria as well.

There was no way the old Mrs. Griffith would let a failure slide.

“Take this project, Victoria. We will see what will happen next,” said Mrs. Griffith.

When his wife’s grandmother went out of the study room, the others followed. Except for Franklin, who

strode towards their direction. The arrogance that he has was overflowing. Maximillian could not wait to

trample him with his feet.

“Max, why don’t we have a bet?” Franklin said nonchalantly.

“A bet?” His brows furrowed. “On what?”


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