Novel Name : The Substitute Wife My Poor Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 478: In Turmoil

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“I talked about it to her on the plane,” Mike explained. “The moment the power goes out where she is

will be the signal that we’ve come to save her. She’ll find a place to hide during the frenzy, and we’ll

rescue her once we’re done dealing with the enemy!”

“If we don’t cut their power and mess up their internal operations, then they will definitely use her as a

hostage to threaten us!”

At the White Mansion, Avery’s voice died down the moment the video call ended.

When she stopped crying and struggling, David’s interest waned.

He was doing this to make Avery his.

Making her his woman was the only way to make her stay willingly!

He had made the video call because he found out that Elliot Foster was Avery’s man.

After seeing her be dishonored, he would definitely not want her anymore.

“Why aren’t you screaming anymore? You’re not seriously thinking that man is coming to save you,

right?” David chuckled and tapped on Avery’s cold face. “Do you know how many hidden soldiers I

have around my mansion on this mountain? Nobody’s getting here without my permission!”

“How long has your daughter been dead?” Avery asked as she stared coldly at him.

Elliot’s voice kept replaying in herza head.

She did not see his face in the video call, but he heard the sound of him choking on his tears.

She had planned to face her death at dawn, but she changed her mind now.

David did not expect her question. He thought for a moment, then answered, “Thirteen years this year.”

“I can bring her back.” Avery gazed at him calmly as she uttered unbelievable words. “I have an

exclusive remedy that we could try. I can’t guarantee its success, but there’s a huge chance.”

David’s instincts told him that she was lying, and his expression was one of shock and rage as he

snapped, “That’s not what you said this morning!”

“What are you afraid of? Even if Elliot comes, wouldn’t he just be walking to his death?! Or were you

just talking big just now?” Avery tried to provoke him. “If I can’t bring your daughter back to life, then I’ll

stay with you for the rest of my life!”

David did not expect her to shoot her mouth off like this.

He nonchalantly got off of her, but his eyes looked her up and down sleazily.

“You’re not my type at all! If you can’t bring my daughter back, then I’ll just give you to my men! They’ll

definitely show you the consequences of lying to me!”

Avery closed her opened shirt, then held back her tears and said coldly, “We need to defrost your

daughter right now!”

The power to the ice room was cut off, and the refrigeration system stopped working

“This would take too long! Should we use a dryer?!” David said impatiently as he stood next to the ice


Avery was sitting next to the ice casket, and her eyes were icy as she said, “No! We need to defrost her

naturally. Otherwise, sudden heat would cause the corpse to immediately start to rot!”

David gritted his teeth and glared frustratedly at Avery.

“If you can’t bring my daughter back to life once the defrosting is over, then you can just look forward to

being ruined by my men!”

Avery’s eyes were bloodshot, and she was shivering from the cold air emanating from the ice casket.

She wondered if she would die from the cold before the corpse was done defrosting.

It was close to sunrise, and Elliot had lost the opportunity to move before dawn.

According to their plan, moving in at night was better for both their success rate and Avery’s safety.

Mike had guaranteed the night before that he would be able to cut off all the power at the mansion by

midnight, but he had broken his word!

Elliot pulled out a handgun and placed the barrel against Mike’s temple.

“If anything happens to Avery, you’re paying for it with your life!”

“Go on, then! You might as well just f*cking kill me now to pay for her life!”

Mike had spent the past two nights without sleep, and he was on the brink of a breakdown.

As Eliot saw the tears welling up in Mike’s pale blue eyes, his grip on the handgun loosened.

“What are you crying for? Do you think Avery’s already dead?” Elliot croaked, his voice was low and

had a hint of his own uncertainty.


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