Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Chapter 535 Will You Kick Me out?

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“Did she tell you all of this?” Karl asked.

“Yes. So, why do you want to invest in Daydream?” Anna replied.

Karl laughed and said, “I’m just doing this to show everyone what I’m capable of. Peace always thinks

I’m a slacker, and Wayne canceled the project of our new company. So | had no choice but to…”

“Peace didn’t think of you that way at all.” Anna thought carefully about his words before asking, “What

did you just say? What do you mean that Wayne isn’t going to start a new business? He had never told

me that before!”

It wasn’t until then that Karl realized he had spilled the beams, so he covered his mouth regretfully.

“Are you guys hiding something from me?” Anna asked, her gaze fixed

on Karl.


At night, the temperature in Cliatin dropped below zero. And there were few people on the street. In the

morning, the weather forecast showed that there would be a snowstorm in the evening. But it hadn’t yet

snowed at 11 pm.

All day, Anthony hadn’t said much to Chelsea during work After the last customer had left, Anthony’s

expression returned to seriousness. Anthony then began to wipe the cash register clean. He wiped it

slowly and

seemed to be in deep thought.

“You’ve wiped the register five times already. It will melt if you keep doing it.” Chelsea pouted and said.

Her demeanor remained unfriendly, 534 Will You Kick Me out?

534 Will You Kick Me out? “Did she tell you all of this?” Karl asked.

“Yes. So, why do you want to invest in Daydream?” Anna replied.

Karl laughed and said, “I’m just doing this to show everyone what I’m capable of. Peace always thinks

I’m a slacker, and Wayne canceled the project of our new company. So | had no choice but to…”

“Peace didn’t think of you that way at all.” Anna thought carefully about his words before asking, “What

did you just say? What do you mean that Wayne isn’t going to start a new business? He had never told

me that before!”

It wasn’t until then that Karl realized he had spilled the beams, so he covered his mouth regretfully.

“Are you guys hiding something from me?” Anna asked, her gaze fixed

on Karl.


At night, the temperature in Cliatin dropped below zero. And there were few people on the street. In the

morning, the weather forecast showed that there would be a snowstorm in the evening. But it hadn’t yet

snowed at 11 pm.

All day, Anthony hadn’t said much to Chelsea during work After the last customer had left, Anthony’s

expression returned to seriousness. Anthony then began to wipe the cash register clean. He wiped it

slowly and seemed to be in deep thought.

“You’ve wiped the register five times already. It will melt if you keep doing it.” Chelsea pouted and said.

Her demeanor remained unfriendly, 534 Will You Kick Me out? and her expression cold.

Hearing that, Anthony froze for a second. He wanted to tell her what he was thinking, but he

expression. “All right, then I’ll go clean the coffee machine,” he said. He then wiped the coffee machine

with the rag.

Chelsea kept her arms folded as she stared at him, then she said coldly, “You’ve wiped it three times,


Instantly, Anthony stopped walking.

“Do you want to say something to me?” Chelsea asked. She didn’t seem to be asking him but rather

forcing him to speak.

“Yes, | have something to ask you about,” he said briefly after a pause.

“You can ask me right now.”

Fixing his gaze on the girl in front of him, he didn’t know which of the many questions he wanted to ask

should come first. What is your name? What brought you here? Why don’t you bring your ID card? Why

did you decide to visit this small town? Are you a college student? How old are you? /s that necklace

yours? Who gave it to you? He thought.

Eventually, Anthony decided to go with the most basic one, “What’s your name?”

Chelsea fixed her gaze on him, expecting him to ask another question. “Chelsea,” she finally replied.

“| mean, your real name. | gave you the name Chelsea. | just want to know…” Anthony didn’t finish his

sentence because he couldn’t look Chelsea in the eyes anymore. “And how long do you intend to

stay?” He asked once more.

“It depends on when you’re going to kick me out,” Shrugging, she 534 Will You Kick Me out? answered.

Anthony shook his head and said helplessly, “No, I’m not kicking you out! Please ignore Franz. He’s

just too vigilant. I’ll change the code tomorrow, so he won’t be able to get in.” He then looked Chelsea

in the eyes and said, “You can stay in my house as long as you want if you don’t mind.”

After the conversation was over, Anthony started restocking the shelves. After finishing this work, he

looked at his watch and said, “We can leave now. Nobody would be here tonight.”

Chelsea glanced at the wall clock, then shook her head. “It’s not yet time to switch shifts. Sally couldn’t

come tonight. | promised to switch shifts with her.”

“That’s fine. I’ll tell the store manager. The manager didn’t intend to keep the store open in such bad

weather, anyways.”

As they were leaving, it began to snow. Anthony wheeled his bike ahead, and Chelsea followed close


“It’s snowing.” He said.

Chelsea asked, looking at the back of his car, “When did you put a back seat on your bike?”

“| put one on yesterday because | thought | could take you on my bike,” Anthony explained, scratching

his brow.

“Let’s go,” Chelsea said, putting on her backpack and pulling on the back of her bike. She stared at

Anthony quietly. She didn’t say anything, but her body language suggested she wanted Anthony to take

her on his bike.

Knowing that, Anthony’s eyes glowed. “Come on, let’s go,” he said right away. 534 Will You Kick Me

out? A

The street was spacious, with stores and restaurants on both sides. A few college students walked

down the street, all wrapped in thick scarves and hats.

Anthony rode slowly because his bike was old. And Chelsea tugged tightly on his down jacket to

prevent herself from falling. When she put on her hat, she felt warm. She smiled, as she had never

smiled so happily for the past few days. This is the life / should be leading. It’s a little difficult, but

everything is real, She thought.

The blizzard lasted all night. By midnight, the entire city had been blanketed in snow. When Anthony

awoke the next morning, he noticed snow plows were working on the road.

Anthony called the store manager to tell him that he and Chelsea were taking time off. He then made

breakfast for two and waited for Chelsea to get up.

“How about | take you to lunch today? I’ll introduce you to some of my

friends. They’re all good people,” With a smile, Anthony said to the girl.

Chelsea took a seat at the table. “All right,” she said. And her eyes widened when she heard the news

on the TV.

Seeing that, Anthony reached for the remote and attempted to change the channel, but she stopped

him. “Where is this place?” she asked.

“That commercial development is being built on Fleet Street. Is there a problem?”

Meanwhile, news reporter was at the construction site, as seen on TV. “A construction project on Fleet

Street collapsed last night at 2:10 am. The fire department is doing everything possible to search and

rescue, and there have been no casualties. The Carousel Group owns the project, and the group’s

leader visited the site this morning to assess the situation in person. We’ll keep tuned…”

Then the photographer focused his lens on a young woman in the distance. And the reporter

approached her quickly and then pointed the microphone at her. However, the bodyguards stopped the

reporters. And the woman used her hands to block the camera, saying, “Sorry, no comment.”

The bouncer knocked over the camera, causing the screen to go dark. The news screen returned to

the indoor broadcast in the next second. The next second, the host said, “In order to gain profit, the

Carousel Group has done something illegal. The head of the Group is not yet 18 years old, so we can’t

judge whether he can take responsibility for this matter. But there is no doubt that the Carousel Group

will be solely responsible for this matter.”

Shocked, Chelsea placed her fork firmly on the table.

“What’s wrong?” Anthony asked Chelsea in surprise.

Chelsea frowned and asked, “Where is Fleet Street? I’m going there.”

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