Novel Name : Stuck in you

Chapter 67 Car Accident

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"It's up to you. If you could perhaps think of a better idea, then I am more than happy to oblige," said

Rachel, pursing her lips.

If he would just make Celine pregnant, that would put a full stop to their wedding. Anything that would

make their separation quicker was fine by her.

As far as she was concerned, he could do as he pleased. He was free to cross all the limits.

"Okay," Jack nodded.

Rachel held Mendes in her arms and got out of the car. While carrying him, she realized he was quite a

fat boy.

As soon as she stepped out of the car, she was overcome by fatigue. Pleadingly, she looked at the boy

and asked, "Mendes, can you walk please?"

"Okay," he replied obediently.

Jack drove the car slowly backward, turned around and drove away. Mendes blinked and withdrew his

sight from Jack's car. His gaze was now on Rachel. With utter confusion, he asked, "Rachel, are you

getting divorced with that uncle?"

Rachel was surprised. She smiled and poked his little face. "Yes."

But Mendes seemed a little perturbed by her answer. "What about your baby? Don't you want it?"

"My baby?" Rachel was embarrassed. "We don't have a baby."

"You don't have a baby? Where is the baby then?"

She didn't expect this kid to be so curious. Even though he was a child, there was something adult-like

about his queries. Rachel couldn't tell him the truth. Hence she wracked her mind for a lie to cover it

up. "It hasn't come yet," she said, not meeting Mendes' eyes.

Right when Rachel was consumed in this awkward situation, Lea came and began to wave her hands

in order to catch Rachel's attention. Leaving the taxi, she was now striding towards them. Rachel let

out a sigh of relief, knowing she wouldn't have to fill Mendes with more lies.

Jack was very serious about what he said and was still contemplating it. After all, it seemed like the

only way to get rid of the tangle they were in.

In the beginning, his intention was to get a divorce in a simpler way.

There was no point in making unnecessary trouble. He didn't want to be with Rachel for another year.

If there was anyone Jack respected, then it was his father. He would do nothing that would bring

disappointment on his face. So he tried his best to do what his father asked him to do.

As for the requirement he mentioned, Jack could not accept it.

In their opinion, the reason why he opposed to the idea was because of Celine. But Jack didn't think


Subconsciously, the first emotion he felt was awkwardness when his father asked him to live with

Rachel. The whole thing sounded absurd.

He had been a playboy and was seldom bothered by women. But this time, for the first time, a woman

made him embarrassed.

The more Jack thought about it, the funnier it felt. The mockery on his face didn't last long and the

dream he had last night flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, Jack heard a shrill whistling sound. An oncoming Jeep passed him. He turned the steering

wheel quickly, returning from his reverie. With his eyes wide open, he kicked on the brakes.

He had a narrow escape from the Jeep. The front part of the car turned into a green belt. All of a

sudden, it crashed into a pillar. With a loud thud, the engine began to give out smoke.

The car lost control and skidded sideways, stepping on the green belt.

The windshield was broken into a spider web as the car jolted dramatically. The airbag popped out from

the car and protected his head.

Jack was still in a state of shock. All of a sudden, something sticky and warm dropped down along the

corner of his eye from his forehead.

The passers-by and cars stopped one after another. All of them were trying to decipher how brutally

hurt he was.

Michael and Marcus rushed to the hospital as soon as they received the message from Jack. After

inquiring from the receptionist, they were given Jack's ward number. He was sitting with a bandage

wrapped on his forehead.

Jack was okay now but had three stitches on his forehead. However, his car was in a rough condition

and had to be repaired.

The doctor advised him to sit in a wheelchair as his ankle was a little twisted.

But the doctor's suggestion was refused by Jack immediately. He'd rather cut his feet than sit in a

wheelchair. The idea sounded ridiculous!

But after the sprain, it was very inconvenient for him to walk. With every move he took, a piercing pain

entered his leg.

So he took his phone and rang Michael, asking him to come over. Marcus was with Michael at that

time, so he came along.

"How did this happen?"

"Car accident," Jack replied without bothering to explain.

"Buddy, a car accident but how?" Unintentionally, Michael looked him up and down and breathed a sigh

of relief.

Then, he patted on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Thank God, you're all right. I am glad you are

still alive."

Not in the mood to talk to him, Jack rolled his eyes at him.

Marcus was more conscientious. He frowned and asked worriedly, "Are you okay now? Is there any

other injury?"

"No." There was no other injury on his body except for the wound on his forehead and the sprained


He came out of the car with the help of the traffic police. As he dragged himself out of the car, his

forehead bled profusely.

The driver who had almost bumped into him was still in a state of shock. The tissue which Jack had

grabbed to stop the bleeding had turned black. The sight inspired fear in everyone's heart. People were

whispering amongst themselves, trying to understand the gravity of his condition.

Luckily, he was able to calmly communicate with the traffic police and describe the accident to him.

If someone saw, they would have assumed the Jeep driver had been the injured one.

He was trembling so much that it was hard for people to decipher what he was saying. In between, he

nearly fainted.

Looking at Jack's wound, he stuttered, "A-are you all right? You are bleeding profusely. Does it hurt?"

Jack was already impatient, these questions put him in a sour mood. In the mirror, he glanced at his

own wound.

Indeed it was bleeding, but he felt no pain at that moment. However, the sight was quite daunting.

Internally, he was as shocked as everyone else. But he was very good at hiding his true emotions. He

shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal.

The more scared he felt, the calmer he pretended. As soon as he got in the ambulance and arrived at

the hospital, he found that his legs were nearly numb.

Now he was thinking back about the car's condition. He had to admit that what Michael said was right.

It was a miracle to be still alive. If he wasn't lucky, he would have been squashed like the car.

'I could have been bedridden forever!' he thought and creases of a frown appeared on his face.

And now having these two with him made him happy. He said calmly, "My feet hurts. Give me a hand

since I need support."

Even though physically he wasn't badly injured, his mental health had been harmed. He felt powerless

in his heart. The fear that had crept into his heart while the car collided was still lingering in his mind.

For a moment, Jack thought he was going to die there.

When he said so, both of them stretched out their hands to hold him. After a pause, Jack accepted their

help to walk to the elevator. It was much better than sitting in a wheelchair.

Knowing it wasn't easy for him to walk fast, they both walked at a snail's pace.

Michael frowned seeing how badly Jack was wincing. "What happened? Both your legs were hurt?"

"I sprained my left foot. It is no big deal," Jack replied, not wanting to dwell more on this topic.

"How did this happen?" Marcus exclaimed in disbelief. From what he knew, Jack was a careful driver.

He wasn't someone who would drive recklessly.

Unable to answer this question, Jack just said, "I'm responsible for it. I didn't drive carefully this time."

He couldn't tell them the reason he almost crashed with the oncoming Jeep. After all, he was lost in

thoughts, thinking about his dear wife! Her thoughts had brought him down to this.

If the car hadn't honked its horn in time, he might have been lying in bed, either dead or on the verge of


"You want us to drive you home?" Michael asked.

"Yes, please."

On the other hand, Rachel and Lea were hanging out.

"Where did you go today?"

Not letting Rachel talk, Mendes replied enthusiastically, "We went to Grandpa Jonathan's house and

stayed there for a night! There were many interesting staff and delicious food! He is a wonderful man!"

The answer was so funny that Lea didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. It sounded like he had

come straight out of a fairy tale.

"Is that all? Is there anything more interesting that you want to tell me about?"

Mendes shook his head and said, "No, that's all. But there were so many interesting people!"

"Who are they?"

"A beautiful lady, a chubby aunt and an uncle. He slept with me and Rachel in the evening."

Rachel almost spat out the coffee she was drinking. With an embarrassed face, she looked at Lea who

was startled by this information. Hurriedly, she went on to explain, "Don't take it wrong. I just went back

to Fu family's residence."

Lea squinted her eyes. "The man who slept with you... is Jack?"

After stuttering for a while, Rachel managed to speak. "Mendes slept in the middle, between the two of

us. That's all, don't misinterpret the situation." However, her words weren't convincing.

In truth, they had carried Mendes to the side of the bed when he was sound asleep. And then she and

Jack had slept together.

Just the thought of it left Rachel scared. She was not used to sleeping with others. And she loved

having the whole bed to herself.

But last night, it didn't bother her. In fact, she had a sound sleep.

As soon as Mendes moved to the other side, she fell into a deep sleep. All along, Jack was in the bed

with her. This memory disturbed her.

Thinking of that, Rachel felt a little embarrassed and ashamed. At that moment, Mendes added, "Yes,

that's how I sleep with my mom and dad. They keep me in the middle. But when I wake up the next

morning, I find myself outside. Is that called magic?"

Mendes was only a child. He didn't know anything about hiding or keeping a secret. He spoke nothing

but the truth.

However, these words made Lea even more suspicious. Rachel looked like a dear caught in the


"Last night, you two..." Lea couldn’t believe her ears!

In spite of this, Rachel tried to defend herself. In a very unconvincing voice, she said, "Don't listen to

him. After all, he is just a child. Children talk nonsense..."


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