Novel Name : The Return of the Disguised Princess

Chapter 170

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Chapter 171 Being Ripped Off

This person must be crazy, to let me go to such a far place so late at night to discuss the plot with him.

Didn’t he suffer enough last time, this time he thought I would go?

“Director Wale, are you kidding me? It’s not convenient for me to rush to the set right now.”

Amelie didn’t even bother to express euphemistically, and directly rejected Jay.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and his tone became cold.

“Amelie, as the saying goes, a newcomer must work hard to overcome difficulties. I promised that I will

take care of you a lot. You should seize every opportunity to learn.”

“Don’t always have the mentality that someone will harm you, and don’t refuse me for no reasons. You

must accept your character as a spoiled young girl who has been stubborn for many years. Now you

are just an actor.”

If it was any other senior director, she would bear to be criticized like this, but the person on the other

side is Jay. What right does he have to criticize her?

Anyway, Amelie was not convinced, and would never suffer from such a dumb loss, so she turned back


“With the Mullen family’s ability, our family can accept this script or not. I have the capital to play the

character of a young lady. Unlike some people who can’t live without this script!”

Director Wale on the opposite side was choked for a long time and didn’t speak for a long time, his face

must have been

flushed red.

Before accepting this script, Amelie was already prepared to fight against these people, and this is a

protracted battle. She will have a positive mentality to face them.

“Everything must be reasonable. Now is my time to rest, and I should rest. I will do my best in my job. It

is enough to complete the quality and quantity of the work. Director Wang, you don’t have to morally

blackmail me.”

beep beep….

Amelie sneered, and Jay hung up the phone without saying a word. What kind of attitude is this?

If it was someone else, she would definitely beat him back and scold him to the last minute But this

person is Jay, and she would vomit if she heard too much of this person’s voice. So she chose to forget

about it.

That person should be so angry, otherwise he wouldn’t hang up the phone without saying anything.

Who knows what will happen to her if she goes there?

So now she has to sleep and turn off her phone.

In order not to be harassed by such inexplicable phone calls anymore, she decided to turn off the

phone, but as soon as she pressed the power button, a strange text message was sent over.

It’s an unknown number from overseas.

“If you don’t want to be exposed by me just like this, come to the set obediently within half an hour,

otherwise the news will be made public tomorrow.”

Amelie really wanted to clean up this text message as spam and fraudulent text messages and ignore

it, but she had to consider

the bigger picture.

At the bottom of the text message, the person wrote every step of her plan clearly. This is not an easy

person. She didn’t even mention these plans to Aaron and her father.

Why would he know so clearly?

“Who are you?”

Amelie really took the bait. She wouldn’t allow the slightest mistake in her plan, otherwise all the efforts

she made would be in


“You don’t need to know who I am. If you don’t arrive at the set within half an hour, I will make your

relationship with the president of the Cayenne Group public and let everyone know that you got this

role through a superior.”

Relationship with President Cayenne?

Wouldn’t it be the same as saying Jeff’s aunt was being cheated on if the news spread?

This person is really different, he even knows about the relation between her and the president of


Her identity cannot be exposed, otherwise the Mullen family’s battle to enter the Four Great Families

will surely fail.

Amelie knows that there are dangers waiting for her, but she has to find out. This text message must be

a trap.

They racked their brains to induce her to go to the set. There must be danger waiting for her.

But she had to go, at least she had to figure out where these people came from.

The wind in Oakland is extremely chilling at night, especially in the middle of the night. In order not to

be discovered by her brothers, Amelie tied a sheet from the window on the second floor of her room

and rolled it down. It won’t hurt very much.

Amelie didn’t like going out at night, because she always feels uncomfortable and insecure. This time,

she didn’t care to think so much. His tone was not very similar to that of Jay.

But she guessed that this person and Jay were on the same side, or that Jay had already been bribed

by this person, it might not be possible, but Amelie couldn’t guess why they want her to go to the set so


For this reason, Amelie also disguised herself and covered herself tightly, as if she was afraid of being

caught by the paparazzi.

Amelie’s movements were very fast, and it took only 20 minutes to reach the entrance of the studio, but

the studio did not turn on the lights at all, and there was only a faint detection light.

This is strange, Jay is not here, the mysterious person is not there, and even the staff are not there.

Jay said that he has been working overtime here, which is really ridiculous.

Didn’t they expect that they would really come?


Just as she was thinking, a big rough hand suddenly covered her mouth, and she could feel a strong

force imprisoning herself from behind. Amelie was caught off guard.

Before she could see who was behind her, Amelie lost consciousness in less than a minute.

“You’d better move quickly, I want someone to spread the news before dawn.”

“Don’t worry, I have already transferred the money to your account, a total of two million.”

The voices of a man and a woman came from beside her silently, and Amelie was so limp and weak

that she didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes to see

But she could feel that she was still falling into the arms of some man.

“Move quickly, otherwise, if someone who saves her comes later, you won’t be able to have her.”

Feeling the rush all the way, the surrounding environment changed from noisy to secluded. She should

have been taken to the hotel. When Amelie walked in, she was in a closed room.

There were mirrors on all sides, and a spotlight in the middle that can blind one’s eyes, which made her

feel awful. Amelie was tied in the middle.

“The little beauty finally woke up, do you know how long I’ve been eager to have you?”

An uninvited guest suddenly broke into the room, and that person was Jay. Only then did she realize

that she was deceived by


Tired all over, she was bound tightly, unable to move at all.

“I like it dirty. If you behave good, I can loosen your rope. It’s more comfortable. I will let you go after we



Amelie snapped on him hard, “Your smiling face is making me sick”

Jay was provoked by her.


Jay slapped on Amelie’s face, men who beat women are all scum!

Amelie was neither humble nor overbearing, and was not frightened by Jay’s slap at all. She remained


“Do you know what I hate the most about you? It’s this condescending face, as if everyone owes you.

Aren’t you the daughter of the Mullen family? Why are you so cocky?”

Then there was another slap, and he slammed it on her face very hard. Amelie stared at him angrily,

and her eyes were full of


“What’s the matter, you can’t deal with me now? Aren’t you a sharp–tongued?”

Jay rushed forward to pull Amelie’s clothes. Amelie seized the timing, kicked him in the crotch with one

leg, Jay fell to the ground groaning in pain.

“You bitch, do you want to die?”

Amelie’s actions completely angered him, and after recovering, he got up and slapped Amelie severely.

The stool under her was broken at this moment, and Amelie fell heavily on the ground, her internal

organs ached.

“Let me tell you, I bought you back with two million dollars. No one can take you away today. You’d

better obey me obediently,

or I will make your life worse than death. Take a look at this pretty face. A little scratch will disfigure

you, and you won’t be able to meet anyone again, let’s see how arrogant you are at that time.”

Jay took out a dagger from nowhere, and approached Amelie’s face. The blade was so sharp that it

might scratch her face at any


“Did Cynthia brainwash you to deal with me? Don’t be fooled by her. You will go to jail for doing this!”

Amelie is still very calm until now, maybe she knows that Jay is not trying to hurt her but is scaring her

to be obedient. Anyway she remained very calm.

But her calmness and rationality made Jay more angry. “Stop talking nonsense, if you don’t want to be

disfigured, just be obedient, if you behave well, I won’t treat you badly in the future.”

Then the man began to take off his pants, Amelie felt sick and closed her eyes, her hands were

trembling uncontrollably, and she was still trying to calm down.

Before she came, she called Lamont, wondering if the man could arrive at the critical moment.

The light from the spotlight was too strong. It caused white and black spots to appear in her eyes, and

her head felt dizzy again and again.

Jay couldn’t wait to enjoy the beautiful girl. He was so excited that he didn’t know what to do first. He

rubbed his hands with a creepy smile to take off Amelie’s clothes.

Of course he won’t succeed. Just when Amelie was struggling desperately to find a chance to escape,

the door was slammed open by a strong force.

Although the man turned his back to the light, Amelie still saw Lamont’s slender and tall figure from the

wall surrounded by


Before the divorce, Amelie felt that Lamont was a hell on earth, he did everything wrong to her, even

sent her to prison with his own hands, and cruelly left their children behind, everything was still vivid in

her memory.

She didn’t know when her attitude towards Lamont started to change. When she was in a critical

moment, Lamont always appeared in front of her, like a savior.

Every time she had a moment of embarrassment with herself, he stood up to rescue her when her was

most embarrassed.

Jay was stunned in astonishment, he was grabbed by Lamont several times, and then he was thrown

out a few meters away by Lamont. The corner of his mouth was immediately stained with blood.

“Stupid woman, you know it’s a trap, and you’re rushing over here. If I’m a few minutes late, you’ll be

eaten by thieves.”

Lamont walked forward slowly, seeing her embarrassed appearance with mixed feelings, self–blaming,

complaining, distressed, everything seemed to be there, and of course, there was also disgust and

hatred for Jay.

No one dared to touch Lamont’s woman, only Jay. He was close to death. But now he didn’t have the

energy to deal with this man who was exuding a stench, he needed to make sure Amelie’s safety first.

After unraveling the rope, the white and tender skin was bruised, with red scars.

The delicate face was swollen from the slap, presumably that person must have been very vicious.

Lamont took off his suit jacket and wrapped Amelie skillfully, “Wait here for me.”

There was no unnecessary nonsense throughout the whole process. At that moment, Amelie even felt

that this man was


If time goes back and they are not married, she will fall in love with him without hesitation and marry

him at the moment of countless encounters.

It seems that ever since she entered Prosperity Global Entertainment, the relationship between the two

has become more and more complicated.

In the meantime, Lamont took off his tie, and creaked his wrist. A slap like thunder slapped Jay’s face,

which instantly swelled.

“Lamont! It’s just a woman, what’s your problem? Are you crazy?”

Jay was beaten so hard by Lamont that he yelled at him while backing away desperately, “I bought her

back with two million, so I can deal with her as I like.”

With a snort, Lamont stepped on Jay’s face and pushed him hard.

“What did you say? You bought her? Is it your first day in Oakland? She is the daughter of the richest

man in Oakland, and every single hair on her body is worth killing you!”

When Lamont said these words, he gritted his teeth, wanting to tear the person in front of him to


“Even if I don’t deal with you today, the Mullen family will still skin you and beat you to ashes. Do you

think today’s consequences is as simple as losing some money?”

Jay was a little scared, and he faltered and distorted the facts, “It’s not my fault, it was obviously

Amelie’s voluntary, in order to get more resources, she tied herself up because she wanted to have


The stinky man is still lying, and every word he utters makes people sick.

“Bullshit! I think you are polluting the air with such disgusting words!”

Amelie couldn’t help cursing back, if it wasn’t for the soreness all over her body, she would have gone

up and cut off the bastard’s tongue.

Lamont smiled casually, “Since he hurt your face, let’s cut off his tongue as one of the compensations.”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the air, and his assistant Miriam

came with a group of strong black–clothed bodyguards and scarves, and surrounded Jay.

Lamont turned around and lightly hugged Amelie, “Remember to clean up the scene.”

Miriam took the order, and the people under him quickly took out the tools, followed by the sound of Jay

in terror and begging for mercy. Before leaving, Lamont said one more thing.

“His thing is useless, cut it too.”

Amelie’s eyes widened suddenly, in disbelief.

She looked towards the black–clothed bodyguard behind them, the dagger they held is the one held in

Jay’s hand just now.

Update of The Return of the Disguised Princess

by Emma R. Rodriguez

With the author's famous The Return of the Disguised Princess series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 170 readers Immerse yourself in love

anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the The Return of the Disguised

Princess series are available today.

Key: The Return of the Disguised Princess Chapter 170


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