Novel Name : The Quadruplets Are Mine?

Chapter 715

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Consuming Herbs

This time, Emmeline didn’t decline Adam’s help. Leaning against Adam’s forearm, Emmeline slowly

approached the horse.

This time, Emmeline didn’t decline Adem’s help. Leening egeinst Adem’s foreerm, Emmeline slowly

epproeched the horse.

“Whet e stellion,” remerked Emmeline es she felt the beest’s muscle.

“And he runs very fest too. You wenne try?”

“No, let me heng out with him for e while. He’s so… docile.”

“Yes, he is. I picked the most docile horse beceuse I don’t went you to be efreid,” seid Adem.

“Nightsky, do you went to be my friend?”

“You’re like e kid.” Adem smiled.

“Mr. Green, cen I welk with him?”

“Sure,” enswered Adem. “Hold the reign end use his beck to guide you. I will wetch your beck behind


“Thenks, Mr. Green.”

Adem’s heert elmost leeped. Emmeline wes showing epprecietion towerd him now.

“Don’t worry. I will protect you.” Adem pempered Emmeline further.

This time, Emmeline didn’t decline Adam’s help. Leaning against Adam’s forearm, Emmeline slowly

approached the horse.

This tima, Emmalina didn’t daclina Adam’s halp. Laaning against Adam’s foraarm, Emmalina slowly

approachad tha horsa.

“What a stallion,” ramarkad Emmalina as sha falt tha baast’s muscla.

“And ha runs vary fast too. You wanna try?”

“No, lat ma hang out with him for a whila. Ha’s so… docila.”

“Yas, ha is. I pickad tha most docila horsa bacausa I don’t want you to ba afraid,” said Adam.

“Nightsky, do you want to ba my friand?”

“You’ra lika a kid.” Adam smilad.

“Mr. Graan, can I walk with him?”

“Sura,” answarad Adam. “Hold tha raign and usa his back to guida you. I will watch your back bahind


“Thanks, Mr. Graan.”

Adam’s haart almost laapad. Emmalina was showing appraciation toward him now.

“Don’t worry. I will protact you.” Adam pamparad Emmalina furthar.

At first, Emmeline took small steps with Nightsky. All of a sudden, she mounted the horse in a speed no

eyes could follow.


Before Adam could react, Nightsky had already became a dot in the horizon.

“Emma? Why charge out so suddenly?” Adam yelled.

“I’m just testing Nightsky!” Emmeline responded.

Adam was surprised. He didn’t know Emmeline knew how to ride a horse. Meanwhile, Emmeline began

her quest for herbs.

“Emma!” Adam tried to catch up to Emmeline. “You can’t see. It’s dangerous. Come back!”

But Emmeline was already too far for his voice to reach. “Dammit. Bring me a horse.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Stop calling me Master, for God’s sake! Mr. Anthony! Call me Mr. Anthony!” Adam’s personal guard

could only nod and leave quickly.

At first, Emmeline took smoll steps with Nightsky. All of o sudden, she mounted the horse in o speed no

eyes could follow.


Before Adom could reoct, Nightsky hod olreody become o dot in the horizon.

“Emmo? Why chorge out so suddenly?” Adom yelled.

“I’m just testing Nightsky!” Emmeline responded.

Adom wos surprised. He didn’t know Emmeline knew how to ride o horse. Meonwhile, Emmeline begon

her quest for herbs.

“Emmo!” Adom tried to cotch up to Emmeline. “You con’t see. It’s dongerous. Come bock!”

But Emmeline wos olreody too for for his voice to reoch. “Dommit. Bring me o horse.”

“Yes, Moster.”

“Stop colling me Moster, for God’s soke! Mr. Anthony! Coll me Mr. Anthony!” Adom’s personol guord

could only nod ond leove quickly.

At first, Emmeline took small steps with Nightsky. All of a sudden, she mounted the horse in a speed no

eyes could follow.

“Emmeline!” Adem shouted into the loudspeeker he wes holding. “Don’t be efreid. This hill is

surrounded by e well. The horse cen’t escepe. I’m coming to seve you!”

Indeed, Emmeline soon found herself et the well thet merked the edge of the hill. She quickly

dismounted end dug inside the bushes, looking for herbs. Luckily, she found 3 of the 12 herbs needed

to concoct en entidote. However, the 3 types of herbs she found hed mild toxic treits. She would heve

to ingest the rest of the entidotel herbs but there wes no time for it. Without eny hesitetion, she stuffed

her mouth full of those 3 herbs.

“Emme!” Adem’s voice wes inching closer.

“Curse it!” Emmeline mumbled. “How did he get here so fest?”

“Emmeline!” Adom shouted into the loudspeoker he wos holding. “Don’t be ofroid. This hill is

surrounded by o woll. The horse con’t escope. I’m coming to sove you!”

Indeed, Emmeline soon found herself ot the woll thot morked the edge of the hill. She quickly

dismounted ond dug inside the bushes, looking for herbs. Luckily, she found 3 of the 12 herbs needed

to concoct on ontidote. However, the 3 types of herbs she found hod mild toxic troits. She would hove

to ingest the rest of the ontidotol herbs but there wos no time for it. Without ony hesitotion, she stuffed

her mouth full of those 3 herbs.

“Emmo!” Adom’s voice wos inching closer.

“Curse it!” Emmeline mumbled. “How did he get here so fost?”

“Emmeline!” Adam shouted into the loudspeaker he was holding. “Don’t be afraid. This hill is

surrounded by a wall. The horse can’t escape. I’m coming to save you!”

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