Novel Name : A Trillionaire’s Revenge

Chapter CHAPTER 2

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Preparations for my birthday had begun. Judith had bragged to her friends about her only child turning

twenty and as for my father, I wondered why he always looked tensed.

Rocky had payed me a visit for a short while. After Rocky's exit, thankfully, Aunt Ruth had come and

she'd gifted me a lovely custom made Versace nude evening dress that complemented my skin and

showed off my essential curves. I had decided that I would leave the next morning after a proper thank

you speech to my parents. I was half scared that my parents would somehow find out I'd had sex with

Rocky if I stayed behind.


Going downstairs , as I inspect the decor, I realize that they're dull and boring, but extremely

expensive. I would have preferred gold or burgundy decorations or a livelier color, but my parents had

instead, gone with a pale and annoying shade of grey.

"Thanks, I really love it, Maggie." I say to the cook, who'd just given me a pair of sandals.

"Yes, Natalie. You're such an amazing person. I'll head back to the kitchen now before your mother

sees me." She says and we both chuckle.

Maggie and I spent a lot of time together in the kitchen. She'd been more of a mother than my own



A few hours later..

It was my birthday, the birthday had begun, and it was time for me to make my grand entry.

"Natalie, darling, are you ready?" Aunt Ruth says, escorting next into the party.

"Happy birthday Natalie!" The room echoes, giving me a warm feeling. I echo a thank you, and

immediately, my eyes fall on Rocky. He was dressed in a black tux, his hair styled backwards. I smile at

him, looking forward to our adventurous night.

"My darling. Happy birthday to you, my love. You make me proud." Judith says, a glass of champagne

in her hand. I could feel the pretense fill the atmosphere. I roll my eyes internally and graciously smile

back at her. I walk away, towards my friends, but I bump into dad.

"Natalie, congratulations. You're a woman now," He says, smiling at me.

"Yes, daddy, thank you." I respond, hugging him.

"I'll go see my friends now." I say to him. I walk off again.

"You'll be a great friend to our son, David when he comes from France" Senator Jackson, her dad's

close friend and business associate says to Natalie.

I roll my eyes internally. Did this man think that I would just randomly wait for his son and then begin to

fall in love with him? Well, he was dead wrong if he thought so. "I shall take my leave now, I wouldn't

want to keep the other guests waiting." I say, not wanting to get irritated any further.

I still hadn't seen Rocky. Where was Rocky? Was he still in my room?

"Nat!" I turn around to find who called out her name. "Nat! Over here!" I turn to the bouquet table and

see Annie, Tracy & Veronica.

"Girls!" I scream, hurriedly walking towards my friends. Annie, Tracy and I had been friends ever since

we were children. We somehow ended up going to the same school and there, we met Veronica and

ultimately, became a band of four.

Annie hugs me. "Happy birthday, Nat!"

"I thought you guys weren't going to come because of Jose."

"Jose?" Tracy asks as Natalie hugs her and Veronica.

"You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" Veronica asks

"I thought everyone at school would've heard, I didn't know you guys didn't know."

"Well, tell us already. . ." Tracys suggests.

"Well. . .Jose came over and— "Mrs. Richardson" Tracy interrupts, as my mother arrives.

"Darling," She turns to me, completelyignoring the girls.

"Mother." I respond sternly.

"You must come with me, there's someone you must meet."


"You'll find out when you come. Now, come with me."

I sigh, defeated. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." I say to the girls.

Judith takes me to father's study. She holds my hands, "I know I have offended you a lot and I haven't

been the best mother at all, but I love you, Natalie. You should know that."

My eyes widen. "Yeah, you've never really been a mom." I was surprised by the words she'd just

uttered. Sure, I was her child, but I knew Judith all too well. She was greedy for wealth, money, power

and status. She cared about nothing else. In her universe, money was everything, money made the

world go round.

"Truly, I have done everything because I felt it was best for your well-being."

I was confused. Judith's words were moving me. My father walks into the room.

"Dad," I say. He smiles at me. I felt a bit closer to my dad than anyone else even if we didn't speak all

the time or show affection every time. I believed that sometimes, silence was the greatest form of


"I need to tell you something," My father states. I sit. He continues, "Legally, you are of age now to take

responsibility of yourself and make decisions on your own." He says, and I can't help but agree. I

rejoice internally and think about my decision to sleep with Rocky.

Francis continues again, "I'm dying." He says, getting my full attention. My eyes widen in shock.

"What?" I ask again, not sure I understood what I heard.

"He's dying, just as you heard." My mother adds.

I get up, tears welling up in the corner of my eyes. "Are you sure? What happened, daddy?" I couldn't

believe what I was hearing. It felt like a horrible dream that I wanted no parts in.

Francis smiles, "I thought I'd never hear you call me that again," He continues, "It's a brain tumor and

I've had it for sometime. I just didn't know."

"But there has to be a cure, right? You can get surgery." I convince myself.

"There's none." Judith says

I frown at her, "You're rather relaxed mother aren't you? How can you talk so casually?! At least show

some sympathy, he's your husband for God's sake!"

"Talk to me with respect, will you? What good will my tears do, huh?" Judith says

I ignore her, rushing to my Father's side, "Dad, I'm sure we can fix this. There are people who have

beaten tumors like yours and they're alive an— He hugs me, "We have no money, sweetheart."

Another blow for me. I look up, shocked, yet again. Just what in the hell happened while I was away?

"When did all of this happen?" I sob. "How long have you been sick?"

"I found out a few weeks ago." He responds.

"It's February. . ." I sob. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" Aunt Ruth enters. She looks tensed, "Francis,

Judith, I'm afraid there's something, or someone you'd want to see."

Judith responds, "And that someone is?"

, "Ruth, we're in the middle—

"Luke, Luke Carrington." Aunt Ruth says. Suddenly, my father collapses.

"Daddy!" I scream, scared.

"He's having his seizures, Ruth, get the doctor, I'll handle Carrington."

"Mom!" I yell, annoyed by the fact that she was leaving my father T such a crucial moment.

"Daddy, daddy, please," I cry. "I love you so much, I'm sorry if I never told you how much I do but

please, please don't leave me!" I beg.

| frown at her, "You're rather relaxed mother aren't you? How can you talk so casually?! At least show

some sympathy, he's your husband for God's sake!"

"Talk to me with respect, will you? What good will my tears do, huh?" Judith says

| ignore her, rushing to my Father's side, "Dad, I'm sure we can fix this. There are people who have

beaten tumors like yours and they're alive an— He hugs me, "We have no money, sweetheart."

Another blow for me. | look up, shocked, yet again. Just what in the hell happened while | was away?

"When did all of this happen?" | sob. "How long have you been sick?"

"| found out a few weeks ago." He responds.

"It's February. . ." | sob. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" Aunt Ruth enters. She looks tensed, "Francis,

Judith, I'm afraid there's something, or someone you'd want to see."

Judith responds, "And that someone is?"

, Ruth, we're in the middle—

"Luke, Luke Carrington." Aunt Ruth says. Suddenly, my father collapses.

"Daddy!" | scream, scared.

"He's having his seizures, Ruth, get the doctor, I'll handle Carrington."

"Mom!" | yell, annoyed by the fact that she was leaving my father T such a crucial moment.

"Daddy, daddy, please," | cry. "| love you so much, I'm sorry if | never told you how much | do but

please, please don't leave me!" | beg.


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