Novel Name : When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 64: Break Off

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Break off


Both Victoria and Tyler are known in the circle of business world. Both are successful- even though

Tyler has yet to surpass his parents, his talent with managing his business is remarkable- not to

mention Tyler’s father and Victoria’s ex-husband. They have this intimidating air circling around them,

many businessmen and women respect them a lot. With the amount of attention and praises they

receive; many perceive them as serious and stern people. And of course, they maintain this front every

business gathering that they attend to.

But it seems like they forgot how to maintain this image of them right now.

April tried her best to not show discomfort on her face, as well as Dave. Aaron had no issue since he

has this stoic face since college. Sheryl on the other hand showed it for a second before masking it

back. The four only has one question in their mind:

‘Did she just crack a joke?’

Tyler, who had his words backfired to him, did not bother pondering about if she was or wasn’t cracking

a joke. He frowned for a while before relaxing the expression on his face. He sighed.” If that’s the case,

I have the time to listen.”

He looked around and noticed that things are wrapping up then turned to the other three. April caught

the sign that they were about to leave, so she smiled at the three and said, “I was glad to meet you all

again after many years. We had been busy after college and this was the only night, we all managed to

meet up, but, unfortunately, the night did not end up well because of what happened.” She clapped her

hands. “You can all rest assured that we will investigate what happened, and I am very sorry for the


“It isn’t your fault though,” Dave said. “But what happened earlier was really frightening.”

April smiled at him, “Yes, it was. This night was really long.”

Tyler felt like it was getting long, so with his impatient self, he butted in the conversation with a stern

voice, not even masking his eagerness to leave. “We’ll get going first. April, I want to be the first one to

know when you caught them, especially that man.”

April nodded then snickered inside her mind. ‘That guy? I’m pretty sure he means the one who shot


“I will tell you.”

He nodded at her and the other two before turning his back and leave wordlessly. Victoria and Sheryl

followed suit. Tyler looked at Sheryl and thought about making her go home by herself since he was

planning on following to the hospital. Like a telepath who read his mind, Sheryl shook her head and

said angrily.

“No! Why would I go back by myself? You have to drop me home like what you promised to my


Victoria looked at Sheryl in the corner of her eyes and can’t help but raise a brow and show a

momentary disgust on her face. She asked herself, ‘What is she, a kid?’

Tyler also just looked at her in the corner of his eyes and said, “Call your driver. As for your parents, I

can deal with them. You don’t have to worry about that.”

“NO!” Sheryl felt like she finally reached her boiling point. “If I do that- you will have your way to Althea!”

Her words made him stop walking. They were nearing the basement where their cars are parked, just a

little bit more and they can ride his car and go home. Sheryl was hopeful that he will listen to her and

drive her home, then she will convince him to go inside and work with her parents to make him stay so

that he won’t have the chance to go out and go to Althea.

Sheryl gritted her teeth by the mere thought of him running after her when she’s injured when in their

almost seven years of being together, he never showed this kind of concern towards her. She thought it

was okay, she thought she can change him like how she changed his feelings towards Althea. Like how

she made him fall out of love with her, she thought she can teach him to fall in love with her. But…

Because of their height difference, Tyler looked down on her like she was nothing but an insignificant

human being in his eyes. A bug or a mosquito buzzing around annoyingly. His eyes that symbolize

spring- the beginning of warmth after the harsh winter- looks like a blazing blizzard that freezes

everything it touches. A cruel snowstorm. As his eyes stares at her like it was scrutinizing her very soul

and at the same time freezing it- Sheryl can feel that something unfavorable will come out from his


Words that she never wants to hear from him.

“What is it to you if I do that, huh, Sheryl? What is it to you if I abandon you just to go to Althea?”

Every word came out like he was chewing very hard on them. Sheryl can feel the extreme self-control

he has to not spat the words out angrily. Sheryl can feel her tears well up. “B-but I am your fiancée, you

have to prioritize me!”

Right, she was his fiancée, he must have something for her. She must be his second love now- but-

“… Is that so?” His eyes turned cold, then his next words set the fire in her heart out.

But, like they all say, first love never dies.

“If that’s your reason, then I just have to get that out of the way, isn’t that right?”

Sheryl’s eyes widen while Victoria almost laughed out loud. Having her sanity remain, she can only

smile at Sheryl. Sheryl almost chock in her sobs after seeing that smile. It looks mocking. It feels like

she was mocking her and saying.

‘Finally, the time has come.’ Sheryl can hear her scoffing. ‘I know this will eventually happen. Serves

you right.’

“Sheryl,” Tyler said.

Knowing fully well what he wants to say, she panicked. “No- no! Shut up!”

She doesn’t want to hear it! She doesn’t want to!

But no matter how she plead, Tyler was unstoppable. With a voice void with emotions, he decided to

end it all. “Let’s break the engagement off. Sheryl, let’s break up.”

He did not wait for her response, he turned his back and walked away, his mother following him with a

smile in her face. Sheryl can’t afford to come after them since she was rotted in that place, unmoving.

What he said were only nine words full, but it made a huge impact in her mind. It took her a while

before she can move and when she finally did, she turned to run after the two but all she saw was the

back of the car, driving away from her.

In the middle of the cold night, she was left alone there. And when the things that happened there

finally sunk in her, she broke into sobs. Only the cold floor and the distant cars were the witness of her



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