Novel Name : Obsessed CEO Throws Himself at Me

Obsessed CEO Throws Himself At Me Chapter 1507

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Chapter 1507 Incompetence And Regret

‘‘When exactly are you planning to start?’‘ questioned Aaron sullenly while tightening his grip on the


Nico was with her mother, so after hearing Aaron, she quickly went outside the room.

‘‘I still need a few more days,’‘ replied the woman only after ensuring she was far away enough. Since

Arielle said she would not leave Turlen until Grandma got better, I’m sure I still have some time on

hand. Even though I, too, wish that Grandma can recover soon, I know it’s not that easy.

‘‘A few more days?’‘ Aaron snorted at his phone before continuing, ‘‘The deal’s off. I’m doing this on my


‘‘What? But why? I thought we’re doing this together!’‘ exclaimed Nico, shocked by Aaron’s words.

‘‘Did you forget that they’ll be heading back to Chanaea soon?’‘ Aaron got so irritated that he was

gritting his teeth.

Immediately after listening to the man, Nico smacked herself on the forehead for forgetting to tell Aaron

that Arielle had decided to stay a little longer. ‘‘Arielle said she’s not going to leave Turlen yet, so we

still have time. Just wait for the good news.’‘

Arielle’s not leaving Turlen just yet? Aaron wondered what convinced the woman to stay.

As if she could read Aaron’s mind, Nico quickly explained Lisa’s condition to the man and informed him

that Arielle would be performing surgery on her grandmother.

‘‘I’ll pay Old Mrs. Nighy a visit personally after she’s discharged,’‘ promised Aaron, whose lips curved

into a smile after listening to Nico. I’m sure there’s nobody Arielle can’t cure, but this is going to buy us

just enough time.

‘‘Ari, I just need a little more time. Just give me a little more time, and we’ll finally be together,’‘

muttered Aaron, who missed Arielle dearly after having not seen her for quite some time.

Meanwhile, inside a lavish-looking house, Celia rubbed her forehead troubledly on a chair. Her sister-

in-law, Monisha, just called her asking if she had found the woman. Celia knew she could not lie and

had to come clean.

It did not matter to her that the woman was nowhere to be found, but her sister-in-law insisted that she

keep looking. How the heck am I supposed to find her? I don’t even know where to start.

‘‘Aunt Celia! Aunt Celia!’‘

Celia rubbed her forehead even harder as her headache worsened, convinced that her niece would not

stop tormenting her until she responded.

‘‘What the heck is it? If you have the time to pester me, then you should be out there continuing the

search. Don’t come back here until you have what I want!’‘ roared Celia after turning to look at her

niece, who had just entered the house.

The young woman knew why her aunt was upset, so she smiled before reporting, ‘‘Aunt Celia, I found

her. I know where she is.’‘

Immediately after hearing that, Celia could feel her headache leaving her miraculously. ‘‘You found her?

Where is she, and why isn’t she with you?’‘ questioned Celia with a straightened back.

‘‘I know which direction we have to go, but I don’t have an exact location yet,’‘ replied the young woman

somewhat embarrassedly to her anxious aunt.

‘‘Then why the heck are you here and not out there searching?’‘ Celia could not believe how

incompetent her niece was. What was I thinking? I should never have entrusted this task to her. It’s a

complete disaster!


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