Novel Name : All Too Late

Chapter 277

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After Kathleen settled down Samuel, who had passed out she went straight to Samuel’s study and

started ruraging through his stuff

She found his phone from the coat that he hung on the side

As soon as she turned on his phone, a call came in

‘Mr Macari, where are you?” Tyson asked eagerly

“Tyson” Kathleen answered calmly “it’s me "

“Mrs Macani! Tyson was so overwhelmed that he momentarily forgot about the relationship between

Samuel and Kathleen

Til send you my location I need you to come over right away.” Kathleen said with a grim tone

“Mrs Macari, how are things going over there?” Tyson asked in concern

“We’re fine.” Kathleen replied coldly Tyson, don’t bring too many people along with you We still need to

deal with Nicolette

“Understood” Tyson nodded.

With that, Kathleen ended the call

She knew the password to Samuels phone

It was her birthday

Then, she sent her location to Tyson

Alter that, Kathleen went down to the basement to see Nicolette

When Nicolette saw Kathleen, the former’s eyes were no longer as sharp Instead, they looked like a

dead fish’s eyes-dim and unable to reflect light

‘Let’s make a deal, Nicolette” Kathleen suggested while looking at the woman condescendingly

Hearing that, Nicolette furrowed her brows “You’ve convinced him to let me go7”

Kathleen nodded in response

Nicolelle was at a loss for words “Why?” She sneered

“What do you mean why?” Kathleen asked in confusion

“He likes you no matter which personality he is!* Nicoletle was agitated “Let me tell you something I

knew you would be my rival the day Old Mrs Macari brought you back to the Macari residence it’s

different how Samwel looks at you.”

“Really?” Kathleen was puzzled

“Haha The bystanders can always see more clearly than the people in the game Nicoletle bit her lip

“You are the only person in his heart He would never have talked to me if I didn’t lie to him that I saved

his life”

Kathleen never imagined Nicolette would tell her this

‘Let me tell you something you dont know, Kathleen Nicolette continued. “When you first came to the

Macan residence, Samuel always accompanied you when you were crying secretly by staying in your

general Vicinity I saw him doing that a few times when I went to the Macari residence He even rejected

my invitation to go out since he was scared you would be alone From then on, I knew you had lo diel”

Nicolette thought this was her only solution Otherwise, she would have nothing left

*I had no idea” Kathleen looked at her indifferently

“I put in so much effort and played so many tricks, yet he only looked at me once. But you, you easily

attracted his attention.” Nicolette’s eyes were full of despuk. “He loves you so much that he split into

two personalities, and both of them still love you.”

Kathleen’s expression was as emotionless as ever “Even so, you’re still not worthy of sympathy,


Just do whatever you want to me!” Nicolette snorted

Still wearing a poker face, Kathleen uttered, “I never thought of killing you I never wanted you to die

from the very beginning After all, you must be in despair since you can’t use your legs.”

“So, that’s your goal? To watch me suffer a pain worse than death and to live a living hell?- Nicolette’s

eyes turned glacial

That’s right” Kathleen’s red lips curled into a sneer Til be able to watch as you amble slowly to your

death without taking any action mysell *

“I’m going to kill you!” Nicolette bellowed in agony

“Nicolette, you’re powerless now.” Kathleen said calmly “You’re nothing but Zachary’s source of kidney

even if you’re able to get out now The Yoeger family is nice to you anly because they can benefit from


Nicolette looked at Kathleen in despair

Then, she asked coldly, “What do you mean when you say you want to make a deal with me?”

“Keep everything that happened here a secret in exchange. I’ll help you when the Yoeger family

decides to take your kidney Kathleen raised her brows slightly

“How are you going to help me?” Nicolette frowned

“I can’t tell you that now But I’ll let you out of the water cell if you agree to our deal Kathleen’s clear

eyes appeared cold

Nicolette’s face turned ashen “Fine. I accept the deal.”

“Nicolette, li kill you with my bare hands if you dare to break your promise. You should know that it’s a

cakewalk for me to do that all it takes is a pack of poison.” Kathleen sneered

Her words made Nicolette tremble “Aren’t you afraid til retaliate once I get out of here

You?” Kathleen uttered disdainfully, “I wasn’t afraid of you oven when your legs were fine So why

should I be now that you’ve become like this?”

“Kathleert, you’ll regret it in the future if you don’t kill me today!” Nicolette threatened

“We shall see then.” Kathleen stared at her coldly

Nicolette bit her lip hard “I’ll make a deal with you.”

Kathleen merely stared at her indifferently for a moment belore she said. Wait for me then I’ll go look

for the keys now”

With that, she turned and left

Nicolette could only smile bitterly

She never thought Kathleen could make Samuel listen to her this easily

This was something she could never achieve

Meanwhile, Kathleen went back to the dining hall

She remembered she left Samuel on the chair

However, he was gone when she came back

“Samuel?” Kathleen was confused

Where did he go?

“Are you looking for this perhaps? All of a sudden, Samuel appeared right behind her with a key in his


“Are you Samuel?” Kathleen’s brows twitched slightly as she stared at Samuel’s handsome face

Samuel’s thin lips curied up slightly “Yes It’s me

Instantly, Kathleen’s heart lurched “No, you’re not.”

“I told you before that he wouldn’t return anymore,” Samuel said coldly

Kathleen uttered fatly, “I’ve contacted Tyson, and hell be here soon Give me the keys, Samuel”

Samuel lowered his head He was so close his thin lips could almost touch Kathleen’s nose “What if I

refuse to”

Kathleen replied calmly “Fine You can keep it. What else can I do? | leave the place when Tyson

comes You can do whatever you want. You’re not Samuel, so I don’t care what you do

You don17 Hostility filled Samuel’s eyes

“That’s right” Kathleen said in frustration She continued, Samuel listens to me well. He would rather

hurt himself than me, and he told me he would never lie to me. Also, he told me to ask for his help

whenever ! needed it. And that he’ll help me as long as I do.”

*Then why did you abandoned him?” Samuel scoffed

Kathleen was caught off guard by his words

You’re such a cruel woman “Samuel squeezed her chin. “You want him to be nice to you even when

you dont love him What do you want from him7

*I want him to live well.Kathleen could feel that his lips were almost touching hers

It was just a hair breadth away

“But he can’t live well without you ” Samuel’s breathing grew heavier “He hurt you, so he deserves it.

Why do you feel bad for him?”

Unable to refule his words, Kathleen fell silent

Then, she lifted her head and spoke with teary eyes. “You know nothing.”

Samvel froze

“I only want him to live well That’s all.” Kathleen said in a hoarse voice,


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