Novel Name : House Of Legions (The Angel Descendants book 1)

Chapter 68 (Clare)

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Kalbreal laughed, it was infectious as it echoed right to the bottom, where she stood five steps away

from Raphael, “Jealous?”

She looked at Raphael and then at Kalbreal, she had enough of this, Kalbreal was an Angel, he didn’t

deserve Raphael’ bitterness, and she certainly wasn’t going to put up with it a second more, if there

was one thing Clare would be remembered for, it was her big mouth.

She narrowed her eyes, vehemence in every word she yelled directly at Raphael, “Angels are

supposed to be kind and merciful, your parents are Adonai’s soldiers, yet you belittle an Angel, to prove

what? Who has the bigger balls?” She turned to the crowd, dismissing Raphael, “Kalbreal might be

exiled but whereas other Angels would’ve killed an innocent girl, he saved me, for whatever reason.

Now I may not remember any of this, but I’ve been to a church like the deceptors and I’ll tell you that

the bible speaks of Angels being good and pure, but where is the goodness now? Where was my

mercy when the very Angels I was taught to trust tried to kill me? Where is Kalbreals, because he

chose a conscience and saved my life? I pity all of you if you think for one minute that Kalbreal is

anything less than great. If Adonai wanted him powerless, why is he still a full Angel? Why is he able to

hold a Harpien blade, the same blade only an Angel can hold, right? Someone told me, that the truth is

not what you convince people in believing, it is that which is forged.”

A man from the crowd stood up, she didn’t notice him, straight away, because she had her eyes trained

on Nathan who was two rows from where she stood.

When she turned her head, she was almost surprised by the black suit and blue shiny tie he wore, it

was so human, his hair multiple shades of blonde. His eyes a saturation of purple and pink entranced

her. He was as tall as Alonso if not taller, with chiselled cheekbones and a sharp bridged nose.

His voice heard loudly by everyone, was husky as he commanded attention, “You have suffered much

grief, yet your belief in Adonai is not swayed by the actions of Kadreal, Clare, and knowing that your

actions could cost young Calubeal his life, you defend an Angel in front of all five hundred and eighty-

six descendants. I have not seen that honour for centuries.” He gave a slight smile, and bowed his

head at Clare, which earned a few gasps in the crowd, “We are merciful to those deserving, it is in my

ability to bestow a gift if the receiver is worthy, accept my gift Clare, remember that which you have


Kalbreal glided through the air, his body a flame of fire, landing in front of her as he roared, “NARZA.”

Which Clare knew meant no, but it was too late, a shock of lightning struck her brain, she barely heard

Kalbreals voice, when he yelled, “Armatos what have you done.”

Clare fell to the ground, hitting it hard, her body possessed into a temporary trance, something she had

never felt. An igniting blast shot through her spinal cord, her brain shocked itself with small electric

currents, causing the cells in her body to pinprick, and convulse, into a semi epileptic state, and a final

relief washed over her.

She felt it when it happened, she felt.. awakened subconsciously for the first time, as her mind took her

to another place.


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