Novel Name : The Four Wheel Saga Book 1: THE LEGACY TRIALS

Chapter 12: Fish Out of Water 6

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Once the aspirants had left, Keiji and Yuuki enumerated in detail the purpose of their visit. Their

destination- the Bokuso glades had had an insurgency of bandits from the outlands. The preceptor duo

had been given the charge to oust them. The Overlord had, after some deliberation, granted

permission to include the aspirants in the proposed training exercise. It would help the young ones

receive hands-on experience of the Legacy Unit’s work.

Bandits were strong and cunning adversaries. Being survivors of the stateless, dog-eat-dog outlands,

they were hardened, cold-blooded and could navigate any terrain with ease. But among them, rarely

anyone was familiar with kitsu manipulation, which was a tremendous disadvantage. A kitsu-trained

child could make a grown bandit bite the dust without breaking a sweat.

The lamia story was intriguing for Hakaku, who tugged on his beard several times during the narration

and stared into nothingness as if solving cyphers in his mind. Finally, he spoke.

Hakaku: “While lamia do prey on humans, they don’t possess the brute strength to dislodge a kitsu-

infused boat. Added to that, kitsu is disorienting for their taste. You said that you touched them, Keiji?

Did you perceive any raiki in their bodies?

Yorokobi: “Raiki in beasts?”

Keiji: “When I seized them from the water, I sensed they had dense, unstable kitsu cores, which

reacted to my mugen, and their bodies exploded or disintegrated.”

Hakaku: “I see. Lamia are mindless creatures, lacking the perseverance to chase boats upstream for

long periods- as it happened today. Perhaps someone fed them kitsu-fortified meat, which would

usually cause them indigestion. Another more realistic possibility is that an outside agent controlled


Yorokobi: “Is that even possible?”

Hakaku left his seat, rifled through some documents in a chest, and picked up a scroll. He returned,

holding up the unfurled paper to display its contents. The scroll had a caricature of the face of a vile-

looking man. A Karasuma seal with kill-on-sight decree was splashed across it.

Hakaku: “This is Akuma, a notorious bandit from the western outlands. He is infamously known as the

beast whisperer. The miscreant is capable of kitsu-manipulation and has obliterated several of our

military squads over the years. It is believed that he possesses a kitsu-art through which one he makes

beasts submit to his will.”

Yorokobi: “Impossible!”

Hakaku: “But it has been a long time since he made his last appearance and if he is indeed in Bokuso,

your mission will not be an enjoyable time.”

Yorokobi: “Keiji-dono, is it safe to bring the young ones with us against such a formidable criminal?

Especially the Mikashita heir?”

Keiji: “The die has been cast, Lieutenant. We cannot turn back now. It would be disheartening to my

students, while disrupting their training regimen. Besides, don’t underestimate our aspirants. One of

them almost got the better of Yuuki.”

Yuuki: “Almost.”

Yorokobi: “But-”

Hakaku rolled up the scroll and chuckled.

Hakaku: “If the Daigaku preceptors believe in the abilities of their students, then who are we to say

anything, Yorokobi?”

Yorokobi: “That is- yes, you are right, Lord Hakaku. Apologies.”

Hakaku: “In any case, I will ask the Overlord to send a squad from the citadel to control the lamia

population. We cannot have such incidents happen so close to the village. It would be detrimental to

our reputation. Was there anything else, Keiji?”

Keiji: “Yes. It is something that the Overlord is concerned about, and we preceptors support his position

as well.”

Hakaku: “What is this about?”

Keiji: “Will you reconsider sending Uzziah to train with Daigaku preceptors?”

Hakaku: “That is not open for discussion, Keiji. Perhaps this is one of those rare cases when Senju and

I disagree on something. I am aware that Yamazaki-kin aspirants are training in the citadel with

preceptors. My family and I may bear the Yamazaki name, but we are banished. It would be

dishonourable to join the rest of the kin aspirants in the citadel. Besides, Uzziah was raised here,

trained by me, Midori, and the Wajin tribe. Our battle tactics and values are different. We would not

want him to start all over, would we?”

Yorokobi: “But surely, citadel-trained warriors are better fighters?”

Hakaku: “Ah, we should try and break that mould. Shall we put your claim to the test, then, Lieutenant?

(To Keiji) If you choose to accept the challenge, Uzziah will battle your best warrior and the matter of

supremacy of citadel-training will be decided.”

Yuuki: “That sounds like a good idea, Lord Hakaku. The children will be thrilled. A contest is just the

thing they need, to take their minds off the lamia nightmare.”

Hakaku: “Well, that is settled then. We shall have the bout tomorrow, at the break of dawn. I have

planned a challenge of my own for the younger aspirants in the evening. Anything else? “

Keiji: “There is another matter, yes. But it is privileged information. Lieutenant Yorokobi, will you excuse

us for some time.”

Yorokobi: “Certainly.”

Yorokobi bowed and left the reading room, sliding the panelled door closed. Keiji and Yuuki looked


Keiji: “As you are already aware, Lord Hakaku, Kento is kitsu-blind and-”

Hakaku: “You wish to teach him how to use mugen.”

Yuuki: ”As expected of our Chief Strategist. Nothing escapes you.”

Hakaku: “I was there with the family when Kento was born. I saw the infant- the darkness seeping out

of him. He has the curse without doubt.”

Yuuki glanced at Keiji. Mugen users were very often misunderstood and ostracised. This was over and

above the humiliation brought by kitsu-blindness.

Hakaku: “I have already made my position clear on this matter to Senju. If Kento is trained in using

mugen, it will shorten his life. Do you want him to follow in your footsteps? And I am dismayed how

Senju has agreed to risk the life-span of his son. What if Kento goes over to the dark side? Or have you

forgotten your past, Keiji?”

Keiji: “I remember everything, Lord Hakaku. I have used mugen and mugen has certainly used me. It

changed both my body and spirit, in ways I could never imagine. And more often than not, it led me

over to the dark side. But as a child awakening to the world of mugen-sekai, I was alone with nobody to

guide me. It is very likely that Kento will accidentally awaken his powers. He could be lost in mugen-

sekai forever. However, if he learns to control it, then he will, in due time develop extraordinary abilities.

After all, he is to rule over Karasuma one day.”

Hakaku’s face showed a picture of conflicting emotions. His hand went to his beard, which was an

indication of pensive contemplation. He let out a deep sigh.

Hakaku: “Very well. As his teachers, you have the discretion to train him in the art. While I do not agree

to this whole-heartedly, your credentials as a preceptor is beyond doubt. I believe I can entrust him to

your tutelage. But I will be having a escalated discussion about this with your Overlord soon.”

Keiji: “You have my gratitude, Lord Hakaku.”

Hakaku: “But before you introduce him to your dark world, there is something that you must know about

the boy. It is a long kept secret- one that has stayed between Senju and me for sixteen years now. And

I believe that is what the Overlord wanted you to hear from me. He is a clever one, delegating

uncomfortable topics to his best friend. Before I make those revelations, you have to swear to me that

the secret shall never leave this room.”

Keiji: “I swear on my life and honour.”

Yuuki: “I swear on the Goddess.”

Hakaku: “Now listen closely. Kento is--”


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