Novel Name : The Medallion

Chapter 252 Finding A Mysterious Thing

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In this manner, for half a day, Rocky kept running non-stop, and following up with the Rainbow Glow

Unicorn. Now, they had entered an area that was not only beyond the northeast military camp's

jurisdiction but also had no state jurisdiction. Therefore, such a zone was full of dangers, since troops,

spirit manipulators, or mercenary armies from strange countries, could ambush them at any time.

Having run without taking breaks, Rocky was out of breath, but when he turned to the Rainbow Glow

Unicorn, he realized that it seemed to have enjoyed the journey. Seeing how happy the Rainbow Glow

Unicorn looked, Rocky wondered if it was taking him for a ride.

Shortly after that, it brought Rocky to the foot of a cliff. It was at least more than ten meters high, and

dangerously steep. The Rainbow Glow Unicorn stopped, and hesitated in front of the cliff. Then, it

turned to Rocky, and looked up at the cliff.

Rocky followed its gaze. Initially, he saw nothing, but rock and the sky above it. But when he looked

carefully, Rocky spotted a cliff cave.

'I wonder if there is anything up there?' Rocky thought.

Then he remembered that the spirit beast was very fond of priceless treasures. Consequently, anything

scarce and valuable would definitely attract it. So, Rocky surmised that the treasure trove that had

attracted the Rainbow Glow Unicorn, was possibly up there. He continued to wonder why the Unicorn

had guided him there. Probably because it could not climb up, and wanted Rocky's help.

"Do you want to exchange my magical saliva with the treasure up there?" Rocky immediately asked, on

realizing, that was what the Rainbow Glow Unicorn wanted, and requested it to be patient. As the

spiritual beast was brilliant and had a human-like temperament, Rocky was not surprised that it had

thought of such a plan.

In response to Rocky's words, it neighed, and raised its head a few times, and it seemed that it

concurred with his request to be patient.

"All right, if there is any treasure up there, I will give you one more drop of the magical saliva, besides

the drop I am carrying now," Rocky said, generously. Now that Rocky had grasped that the Rainbow

Glow Unicorn had a fixation on getting the magical saliva, Rocky planned to give it to the creature, in

exchange for getting something in return, in the future. Therefore, he thought that if he could subdue

the Rainbow Glow Unicorn, with Uriah and Rubygon's help, he would have three spirit-manipulated

beasts in his control. It was every spirit manipulator's dream!

However, right now, it was a day dream, because he was aware that the Rainbow Glow Unicorn could

not be subdued easily; for if it were, then, it would not have any value nor importance. Moreover, it was

a rare spiritual beast.

When Rocky compared the merits of obtaining the priceless treasure, with subduing the Rainbow Glow

Unicorn, he decided in favor of the latter. Nevertheless, he knew that it was a challenging job. The

creature had shown up because he had smelled the magical saliva. Otherwise, it was next to

impossible even to locate it. Rocky knew that he had to keep his aspirations under cover, because

even the slightest hint of any threat, would make the beast take off and disappear.

Therefore, as Rocky and the Rainbow Glow Unicorn, each had plans for the other, they could strike a

profitable bargain with each other. Rocky wanted to make the Rainbow Glow Unicorn drop its defense.

That also could prove to be a useful tactic to subdue it. Moreover, the crave was a long way away!

After Rocky cast a glance at the Rainbow Glow Unicorn, he took out the Frozen Wind Dagger, and

attempted to use it to climb up and fly high, until he finally reached the cave.

When Rocky arrived there, he got an other-worldly smell, that was also extremely pungent. It smelled

of something rotten, or it could be that it gave out a burnt odor. Whatever it was, Rocky felt nauseous,

and found it unbearable.

Also, the cavern was dim, with very less light. That required Rocky to gather the spiritual light as his

illumination equipment. Already, Rocky was surrounded by an eerie silence. Now that he could see with

his equipment, Rocky saw that he was in a deep cave. He could feel the mountain breeze as it blew

through the place and could hear the strong wuthering sounds it made, as it broke against the walls. At

that time, Rocky got a spooky feeling, and felt as if ghosts would appear at any time!

In spite of the fact that Rocky was uncomfortable in mind and body at the high altitude cliff cave, he

went further inside it, but all he found were stones and tall rocks. It seemed that its depth increased as

he went further in, besides, it was also pitch dark there.

When Rocky did not find any treasure there, "That sly Rainbow Glow Unicorn is making a fool of me,"

he murmured to himself. He had found nothing on the site. Finding a treasure was a far cry from what

he found there - stones, haunting silence, and strong wind sounds.

Without a doubt, Rocky was getting cold feet. Firstly, he had not found any treasure; secondly, he was

getting an uncomfortable presentiment. Ignoring that, he nevertheless, continued to explore. He did so,

primarily because he was there, also because, he enjoyed what he was doing.

Then out of nowhere, Rocky felt something hit his left foot. Before he knew it, he had lost his balance

and found himself moving to the right, though he wanted to avoid stepping into that space. But it was

too late; he was hurtling down to the ground. Fortunately, owing to his quick reflexes, he caught the

precipice wall and stabilized himself. Once he was secure, he lighted the spiritual light in his palm. With

that, he found another deep cave at his feet. It was full of steep stone pillars. Some were thick, and the

others were thin. The roof too was built in the same pattern. From the outside, when Rocky peered

inside to take a look, it looked like the mouth of a horrible monster that could eat people whole. It was


At that moment, Rocky felt that a supernatural power was emanating from the cave. After a slight

pause, he decided to go down and take a look. He could see a stone pillar that was jutting out. Pushing

his body up and raising it by using his feet, he successfully flew to a stone pillar. Using the same

technique, he then flew to another lower pillar. By pushing his body; thus, he finally landed on the

cave's floor. Now that he could feel the terra firma under his feet, he relaxed. He knew now he would

not fall!

When Rocky looked around, he found that he was in a huge cave, and its pillars were built at a

considerable distance from each other. It seemed less a cave and more a mysterious maze of pillars,

from which navigating one's way would be impossible.

"I think, I shall go in that direction," Rocky said to himself, and walked toward the direction from where

he had felt the presence of the spiritual power.

Rocky had hardly taken a few steps, when he kicked something. On looking down, he found that there

was a rotten corpse at his feet and he had kicked what was left of it.

After kicking the rotten human mortal remains, Rocky surveyed his surroundings with the utmost care,

but he did not find anything else. He looked down at the corpse again. It seemed to him that it had

been in the cave for such a long time that it had started to rot. What he saw disgusted him.

Rocky was ill at ease with the corpse at his feet, so, without thinking about it twice, he moved on. As he

went further, he saw that countless ghastly skeletons were piled up, one top of the other. It appeared

that they had been buried in a mass grave.

That was a spine-chilling scene and could have scared anyone. Rocky started walking faster, and

soon, he could see the place which was emitting spiritual power. But it was filled with dried and

desiccated corpses, whose skeletons had shrunk. The sight of the two bulging eyeballs, on each frame,

that threatened to fall off the sockets and hit the ground, was the most horrifying sight he had seen. It

was Rocky's worst nightmare, indeed.

Then he came upon another dead body and observed, "This man seems to have died, recently," Rocky

understood that from the cadaver's condition. When he looked carefully, he also saw a bag placed near

it. Immediately after, he realized that the spiritual power he had received earlier, was flowing from that



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