Riannon had to calm down. This battle was lost and the phone was gone. But there were other ways to
reach out to Gideon and she would find one as soon as possible.
Right now, however, she had a bigger problem. Her possessive Alpha husband was getting out of
hand. And this wasn’t the state she needed him in for her plan.
“Well, congratulations, Brayden,” she folded her hands on her chest after she took a deep breath, “Now
I can’t call Maya!”
“That’s not her you were going to talk to and we both know it,” he growled, not a hint of remorse on his
“I was going to talk to many people. Tomorrow.” She replied calmly. “But thanks to your little tantrum
that’s impossible now! But today I wanted to talk to my best friend whom my husband banished from
our pack. I think I deserve at least that after everything!”
He clenched his lips and then let out an exasperated sigh.
“Ri, I…” he took a step in her direction but she motioned for him to stop, “I didn’t actually banish her.”
“No, I think I had enough,” she said, “You know, I never thought that I would see you so scared in my
His facial expression changed rapidly and he was next to her in less than a second.
“What do you mean?” he snarled at her.
“Just the mention of the lycan king drives you to a point of madness,” she pointed out, “ But like it or
not, we are going to see him again. And very soon. As I have already told you before, he needs that
project and he is inclined to see it through even if it doesn’t get approved on its first try. So, potentially,
we are looking at months of me working side by side with him and there is absolutely nothing you can
do about it. You’d better face those facts now.”
She could see his nostril flare up and his chest going up and down.
“I am going to see to this project being accepted on the next Alpha summit,” he gritted through his
teeth, “Even if it’s the last things I do!”
She held back a smirk that was trying to desperately form on her lips. She couldn’t let him see that this
was exactly what she wanted and needed.
“Do what you want,” she shrugged her shoulders and prepared to leave but he stopped her when she
almost reached the door.
“Ri, you are breaking my heart,” Braiden whispered, “We are supposed to be a team, remember? The
way we always were.” could potentially ruin everything that she tried to build.
“I just need time,” Riannon said without turning to see him, carefully selecting her words. She did not
want to lie even though she was deceiving him. “I am too tired from all of this today.”
Brayden unclenched his fingers and let go of her. She used this to leave him as soon as she could. She
didn’t want to spend even a minute longer in his room than she had to. There must have been a few
new extra phones downstairs in her office and in Brayden’s too. And all she wanted was to get one.
Unfortunately, she hadn’t been this lucky and when she was in the middle of the stairs, she saw Roxy
coming up. Their eyes met and this time the omega decided not to pretend to be the ignorant crying
When they got to each other, both of them stopped.
“Careful there,” Riannon raised her brow as she decided to attack first this time, “We don’t want your
self-harming habits to hit you in the middle of the stairs.”
“Are you threatening me, Luna?” Roxy covered her mouth with her hand but then took it away to reveal
a smirk on her face.
“Threatening?” Ria beamed at her, “What are you talking about, Roxanne? I am genuinely concerned
by your mental state. I just discussed it with my husband.”
“You were done quickly,” the omega sneered, “When we… talk, it takes longer.”
“No doubt,” Riannon snorted, “You are very talented at… talking. For a virgin omega who spent her
whole life as a slave that it.”
“Some talents are just natural!” Roxy retorted, flipping her red hair back, “Not to mention that the mate
bond makes us want each other all the time. It’s hard for mates to tear off each other, you know.”
“And yet here you are. Not with him,” Ria pointed out, “Speaking of which, as far as I remember, you
were told to stay in your room.”
“Oh, that,” Roxanne rolled her eyes and touched the necklace on her neck playfully, “I was so worried
after I heard about that prisoner escaping that I came out to check if I could help.”
“Because an omega without any kind of training would be of so much help in a situation like that,” Ria
smirked, “What’s more interesting, how did you find out that he escaped?”
“I heard the commotion outside,” Roxy said and then I met Dean later and he told me he needed
someone to talk to.”
“How sweet of you to take care of him after you pushed his sister under the bus,” the Luna started to
lose patience. Roxy was too much even for her.
“He doesn’t see it that way,” the girl giggled and that sound echoed painfully through the Luna’s brain. It
was practically identical to that time when she struggled for her life. She remembered how Roxanne
grabbed her hair and laughed in her face. The desire to push her off the stairs and be done with it was
She could do it. Bray would probably even cover for her since he now wanted to keep her at all cost.
She could get away with it…
But she had to stop herself.
It wasn’t this easy. Especially after tonight since ‘Everett paid her a visit. She knew that nothing was
simple and all her suspicions were now back in her head. It could have been that Roxy wasn’t even the
problem here.
So, she decided to test that theory instead of lowering herself to violence. Roxy was almost at the top
when she turned to look at her not to miss her reaction.
“Oh, by the way, tell your friend to use the door next time,” she said calmly, “And not my balcony. It’s
creepy and not romantic at all.”
The omega froze and Ria saw for a second how her claws elongated at once. For the first time ever
she had problems hiding her emotions. And this just confirmed everything that Riannion was
Roxy wasn’t just Brayden’s mate. Or was she even his mate at all? Was she an omega? There were
just too many things about her that did not add up.
However, the girl quickly gathered herself and threw one menacing look at Ria. “I don’t know what you
mean,” she said through clenched teeth.
“Oh, you don’t?” the Luna smirked, “Too bad. I thought of asking you if I should him Axel or Everett. But
never mind, he said that he’ll visit me again soon. I’ll ask him then.”
Roxanne’s eyes shone red. Red! None omegas had this color of their wolf energy. They usually had
something simpler, like green or white. The girl in front of her suppressed it quickly, though.
“Oh, Goddess, Luna! Have you seen this prisoner? Are you confessing?” she gasped.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head with it,” Riannon chuckled and went downstairs, not
All she wanted was to find a new phone and try calling the lycans. She was sure that Gideon was
already trying to reach her too and could just hope that Brayden didn’t pull any tricks while in
possession of her phone.
She found Dean when she was passing the kitchen on the way to her office and stopped, sighing
heavily. One more stop before calling her mate was necessary. She realized it when his lips curled into
a tiny smile as he kept staring in his cup while sitting alone at the table.
His sister was just exiled, and he was smiling. Was it too late to get him back to the Light?
“You do know that she is guilty of what happened to your sister today,” Riannon leaned over the
The look of surprise was evident on his face.
“Ria,” he cleared his throat, “What… Who are you talking about?”
“Roxy,” she decided not to kick around the bush and when his mouth parted slightly, she knew that she
was right.
“No, Ria,” he shook his head, “You are wrong about this. I just talked about it with her and she
apologized. She just mentioned to Brayden that Maya had your bracelet and he got mad. But she
thinks that he was just angry at you and wanted you to come back. You never separated like this
“Oh, really?” she smiled, “So, you are telling me that she says that it’s my fault? Open your eyes, Dean,
you haven’t been there. She stood and accused Maya again and again. Without any kind of mercy! And
that phone in her room. Do you really think that Maya is a traitor?”
“Of course not!” he had his brows knitted now.
“Then think what a fine coincidence it was that right after Roxy accused her of stealing of all things,
they found an evidence of her betraying our pack right in her room! She was set up, Dean. And if she
hadn’t met her mate today, it could have ended badly.”
“She said Brayden only wanted to get her to the border,” the guy in front of her gazed at her hopefully.
He was still a child even in spite of being twenty.
“Things happen at the border, Dean,” Riannon was too exhausted to explain, “Not to mention how they
tried to humiliate her.”
“But if it hadn’t happened, then she wouldn’t have met her mate,” he tried to find at least
“It was her destiny to meet Reid,” she said, “And today he was here thanks to me. It could have been
very different…”
The boy did not look convinced and she felt disappointed.
“Anyway, it’s too late,” she turned away since she couldn’t be doing any of this anymore, “Just think of
something. Use logic when you do. Maya always locks her door. It’s her thing. Just how did this phone
get inside when only you and I have the keys for emergencies and I was not here. Because I am sure
that you did not unlock her door for anyone. Knowingly.”
She decided not to stay anymore and just went to her office. It was on Dean now. She couldn’t help him
see things if he did not want to see them. It was his choice.
Gideon was sitting in his bedroom alone with lights off. It was too painful to even think of what Brayden
Thorn told him.
“Those are lies,” Mars grunted, “You know far too well that if someone was touching Riannon, we would
have felt it.”
“Are you sure? She isn’t marked by us yet,” it hurt him to even say those words. He should have done it
when he had her here. He really wanted to help her with her pack and revenge but this was more
important. He shouldn’t have been a gentleman, he should have let his Alpha side control this. Then
she would be here now. Then she would be safe.
“I am sure,” Mars said with confidence, “Our souls are connected. Mark or no mark.”
He ignored the knock on the door and when it opened anyway, his head snapped in the direction of the
Reid gave him an apologetic gaze.
“Now you are just asking for me to beat the crap out of you,” Gideon growled.
“Actually, I have Maya’s phone here,” he stretched the device to his king, “Someone special here wants
to talk to you…”