Novel Name : The Dragon Princess

Chapter 87: Epilogue

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Two Years Later

The Crown Prince rubbed his eyes to get rid of sleep. He had so much paperwork to complete the night

before that by the time he reached his bed, the sun bashfully peeked from behind the snow white


" will also have to look into the new recruiting program for the Royal Army that begins next week,

Your Highness." The chief butler and Aiden's appointed advisor, Alfred said.

"The recruiting program will take in willing females of all races. Please, let the ministers know that it is

the one rule that I will not take any more complaints on." He said firmly.

"Indeed. That is all for today, Your Highness." The Butler said, gathering a bunch of parchment in his


"Thank you for your hard work, Alfred. I don't know what I'd do without your competence." Aiden

praised. He rose to stretch his legs.

"It is an honor, Your Highness." Alfred said.

He turned around to leave but paused. Aiden noticed his hesitation and waved his hand for him to


"Will you be visiting her today?" The Butler questioned.

A smile subconsciously graced Aiden's lips at the thought of her. The question sounded rather silly to

him. There hasn't been a day that passed by without Aiden visiting her. In fact, he made sure to keep

his schedule cleared out in the evenings just so he could sit in her presence without interruptions.

Those few hours were the only thing that kept him going and fed him the need to strive better.

Aiden gazed at the clear aqua sky framed by the misty pearl clouds. His fingers fiddled with the

cerulean amulet around his neck - a habit he developed recently to soothe himself. Outside the

window, the kingdom bustled with life.

Returning the high kingdom back to its original state had been a gruesome task. Their spell had made

sure to destroy every structure and creature, tampered with dark magic but it did not bring back the

countless lives that were lost on the fateful day. So many families broken and left stranded without a

home and barely any food on the table.

But they survived the ultimatum and that was enough to keep them going. There was no class or status

difference when it came to war. Somebody shows you kindness left you do your best to pass it on. It

had been hard but two years is a long time. And a lot of changes can take shape when given time and

proper care.

Aiden took over as the Crown Prince of Corona, a few weeks after the war ended. Derek wished for

him to so.

"The throne isn't mine to call anymore. It's rightful owners have emerged and it would be selfish of me

to turn a blind eye." Derek had told Aiden.

He returned to Avrael soon after as their residing King but never once turned Aiden away when he

came to him with a question or a call for help. That could be said for the other kingdoms that were

affected during the Dark War as well. Together, the kingdoms strived to get their world back in place - it

is a work in progress but they had come a long way from the end.

"Yes, later during the day. Is there a problem?" Aiden said.

Their attention snapped to the door when it opened without prior notice. The chief butler cleared his

throat and eyed the commander-in-chief with an unimpressed look. It is protocol and polite to always

knock before entering.

Julian panted like he had run the entire way to the Crown Prince's study, which he did. His wild lush

emerald eyes locked on Aiden's questioning stare. His parted lips transformed into a smile, enunciating

his dimples. Aiden's eyes widened slightly. He brushed his fingers on the little mark printed in the crook

of his neck. Julian simply nod once. But it spoke volumes.

A silhouette by the window cast a shadow in the room momentarily. Aiden looked just in time to see

Kyro's large crimson red form pass by him. The dragon roared as he flew towards to the west wing of

the palace. Glace followed him closely with a delighted rumble of her own.

"Your Highness, may I ask-"

Aiden zipped past the doors before the butler could finish his sentence, leaving him to wonder what

triggered the ecstatic expression on the Prince's features.


The Crown Princess looked around her. A meadow of white lillies surrounded her. It matched the white

sundress that she wore. The Princess noticed she had company when she saw a woman walk toward

her. Elina felt the need to rise and show her respect at once. And she did so.

The woman had the same platinum blonde locks as her and eyes so brightly golden that it mesmerized

Elina. Elina knew who she was at once from the portraits and pictures in the books she borrowed from

the palace library.

"Greetings, my child." Atahrah said kindly. Her voice was silky and as melodious as a finely tuned

instrument. Yet, there was a regal stance to her. Something that made you want to respect her.

"It's an honor, Your Majesty." Elina smiled. Atahrah made a sound of disapproval.

"Call me Atahrah. My days of being Queen are behind me. I am simply an entity who will help you find

your way back to where you belong." She said. Elina's cheeks flushed. "Would you like to walk with


"Of course." Elina said.

"Did you rest well?" Atahrah asked.

"I think so. I mean, I don't really remember much. My heart stopped and then it began again.

But I don't understand." Elina admitted. It suddenly felt like she had done this before - walking

beside Atahrah.

Atarah hummed as she delicately ran her fingers over the flowers. "Well, you did die in the mortal

realm. But you wished to return when given the choice that not many are subjected to. It is a reward

for your hardwork and sacrifice."

Elina's face expressed her absolute confusion. "Then, why haven't I returned. What is this place?

Am I still dead?"

Atahrah laughed. Elina's cheeks turned a brighter shade. "So many questions, so little time."

They sat down on a small bench. Elina smoothed out her dress and placed her hands neatly on her

lap. Some part of her wanted to please the late Queen.

"You are not dead, no. Your soul is still very much alive. This place is whatever you call it be. It is a

medium where your soul rests before moving on to its next life." Atahrah explained.

"As for why you haven't returned yet, well, your body needed time to heal and rejuvenate." She


Memories surfaced in Elina's mind and she gasped, touching her stomach. "That's right. I was stabbed

with the shadow weapon and poisoned. I remember now." She said.

Atahrah rubbed her back soothingly. "Yes, that is right. The poison of dark magic is extremely potent

and dangerous. And it is exactly why your body needed time to cast the toxicity out of your system,

healing you into a new person."

"So I was here the whole time? How long has it been?" Elina asked.

"Not very long in this medium. But in the mortal realm, I'd say a long time. Years." Atahrah said.

Elina's eyes widened. "Years?" She whispered.

"Do not fret, my child. It is all well. Your absence did cause pain but it has

been spent well." Atahrah smiled.

"My family...Aiden..." Elina felt a pang of hurt when she thought of him. Her bonded.

Atahrah noticed her expression change. "He is well. There hasn't been a day when he hasn't visited

you in the mortal realm. Your family is not complete but the ones who survived lead

a happy, healthy life."

"Who did not...?" Elina trailed away afraid to know the answer.

"I'm afraid I cannot disclose that information but you will find out soon. Once you return." Atahrah said.

"Are you ready to return?"

Elina nod at once. "Yes."

Atahrah smiled and stood up. "Let's send you back home then. I believe your Gemina would have felt it

by now. He has been patiently waiting for you to heal and get better."

Elina's mood brightened at the thought of the crimson dragon. She didn't have the opportunity

to spend a lot of time with him but she felt as if she'd known Kyro her whole life.

"Shall we?" Atahrah offered Elina her hand which she took with a shy smile. "I am extremely proud of

Aiden and you, Elina. Go forth and start your life anew, my child. My blessings are with you."

"Thank you." Elina said earnestly. "Atahrah."


The Crown Princess stirred from her long slumber. Her body felt heavy and she found it difficult to

move after being still for so long. She heard a gasp as something crashed on the floor. And then

shuffling of footsteps and the door opening. Urgent animated voices filled her ears. Elina's fingers

twitched and her eyes slowly fluttered open.

She squinted and blinked from the bright light that poured in through the windows. Her throat was

parched and she requested for a glass of water. A hand gently helped her sit up and placed a cold

glass to her lips. Elina's eyes adjusted to the light slowly and she found a flushed Hailey looking at her

with teary eyes. Elina smiled fondly at the girl.

"Hailey..." She said. Her voice still felt hoarse and scratchy from not using it for a long time.


"How long has it been?" Elina enquired, thankfully accepting the second glass of water.

"Two years." Hailey said. "Skies! I am so happy right now." She chuckled. A few tears escaped her

eyes and Elina reached to brush them away.

"I'm sorry to have kept all of you waiting." Elina said. "How is everyone...?"

Hailey sat on the edge of the bed. "We are...good. In a safe, better place." She said. Hailey hesitated

but she knew she would have to tell her anyhow. "We couldn't save Melissa."

Elina's heart ached for the girl. After everything, she still failed to protect her from the darkness.

"We were able to bring Kyle and Jase out from the brink of death. They barely made it alive but they

are well. Jase's nerves were damaged beyond repair in his legs and remained paralyzed no matter

how much we tried to heal him. But he's making up for it with that long, snarky tongue of his. I do not

understand how Julian puts up with him."

Elina laughed lightly. She was glad that she hadn't lost him completely. Elina nudged Hailey with a

playful expression.

"I'm sure Julian does in the same way, you do with my brother. Is he still here?" Elina said.

"Yes, actually. He visits during his vacation. He just got back the day before." Hailey said.

"Vacation?" Elina echoed.

"Kyle is studying to be a doctor. A heart surgeon to be exact." Hailey said. Elina saw the same pride

she felt on the Hailey's face. "I guess, you could say he found his calling while serving in the medic


"That is amazing!" Elina breathed. "Anything from my Dad and Cole?"

"They visit you here once every two weeks. Cole has a fiancée and he's graduating law school this

spring." Hailey filled her in.

"How do they visit me here?" Elina wondered, confused. "Isn't there like a barrier or something to

prevent them from entering?"

Hailey smiled and shook her head. "Aiden found a way through. The barrier can be deactivated for a

short period and allows access - in and out."

Elina's heart fluttered at the mention of her bonded. She involuntarily raised her hand to touch the bond

mark on her neck.

"Your absence hit Aiden the hardest. The first few months especially took a toll on him to a point where

one of us had him on constant watch. But he's doing better these days. He took over duties from

Derek, who returned back to Avrael. The kingdom is slowly but surely growing better. And stronger."

Elina felt a tug on her heartstrings. It hurt her to know that Aiden had suffered because of her. She

wanted to see him. See the corner of his eyes crinkle as he smiled at her and hear him call her with his

very own special name.

"Don't look so devastated. I sent word, he will be here any minute now." Hailey laughed. "Here let me

brush your hair. You don't want to chase him away. Not that he would care honestly. You can be

dressed in a potato sack and that boy will still look at you like you're the most precious thing in the

world." Hailey teased making the Princess turn beet red.

The doors opened to reveal Kyle pushing in Jase on a wheelchair. The latter looked as though Kyle

had practically dragged him off the bed and rushed over. His bed hair stuck out funny but Elina saw the

anxious delighted expressions. Her brother basically threw himself on her. Elina choked out a laugh

and pressed her cheek on his shoulder.

"Do not do that ever again. I don't think I can live through it." He narrowed his eyes but they twinkled

brightly. He kissed the side of her head and grinned. "I missed you, my little baby bear."

"Are you done? I am still here." A voice grumbled from behind Kyle. Elina gingerly stood up on her feet,

stumbling on her balance. She managed to walk to Jase with Kyle's help and wrapped the boy in a

warm hug.

"How dare you make me ugly cry?" Jason demanded as he blinked away tears.

"I'm sorry." Elina said softly. And then punched his arm. "You did the same thing to me, you hypocrite."

It hit her hard to see him like this, unable unable move on his own and on a wheelchair but she was so

thankful at the same time. She could atleast still see and hold him nonetheless.

Elina startled upon hearing a roar. Her eyes found the sunflower yellow gaze of her Gemina as he

passed by the wide floor length windows that also served as the entrance to the balcony. A second roar

- slightly high pitched that the first - echoed a moment later. Glace's iridescent scales reflected the

sunlight into the room creating a subtle rainbow. Elina walked to the balcony and reached her hand

over to pat her Gemina.


"My Lady. I am glad to see you look so well."

"Me too, Kyro. Me too."

"Hey Glace. I missed you too, girl." Elina laughed and kissed the dragon's snout. She heard a low

rumble and rolled her eyes. "Come here, you big baby. Kyro needs a kissy too." She laughed at Kyro's

expense, planting a fat kiss on his snout.

'To think I was terrified of them once.' Elina smiled.

She was so engrossed with them that Elina didn't hear the others leaving the room, leaving only her

and one other person behind. Her amulet flickered and her bond mark sent warmth throughout her


Not a second later, she was engulfed in the arms of her bonded. Aiden lifted her up and twirled her,

laughing as he did so. He bent down and kissed her full on the lips as he lowered her down to the


In the distance, the village bell rang loud and clear. Aiden pressed his forehead against hers and

closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of her presence. He held Elina close as if he was afraid she'd

disappear if he let go. A soft smile lit his face and Elina yet again wondered what she had done to

deserve this boy she loved with all her heart. Tears prickled her eyes. But they were happy tears. Aiden

beamed at her, the sunlight framed his head in a partial halo.

"I love you too, Rora."

And just like that it all made sense. Her fears, her doubts, her pain. She could overcome it all because

she had people who put their trust in her and loved her no matter the consequence.

Because love, means facing your biggest fears.



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continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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