Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 7:

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Fear ran through my veins and , although I may be the strongest shifter out here , I felt helpless .

Kataleya .

She was all I could fucking think of .

Remembering the way , the wolf’s teeth were clamped around her tiny body .

The blood dripping from his mouth , her blood and the terror in her eyes as they got further and further

away .

I’d give my fucking life for her safety .

Then Kiara’s pain , the way she pushed me away ripped at my heart .

I knew she was i n pain , a mother’s reaction after all .

She was the perfect mother to our child , not like my own fucking mother , who played dead for years

and then came back with her psychotic plans to destroy the world over eight years ago .

She sure fucking didn’t care if any of us went down with her But Kiara , she was firm , fair and

affectionate .

She loved her pups unconditionally and even then , made time for me her family , our pack and her

friends , as well as for a certain fucker I couldn’t stand .

She cared for everyone and did her best to be there for us all /I sped up , the wind rushing through my

fur .

There was no way I was going to be able to track Kataleya , so instead , we were trying to follow the

tracks of the wolves , or hoping for any speck of blood that left a trail .

Many of my men were nowhere assisting , but it was fucking futile .

The ground near the river where the fight had occurred was now just a field of ash , not even a body or

a drop of blood remained , that just made things fucking harder .

Alpha Rayhan is here to help .

"Rayhan ? Kiara must have told them , and I’m guessing his spitfire of a mate must have teleported

them here .A reminder that I wasn’t alone .We will find her …

‘ Fill him in on everything , I’m still trying t o scour the entire north side .There’s no fucking paw prints or

anything .‘

‘ Understood , Alpha .‘

Fourteen hours had passed but there was still no answer nor clue .I was not going to fucking let them

get away with it .

The fear that so many fucking hours had passed and what may have happened to her consumed me

like fucking poison .I didn’t feel the link break , so she was still alive … that was all I had to fucking hold

on to .

The exhaustion was catching up to me , but there was still no sign of her , so I couldn’t stop .

I had alerted the Alpha’s of the packs that I truly trusted to send their men out , but at the same time , I

also didn’t want to put Kataleya in more harm than she already was by telling everyone that my

daughter was taken .

‘ Alpha … there’s nothing .They are gone without a trace .‘

Darien , my Beta’s voice came through the link .

‘ I can’t stop looking .‘ I whispered back , trying to control the agony in my voice .

‘ Alejandro … look , let’s let everyone know – Put a prize out there for her.

Let the word out that you’re willing to give anything to the kidnappers .

Surely there must be a reason for this and they must want something .

We can contact our business partners in the human world too and make it clear that your daughter is

taken .

Someone may have seen her .

We will find her … The voice of reason that stuck by me even on my darkest days long ago … He was

a friend that had been by my side from the fucking start .

But I can’t stop searching when she’s out there . Not yet .

“Al … please .

Kiara needs youDante and Luna Delsanra are still unconscious .

‘ I froze in my tracks , my heart thundering , what ? ‘

What the fuck do you mean ?

Kiara wasn’t able to heal Dante ?

‘ The Hybrid Luna tried to cast a spell to fix whatever was ailing Dante but whatever it was , has spread

to her .

We told Alpha Rayhan and he did return to check on her before continuing on finding Kataleya .

We need to regroup ; I’ll have new men out here scouring the woods .

Alpha Liam also wishes to speak to you .

He is currently with his sister at the villa .

‘ Turn my back on her again … Fuck .I tried not to imagine the worst as I closed my eyes .Darien was

right , I needed to reach out and have another plan in place rather than just searching blindly .

‘ I’m coming back .‘ I reached the villa , my heart sinking with every step , I was returning to my queen

without our pup .

How was I going to face her ? Darien gave me a bottle of water and some pants , but I refused the

water , simply taking the pants .

I don’t think I fucking deserve water … I should have fucking listened … I should never have gone so

fucking far out .I should have paid attention to what Kia was saying , but it was a tad too fucking late

right now .

Her scent enveloped me .I closed my eyes , grasping onto it .I would never fucking let on , but I was

doing my best not to unravel completely .I needed her ; her comfort , her embrace , her fucking

presence .

Rayhan’s and Liam’s scents came from the room upstairs , along with Scarlett’s .

I adjusted my pants that I had just pulled o n , before I pushed open the door to the room , seeing Kiara

sitting on the bed whilst Delsanra and Dante lay upon it .

Both looked as grey as death , red veins creeping along their entire bodies .

Rayhan sat on the opposite side , holding Delsanra’s hand , his hair shielding his face and I felt another

storm of guilt .

Because of my fucking mistake , there was another casualty .

Scarlett was rocking a sleeping Skyla in her arms gently , whilst Liam stood behind Kiara , arms

crossed and a deep frown on his face .

They all turned to me when I stepped inside , but my eyes were o n’Kiara’s red puffy ones .

She had cried a lot … I’m fucking sorry , Amore … "

Alejandro .


Liam said , frowning as he gave me a small nod .

Kiara stood up , her eyes filled with fresh tears as she looked at me before closing them .

I had failed her .

"Nothing ? "

She whispered , her voice trembling .

I shook my head as Darien stepped into the room .

She came towards me , her hand pressed to her chest .

I pulled her against my chest , wrapping my arms around her tightly as she broke into stifled sobs .

I rested my head on top of hers , closing my eyes as I inhaled her hazelnut chocolate scent that calmed

me .

Scarlett sighed , frowning as she looked at me .

"We will find her , Elijah is out there and w e will continue to search , but we need to let every pack

know .If this is the doing of another pack or some sort of uprising , then we will surely find an answer ."

"I’m going to do that , I’ll be putting the word out to the humans too .Even if they just see her , I’ll put

out a reward ."I said , my voice hoarse due to the lack of fucking water .

"Offer them a reward they can’t refuse .The Rossi Empire has funds that you are welcome to take ."

Rayhan replied quietly a s he looked up at me .

Being the son of the eldest Rossi , he held the majority of the empire .

I refused to take more than needed , not to mention he was the main heir to his mother’s entire side of

wealth as well .

Our eyes met , and I saw the pain in his stormy grey ones .

"I’m sorry that Del got caught up in this shit ." I murmured quietly .

He gave a small shake of his head , kissing his mate’s hand .

"We are family , and I don’t think she’d have been able to sit back and do nothing .” He replied , trying

to hide the emotions i n his voice .

"Don’t beat yourself up over it ."

But it was my fucking fault .

Kiara pulled away , taking the water bottle from Darien , unscrewing it and holding it out to me ..

"You need to drink something , and Darien , get him some food ."

She said quietly , her lips trembling .

"Forget food , set up the video call to all members of the council , I’m going to do this shit now ."

Not now , Amore Mio , I’m not wasting any more time .

It’s been fucking hours since she was taken , I can’t afford to lose any more time .

I said quietly .

Darien hesitated , looking between me and Kiara .

"That was a fucking order by your damn king , move ."

I growled viciously , my aura rolling off me and forcing Darien to submit .I saw Kiara frown , but she

said nothing .I walked over to the bed , looking down at the two on it .

"What’s wrong with them ? “ Some sort of curse .

Liam replied quietly .

"I felt something else in the room when she was thrown against the wall .Those vein – like things

travelled from Dante to her .I think anyone who tries to sabotage i t will get affected ." Kiara whispered .

So not only did I need to find Kataleya ,I needed to find a cure .

"Raihana , I don’t want her to attempt the same shit , but do you think she’ll be able t o find some

answers ? " I asked quietly .

"Or the witches ? They fucking owe us anyway .Tell her to contact them .”

Rayhan nodded , taking his phone out , and I turned to Liam .

"Anything ? Does your intuition tell you anything ? " I asked .

He and Kiara both had a gift of knowing things .

One I had blatantly ignored from Kiara … "Nothing ."

He replied frowning , his eyes , that were always blazing the colour of his wolf , met mine .

"But I’m going to go back out there and keep looking for her ."

"The letters ."

Kiara whispered .

"There were two ."

“What did they say ? " I asked her sharply .

She opened her mouth , frowning as she struggled .

A few moments passed , and she looked at us hopelessly .

"Kiara … Don’t tell me you’re unable to voice it ."

Liam replied , his eyes narrowing .

Kiara nodded , her eyes pooling with tears .

I closed my eyes .

Fuck .

I stepped closer to her , cupping her face , the sparks of the bond rippling through us as I caressed her

cheeks with the pads of my thumbs , brushing away the tears that streamed down her cheeks .

"We are going to figure this shit out , ok ? "

I promised with determination , because I fucking swear , anyone fucking involved is going to burn .

She nodded and I pulled her close , my lips crashing against hers in a deep , passionate kiss .

My arms tightened around her , one hand tangling into her hair as I held her close , needing her ,

needing this .

‘ I will bring her back to you ." I kissed her cheeks , the taste of her salty tears mixing with the sweet

taste of her mouth that lingered in mine ..

‘ Alpha , everything is ready for you ."

Darien’s voice came through the link .

I turned away , not saying anything , and left the room , unable to ignore the pain I felt from Kiara but I

had to do this .

For Kiara , for Kataleya , for Dante and for Delsanra .

I washed my face before grabbing a shirt and then walked into the living room where Darien had set

the laptop up for me

The Alpha’s and elders who were part of the council were on the screen , as were two of the high

witches of the fucking coven .

This may be some shit they could help with .

"King Alejandro ."

Allen , the eldest member of the council , greeted .

"I won’t fucking waste time with greetings .Kataleya , my youngest pup was taken today , precisely

fifteen hours ago .

My queen has received two letters , yet she is unable to speak of what she’s fucking read .

My son has some sort of curse that even Delsanra Silver , the Luna of the Black Storm pack , was

unable to counter .

I’m calling a fucking code red , I want every single pack searching for her .

Those that are in your area , I expect you to pass the message to those packs as well .

I want everyone to find my daughter .

I will send a n outline of what exactly went down as soon as this call is fucking over .

Put the word out that if my daughter is found , the pack responsible will be given a huge fucking reward


As for the coven , I would hope that someone can come to the location we are at to see if they can give

any more insight on what is happening .

"The Alphas nodded , I could see they knew the seriousness of the situation ."

Very well , I personally will come , and I will get in touch with Janaina .

Magdalene , the high witch of the coven , said emotionlessly .

I gave a curt nod .

It wasn’t like me to ask for help , but right now I needed to pull out • all the fucking stops I had at my

disposal .

The witches and werewolves were at peace , we did not like each other much but as the years passed ,

we began to blend and tolerate one another .

I ended the video call and began typing *** the email , pulling up an image of Kataleya I had always

kept my pups out of the public eye … This was the first time the entire fucking country was going to see

Kataleya Tamia Rossi ...

I looked at her picture .

This one was taken a few weeks ago .

Her large innocent eyes stared back at me and I felt that suffocating guilt crush me once again .

I should have been able to protect her … Did I do the wrong thing by not going after her ? Did I fucking

lose the only chance I had ? Fuck .

"That notice is good , get some rest , I’ll attach her picture and send it off ." Darien said softly .

"I’m fucking doing it ." I replied icily .

"Al … "

Go make yourself fucking useful and leave me the fuck alone .

I growled dangerously , my eyes flashing red .He simply sighed and nodded , leaving the room and

shutting the door behind him .I was not going to fucking rest until I have found her , and I would , even

if I had to fucking destroy the entire fucking planet i n the process , I would .


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and

continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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