Novel Name : Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 42 What Am I?

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Josey's POV

“We are gathered here to watch the biggest challenge since I was last challenged. Your queen has

been challenged for her title, making this a challenge to the death. Ladies and gentlemen, your queen

and our newest member in the vampire community, Josey of the house Wordsworth.” The king says.

Everyone is in the arena was stomping their feet, the sound resonating throughout the arena, giving the

feel of a fight coming and I was right in the middle of it.

I was already standing in the arena while the queen took her sweet time cat walking her way over.

Thomas sat with the king as he was the nephew to the king and the king had no children as far as I

know so I guess this made him next in line as ruler. Although something told me this king would outlive

them all.

“You sure know how to take your time." I say to the queen, who was dressed in a flowy red dress. I was

dressed in combat attire, because that's how I was raised but clearly vampires have a different


The queen smiles at me but the smile doesn't even reach her eyes as she stands in front of me. A tad

bit taller but that won't shake me, not one bit.

Nooo. I won't let it.

"You do know I'm way older right?" The queen asks me and this time, I smile.

"Yes I do. I also know that means noting in my world but you will soon find out why." I say as the crowd

shouts in excitement at our show of power.

The king raises his hand to silence the crowd and the queen takes a few steps back from me.

“Kill or be killed, fight!" The king shouts out and the queen wastes no time as she jumps to attack.

I'm all for not wasting time, that's Sabrina's forte. I say this with the utmost respect for my sister but that

girl has too much mercy to give and I don't.

I move out of the way but pull her by the hair, slamming her body down on the ground.

I wrap my hand around her neck, releasing my claws that pierce into her skin as I squeeze hard. I sit on

her as I place my other hand on her neck. She gains the upper hand and flips us over but I quickly flip

us over again, banging her head in the ground three times before finally snapping her neck and pulling

her head from her body.

I stand up, the queens head in my hand as I look at the king. My wolf eyes in full display, I walk to one

of the guards who held a torch and lit up the queens head. I walk back to the rest of her body and throw

it on top of her belly.

I watched as her body burnt, confirming my victory.

My easy victory.

The king jumps off his seat, making his way towards me. He stands next to me, looking at me


"Who are you?" The king asks me and I smile.

"I believe your new queen." I say before bowing my head. The crowd cheers as the king raises my

hand to show I was the winner.

I had done it. I had infiltrated the vampire world in less than a day. Years and years of training to go to

Sabrina’s realm and train for almost ten years. All of that led to this, this very moment.

The king quickly drags me out of the arena and in to the dining hall where he was feasting on the

young girl. Images of their act replay in my mind and I shake my head to rid myself of such thoughts.

"Who are you? How does a newly turned vampire defeat and kill an old vampire queen?" The king asks

me, forcing my back against the wall.

"I beat her because she wanted to play games, I was there to win. She has lived for a very long time,

wasn't it time for a new queen anyway?" I say before lightly shoving him away from me.

I walk away from him and sit on one of the chairs in the dining hall.

"First of all, we need some rules. Can we not have sex where we eat? I mean have your fun but my

goodness!" I say, thankful I didn't say goddess out loud.

"I make the rules because I am the king." He says sitting down at head of the table.

I softly chuckle at his statement. Alphas and vampire kings were no different.

I quickly stand up, walk to him. I touch his cheek.

“You can have as many women as you want but you will not touch me. You will also not have sex

where I will be eating, understood?" I say as my hand moves from his face to his neck.

The king chuckles, infuriating me but I keep my cool.

"We don't eat, remember?" He says to me and this time, I chuckle.

“Oh but I do. I love my meat medium rare, I'll let the servants know." I say as I walk away from him,

wanting to leave the dining hall.

He walks fast and stands in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Every woman here wants me, why don't you?" The king asks me.

“Not used to having a bruised ego? Get over it. There's far worse things in this world." I say shoving

him out of the way but he wouldn't budge.

"This isn't some human monarchy where you think you have any say. They call you queen because

you sit by my side, you don't rule with me.”

The king says, clearly annoyed with me.

“Then you need to get in with the times. This is a new era, patriarchal rules or traditions are being

challenged even in the supernatural world.

You think you will rule forever?" I ask getting annoyed with him.

“Whoever wishes to change the rules must kill me first but you must know, I am alive because my

challengers are dead. I remain undefeated."

He boasts with his chest out.

"Then it's up to a woman to dethrone you." I say through gritted teeth.

"Ha! I'd love to see the day.” He says to me. The king has this deep manly voice, a bit raspy too. It was

hard to not find it sexy.

"And when the day comes, I'll love it just a little bit more.” I say before walking around him and out the

dining hall.

Just when I thought I'd celebrate my victory, sexy grandpa cuts it short with his old ways.

“Wow. I'm impressed.” A lady says behind me. I quickly turn around to see a young girl who looked

oddly familiar.

I raise my eyebrow at her, waiting for this young lady to explain herself.

"You're not just some crazy girl looking to get in to my brother's pants." She says to me and I chuckle.

"Believe me when I say I want to stay as far away as possible from any of his old school bootleg

pants." I say and she giggles.

"Where have you been all my life?” She asks me and I smile as I think of my family.

"Enjoying life.” I say with a big smile on my face.

I had a wonderful upbringing and Remi was a wonderful woman and stepmother. Sabrina’'s life had a

smooth sailing then, nothing went wrong.

Things changed when she found out she was Percy's mate.

We were a happy family. Even though Remi is gone, she gave us a wonderful brother who will scorch

the earth to save anyone of us. He wasn't just a normal werewolf.

He was incredibly hardworking and had father's determination and discipline. He was crazy smart too

and found new ways to run a pack while following wolf traditions. I can't wait to meet his children one

day, seeing them be the exact same way he was when we were kids.

He is the perfect balance between wolf and human. His first shift went smoothly as if he felt no pain but

I know it's because he masks his pain, the military child.

Then there was Sabrina.

Sabrina, never abused her strength. Always the caring and respectful but child has a mouth on her.

From a young age and my father can't seem figure out where she got that foul mouth from.

"So, I'm going to ask you the one question everyone here is dying to ask you. How did you do it?” The

kings sister asks me.

"Wait a minute. I don't even know your name." I say and she smiles, her fangs showing.

"I'm Cherisse and you my dear are now the new queen to my brother, Cayden." Cherisse tells me.

“Well Cherisse, my name is Josey and I'm a werewolf." I say as we walk but Cherisse stops in her

tracks, making me stop as well.

"You mean you're a dog? How can I not smell it on you?" Cherisse says to me with the world's disgust

on her face.

"You drink blood for a living and you're going to look at me like that?" I ask her. She closes her eyes

and opens them again.

Her face a little relaxed but her body was tense.

“I was born a wolf and unlike you, It wasn't just decided on some day that I'd be a dog. I'm a proud dog

by the way. This dog used her dog strength and dog claws to decapitate your blood drinking queen.

The dog way." I say annoyed.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. We are just enemies in the outside world. So my reaction

stems from years fighting your kind.”

Cherisse says to me and I shake my head no.

"It does not excuse the behavior. I'm a vampire too so I'm not exactly the enemy now, am I?” I ask

looking straight into her eyes.

"No.” She says looking down and I take that as my chance to walk away from the king's sister.

I walk around in circles looking for Thomas's room but I was failing, dismally. I bump into a human


"Hey! You are human." I say and she nods her head shyly at me.

“Can you please show me to Thomas's room? I'm lost.” I ask and her eyes bulge out.

"Is something wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head no, fear evident in her eyes.

“I'm not going to hurt you. I just need your help getting to that's Wordsworth's room, do you think you

can show me?" I ask again and she nods her head yes.

She starts walking and I follow behind her. She was visibly shaking, underfed and definitely going

through some trauma.

These vampires were truly the monsters of the earth. I wish they had a heavenly realm so Sabrina

could have a chat with their god. They were abusive and cruel.

We stop at a door and she starts to walk away. I gently grab her hand.

“Where can I get some food around here?" I ask her.

“I can speak?" She asks and I nod my head yes. Her voice sounded so groggy as if she hasn't used it

in a long time.

Poor thing.

"We don't keep food in the castle as the king said the smell disgusts him so we have to walk a few

minutes to our hostels to eat but there's human territory thirty minutes from here, where there's all sorts

of restaurants." She says and her eyes get glassy when she tells me about the human town.

“Okay then. Let me change in to something less bloody and we can both go. Actually, come in and

wash up. I'll borrow you something to wear." I say but she shakes her head no.

This girl clearly doesn't know me. I open the door, dragging her in. Thomas wasn't in his room, which

was great.

I lead her to the bathroom and throw her a towel. I run the shower then search the bathroom for an

extra toothbrush, finding one that was still in it's packaging. Imagine one that was already used by a

blood sucking devil.

I hand it to her.

"Clean up and that's an order.” I say before walking out and closing the door. The girl showers for less

than ten minutes and she walked out.

"Now I see what you look like. You are actually very beautiful. Here wear this.” I say handing her a pair

of Jean's with a basic long sleeve cotton shirt.

Okay, by basic I mean an Armani cotton shirt.

I leave her to it as I quickly go shower. I walk out, a white towel wrapped around my body to find

Thomas with his hands wrapped around a very scared human girl.

"Unless you want to feel my wrath, you will let her go. I'd say apologize for your terrible manners but I

know I'd be asking for too much." I say to Thomas.

He let's the girl go, the poor girl dropping to the floor trying to catch her breath.

I wrap my hands around Thomas, and I tighten my grip.

"I'm aware we are in your room but if you ever put your hands on that girl again, I'll make you pay and

I'm not my sister. I kill on the spot, no mercy." I say before throwing him across the room.

He lands on his feet and chuckles.

“First of all, yes! This is my room so imagine my surprise finding a servant in regular clothing standing

in my room. Secondly, I don't like threats." Thomas says to me.

I help the girl up, mouthing I'm sorry to her.

"That was no threat. It's a promise." I say. I get dressed right in front of Thomas and the human girl.

I am a wolf, nakedness is something we get used to overtime.

I also wear denim jeans and a basic shirt. A cotton shirt with cartoon drawing.

I put on my sneakers then pick out two very thick coats and two cardigans. I take the girl's hand,

leading her out of the room.

"You know, we don't befriend our food.” Thomas shouts out and I chuckle.

“I guess I'll just go hungry then." I say as I close the door behind me.

The girl stands next to me, clearly shaken from Thomas's attack.

“I'm so sorry that happened. I shouldn't have left you alone but I get my own room soon so that won't

happen again. Now, do you think we will get something to eat at this hour?" I ask looking at my phone

and it was past midnight.

"We can go to my mother's house.” She says and I smile.

“Home cooked food? Yes please.” I say excitedly as she leads us out of the castle.

“It's a little far. I don't think we can walk the distance and not with the snow.’ She says to me and I


"What's your name?" I ask the girl.

“I'm no one." She says looking down but I place my index finger on her chin, to raise her head.

“What name did your mother give you?" I ask again.

"Kimberley." She says in a whisper but I heard her.

"My sister's name is also Kimberley! This is amazing. Okay, Kim, do you trust me?” I say and she just

stares at me.

"Okay, scratch that. Do you believe me when I say I won't hurt you?" I say and she nods her head yes.

I slowly take off my clothes, trying not to scare her but my actions were clearly making her nervous.

Once I was naked, I give her my clothes to hold on to and I get on all fours.

Kim puts my jacket on, tying my cardigan and jeans around her waist and my shirt on her arm. She ties

my shoe laces together and hangs them around her neck.

Smart girl.

"Goddess!" I whisper yell when I feel the cold ground.

“I'm going to shift in to a white wolf now. Please don't run away.” I say, my eyes pleading with her and

her eyes bulge out but she nods her head yes.

“Once I shift, you'll have to get on my back and direct me to your human territory. Oh and I'm Josey by

the way." I say before shifting in to my wolf.

It felt amazing shifting in to my wolf after so long.

Kim took a few steps back away from me so I laid my head on the ground by her feet, to show that I

won't hurt her and that she had to get on me.

She slowly approaches me and I stay in the same position. Thanking the goddess for my fur keeping

me warm with my head on this cold ground.

She climbs on me and tightens her grip on my fur. I groan, which comes out as a growl, startling her but

her grip stays tight.

I start to walk and she points me in the right direction. We had to go through the woods, which had

vampires hissing at my figure and every now and then I'd have to release my power to intimate any

vampire that thinks it's a good idea to attack me.

Kim was oblivious to it all as she couldn't feel my power or even see the vampires lurking in the

shadows. We get to a clearing that showed an open road, I stopped and Kim took the hint, climbing off


I shift back in to my human self, putting my shoes on first as I couldn't handle the cold snow under my

feet. I dress up and finally the warmth finds me.

"My mother's house is just behind this gas station but we have to go around as there is a brick wall

behind the station." She says but I drag her, crossing the quiet street and to the gas station.

We walk to the back of the station, stopping by the brick wall. I use my vampire abilities by jumping on

to the wall, taking Kim with me. We land on the ground.

It was the backyard of a worn out house. Old rusted swings and an old dollhouse were the only things

here. The light was still on in the house, which had Kim running for the door.

Before opening the door, she waves me over. Eager to get inside and I was not about to kill any more

time outside. She opens the door and we both walk in.

I close the door behind me.

"Kim?" An old lady calls out in disbelief.

Kim nods her head enthusiastically, throwing her arms around the woman.

They both start crying, which has me stand in the middle of the kitchen. Just standing here, awkwardly.

They finally pull away from each other and the woman eyes me.

"Who are you?" The old lady asks rudely. Did I ever mention to anyone how much I hate rudeness.

“Don't be rude mama! She brought me here. Bathed me, clothed me. She's not like the others." Kim

says but her mother staggers back.

"You brought a blood sucking demon to my house?!" She shouted and Kim starts to cry.

"Hi. I'm Josey and I'm no blood sucking demon okay? I may have the fangs and the unusual strength

and speed but im no blood sucker. That is just disgusting!" I say and Kim nods her head yes at her


"What do you eat then?" The lady asks me and I smile.

“Food. I need food!" I say and the woman smiles, her body visibly relaxing.

Oh thank the goddess!

“If that's the case then sit down. I'll prepare something for the two of you. Especially you Kim, you look

underfed.” She says to her daughter.

"I agree but who can blame her. She works for the cruelest of beasts." I say and her mother sadly nods

her head.

I sit with Kim and her mother, looking at old photos of Kim. She was a normal girl attending school and

had made it in to the cheer squad. Her mother was telling us about Kim's one friend who had also

made it in to the cheer squad, invited her to a party only to lead her to vampires who fed on her and

sold her to the castle when she was barely alive.

It broke my heart that someone could be so cruel. There was no party, it was a prank gone wrong and

now everyone believed Kim to be missing, some saying she was already dead.

“What's her name?" I ask and Kim looks at me.

"Your fake friend. What is her name?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter now. She took her own life after finding out Kim went missing. We all know of the

vampires in this town so everyone knew that if she went missing, they had taken Kim." Kim's mother

says to me.

Wow. I just wanted to slap her around but this was sad. Damn.

Kim's mother, Gayle dished up for us and I found happiness. Fried chicken was one of my favorites and

this lady made some amazing chicken.

We ate as Kim told her mother and I of her time with the vampires. It was heartbreaking to say the


"So Josey, what's your story?” Gayle asks me.

"I was born a werewolf and I just recently been turned in to a vampire. I can't say it's easy being both

but my wolf side won't let me feed on defenseless and weak humans. No offence." I say.

"You've been amazing to me, I can't begin to thank you but we have to go back soon. When the sun

rises, I have to clean the castle.” Kim says to me.

"You're staying here, with your mother. No more late night parties for you and I expect to hear that you

graduated from high school, you hear me?" I say and Kim's mouth drops.

“Won't the vampires come here? Demanding her back?" Gayle asks and I think about it.

"You have a point. Give me a minute.” I say, standing up to walk outside.

I close the door and dial CJ's number.

"Jose? Is everything okay?" Cj asks groggily.

“I'm sorry to wake you but I need your help. I have a human girl, she's barely 15 who was sold in to

slavery Cj. These vampires fed on her and abused her. I need your help getting them to safety. I'll give

them some money to get to the nearest town when the sun rises but I'll have to go back. Can you make

sure Sabrina picks them up wherever and helps them disappear?" I say.

"Yeah sure. We have a few hours til sunrise. Have them get to the airport, I'll use grandfather's

connections to fly them out.” Cj says and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks brother. Talk to you soon. I love you." I say before ending the call and walking back inside the


"So I called my brother. He will arrange for the two of you to disappear from here but we will have to

wait until sunrise.” I say and Gayle hugs me.

“Won't you be in trouble?" Gayle asks me and I smile.

"I'll just say I went overboard when feeding on her and if they don't believe me, they'll have to try and

kill me. I promise you, I'm not easily killed besides, I'm their new queen." I say and Kim's eyes bulge


"You mean the red head is dead?" Kim asks me and I nod my head yes.

"I killed her, hours ago. Making me the new queen. Things are about to change in that castle but you

don't need to be around to see that, I'll keep you posted though. Once you're all settled." I say.

We all go in to the living room, talking and trying to kill time. I passed out at some point but Gayle

shook me as the sun began to rise.

She walked in to the kitchen and waved me over, leaving Kim to sleep.

I walk in to the kitchen, where there was two cups of tea. I sat down with Gayle opposite me.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving my daughter. I don't know how I'll ever repay your kindness." She

says to me.

I take a sip of the tea but it tasted funny. My wolf told me not to take anymore as it kind of weakens my


"What's in this tea Gayle?" I ask her and she looks at me, shocked.

"It's just a normal brew child." She says nervously.

"No. If I was a weaker being, this would've had me pass out but you underestimated me and now you

must answer.’ I say standing up to throw out the tea.

"What is in the tea Gayle?" I say using compulsion.

"Some herbs. Look, I sold my baby girl. I was neck deep in debt and the vampire king told me the only

way to pay off my debt was to hand over my daughter. He promised to take good care of her, he only

said he needed her for breeding purposes, I didn't think they'd feed on her!" She says and I break the

mug I was holding with my bare hands.

I look up to her, ready to kill her but Kim walks in to the kitchen, tears staining her face.

"You sold me? You sold your only child?” Kim says, her voice low.

"You must believe me, I thought they'd take care of you. You'd have the king's babies and live a life of

luxury." Gayle says and I chuckle.

“Are you insane? First of all, Vampires are dead so they are not able to create life. Secondly, what in

your living god did you think us, the supernatural would allow a mere human to be the king's bride?" I

ask and she stares at me with her mouth hanging open.

“Let me give you a little history lesson. Us, werewolves, we have learnt to blend in when we are around

humans but in no way do we mix with them unless our god makes one a soulmate which rarely

happens! Then you have your vampires, the monsters that feed on your blood! If the king was able to

have kids, maybe just maybe he'd have girls having his babies but he can't. None of them can! And you

are food to them, just a bag

keeping their blood warm. They have zero respect for your kind and you gave your daughter away to

the cruelest man on earth. How dare you?!" I ask...

Kim takes a pan that was on the stove and whacks her mother behind the head. Gayle falls to the


"Well yeah less talking more whacking. I feel you." I say before walking fast to catch Kim who almost

fell to the ground.

"What kind of mother?" She asks.

“The kind that doesn't deserve a daughter like you.” I say as I gently put her on the chair.

“Look, you can stay here with your mother or you can go. Start a new life, my family can make that

happen for you. You can start afresh, finish school and build a career. You don't have to stay here." I

say and she looks at me, her eyes filled with so much hurt.

“Alone? What would I do alone?" Kim asks me and I smile.

"You've been alone for quite some time my little fighter. This time, you've got the help you need." I say

hugging her.

My phone rings.

"Brother?" I say over the phone. I put the call on speaker.

"Your friend and her mother will be flown out as state witnesses and will be taken by grandfather. He

will arrange everything and have her stay there until she is ready to be on her own." Cj says to me over

the phone and I smile.

“Thank you my lovely brother. Send me the flight details.” I say.

"I've sent them already. She needs to get to the airport soon, her flight is in two hours. Talk to you soon

Josey, love you." He says before ending the call.

"So this is it?" Kim asks me looking down at her mother.

"You'll be staying with my grandfather. I think he will be arranging for you to stay with a family of

hunters. They hunt the supernatural that harm

the humankind. You'll learn a lot from them and they will also train you on defending yourself from

people like me. Please know that not everyone is as nice as me or my family. Even werewolves can be

evil so I beg you, listen to my grandfather.” I say and Kim nods.

“Come on, let's go. You have a flight to catch." I say helping Kim up.

“Does your mother have a car?" I ask and Kim nods her head, taking a set of keys from the counter.

She stands taller, wipes her face and walks out the front door, I follow behind her. We stop in front of a

white SUV, she throws me the keys.

“Can't drive? Sure. I'll do it.” I say, getting in to the car.

We drive silently to the airport, no words uttered at all.

After dropping Kim at the airport, I made my way back to the castle.

It is quiet, no vampire in sight. I walk up the stairs, making my way to the king's quarters as my room

should be close to his.

Waiting for me at the end of the stairs was none other than the king. Looking at me, in broad daylight.

He looked mad but that was not my concern. My biggest concern was how was he standing here,

staring in to my eyes with the sun up.

"Mind telling me how you're able to walk around in the sun?" He asks me and I stop on the final step,

looking straight in to his eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing.”I say. Cayden grunts.

“In my chambers. NOW!" The king says to me and I follow behind him.

Every one wanted to know who I was, what I was capable off but right now I wanted to know Cayden.

The vampire king that could be out in the sun.

“What are you?" Cayden asks me and I look at him.

"What am I?" I ask and he nods, his posture and face showing his growing impatience.

“Lam Josey Trent. A werewolf newly turned vampire. Now, what are you?" I ask pointing at him.

He chuckles.

“I'm the vampire king. The oldest vampire today and a son to the first ever vampire to walk this earth.”

Cayden says to me.

"That doesn't explain your abilities.” I say and he chuckles.

"Lam the man you don't want to mess with. Your wolf abilities might give you an upper hand with

everyone here but not me. That little stunt you pulled with the servant, never again." He says to me. His

voice different, there was a hint of an accent there too.

"That doesn't tell me anything. How are you able to walk in the sun?” I say and his fingers brush my


"I'm not human, I never was." Cayden tells me. He walks away from me, stopping at a bedroom door to

look at me.

“Come on, if you want to hear who's bed you just got in to, wouldn't you rather hear it from the horses

mouth?” Cayden says to me with sly smile.

This man was bad news, his smile was clear of that but I had the upper hand. He had no idea of the

powers I possess or my strength. He may be able to walk in the sun but he was still no match for me.

I walk in to the room and he closes the door behind me. I am ready to play this game he thinks he's

winning but above everything else, I had to do what I said I'd come here to do, prevent the vampires

from ever declaring war on the werewolf race.


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