Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 80

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14 Important Meeting

Evelyn POV

The guard pulls to the gate and I feel nerves like I’ve never known. What if we’re wrong about Clara?

What if we’re right but she won’t believe the truth? What if she thinks we didn’t want them? What has

happened to her all these years in the hands of that ba**ard? “Stop it Eve. Now isn’t the time to let

questions stop us from moving forward. You are strong and you can do this” Sadie says. “Luna the

guard is asking you a question.” I turn to the smiling guard from the Nightfire pack. “My apologies, I was

deep in thought.” “No worries Luna Evelyn. What can we help you with today?” “Can you let Alpha

Lincoln and Luna Amelia know that I would like to speak with them.” “Of course” he says and begins to

link. He smiles back at me. “They will be waiting for you outside the pack house”, the guard says, and I

nod. We drive up the winding path to the parking area. “Do you want me to go with you Luna?” “No, I

want you to return to the pack.” He looks at me confused. “Luna, I don’t think the Alpha would want me

to return without you.” “I’m not really concerned about what Grant wants. Return to the pack now.” I see

fear on his face and I can’t have him punished because of my actions.

“If Grant wants to know why I’m not coming back he can call me. You can tell him that you had no

choice because I used my command on you.” I see the fear fade and it’s replaced by sympathy. “Yes,

Luna,” he says. I step out of the vehicle and close the door. I watch as he pulls out and turns back

down the paved path. There is no turning back now, not that I would. I head toward the pack house and

Amelia steps out smiling. “Eve it’s so good to see you. Is everything alright” she asks. “I’m sorry to

interrupt your day but I really need to talk to you and Linocln.” The smile leaves her face “of course you

can.” She takes my hand and leads me through the pack house. When we reach the office she doesn’t

knock and heads inside. Lincoln and two other men are deep in discussion. “Amelia” I start to say but

the men get up and leave without a word.

Lincoln walks over and wraps her in a hug before he turns to me. “I’m sorry Alpha for interrupting your

meeting” I say before he can speak. He smiles “first of all, you and my beautiful mate are never an

interruption. Second, please call me Lincoln, Evelyn. We have known each other for years the formality

is not necessary.” I nod and we all take a seat. “Eve what’s going on? You seem upset” Amelia asks.

“This is a long story so I apologize in advance. Grant was not my first mate. I was mated to a warlock

named Theodore. He was wonderful and we accepted each other the day we met. I expected to spend

the rest of my life with him. We kept our mating a secret for a month because Theo worried how the

coven would treat me as a wolf. We found out that I was pregnant and Theo decided he couldn’t wait

any longer to tell his uncle who was the leader of the coven. He kissed me that day and told me he

wouldn’t be gone long. A few hours later I felt the bond break and if it wasn’t for my pups I would have

given in to death.”

I take a deep breath shaking away the pain of the memory. “Eve” Amelia says my name like a question.

“I’m alright, it’s the past and I survived it. Theo is with the goddess and in my heart.” I stare off for a

moment before I continue. “I was three months pregnant when Grant visited my pack. He had come to

see if his mate was in our pack but I never gathered with the unmated females. I never expected to be

given another mate. I was in the dining room when Grant walked in and Sadie said mate in my head. I

stood and the minute Grant saw my belly he was pissed. After a long discussion, he assured me that

he would accept me and raise my pups. I was so grateful that the goddess gave me a second chance.

A man who could love me and my pups after I lost Theo.” Amelia gives me a look of sympathy but I

keep going.

“I became Luna and everything was wonderful. Grant was the perfect mate. I went into labor and had

two pups. A boy and a girl. They were taken out of the room and I waited for them to be brought back

to me but when the door opened, Grant was alone. He looked awful and when the words that the pups

had died left his mouth my world crumbled. How could I survive losing Theo and then my pups? I

wanted to be dead, but how could I do that to Grant? After all he had done for me. He had loved me

and accepted my pups. I couldn’t just let what happened break me. Sadie and I survived in the

knowledge that Grant loved and needed us.” “I’m so sorry for all that you lost” Amelia says and Lincoln

nods. I nod and continue. “I believed that was the truth until the night I met Clara.” “What does Clara

have to do with any of this” Lincoln asks. “I believe she is one of my pups that Grant gave to a rogue.”

Lincoln growls and Amelia comes around the desk wrapping me in her arms.

Lincoln POV

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I have known Grant for years. How could he do such an evil vile thing

to his mate and innocent pups? “Evelyn, can you tell us how you know that your pups are still alive and

that Clara might be one.” I’m not doubting her but I have to protect Clara from any more heartache that

this could bring her if it’s not true. I have to know that Evelyn is right. “The night we came for the ball,

Sadie and I knew she was ours. There is no mistaking the bond that a mother feels with her pup. My

visit to an old pack member today gave me the details I didn’t know. Grant gave both my pups to a

rogue and a witch. He killed the doctor that wouldn’t keep his secrets.” “Where is this pack member

now?” “He left the pack after his mate’s death and is now living in the human city. He has a human wife

and pups.” “How did you get to the city to speak with him Evelyn?” “I told Grant I was going shopping

and I had one of the guards take me.” I link Michael to come to my office. He arrives a few minutes


“Evelyn, what is the address of the pack member?” She looks at me concerned. “The minute that guard

returns Grant will use his command to find out details and when that happens the pack member and his

family will be in danger.” I see remorse on her face. I stand walking around the desk and bend so we

are eye to eye. “You did nothing wrong. You needed those answers. We will protect that family and

you.” Tears roll down her cheeks. “Thank you, Lincoln. Thank you, Amelia” she says. I turn to Michael

and hand him the paper with the address on it. “Bring them to the pack and don’t take no for an answer.

They will be in danger. Assure them that we will keep them and their pups safe.” “Yes, Alpha” he says

and leaves my office. “Can I see Clara?” I turn and Evelyn is looking at me with hope in her eyes. I walk

back and take her hand. “As soon as she returns with Eli we will all sit down and talk.” “Come on Eve,

I’ll show you to your room” Amelia says. Goddess, I love this woman and I can’t imagine doing anything

to hurt her or Eli. What kind of monster does that? Once they are gone I link Neal to come to my office.

Neal reaches my office and we head downstairs. Once we are outside we shift and head toward the

Silver Paw collective. Carter made it sound very important that I come today. After my last meeting I

can’t even begin to wonder what could be so important.


We reach the city and head to my favorite restaurant inside the hotel my mother and aunt used to work

in. My parents have taken Larisa and I here a hundred times. I want to share that with Clara. When I

help her out of the car I can’t help but stare for a minute. “You look so beautiful.” Her cheeks blush

“thank you.” The hostess takes us to a table in the back and I pull out her chair. I want this date to be

perfect. She deserves everything to be perfect. The waitress takes our drink order and we are alone.

“Eli this is wonderful. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I love you.” My heart squeezes in my

chest. She hasn’t said those words to me before. I’m rendered speechless. “Hey tell her you love her

back” Silas growls in my head. I smile and look into her beautiful eyes. “I love you so much Clara.” The

waitress brings our drinks back, interrupting the moment but Clara continues to smile. I love to see her

happy. After we finish dinner I take Clara for a walk. We talk about everything and nothing. She is so

relaxed and I’m grateful that she finally feels comfortable with me. She will never know another moment

like her past as long as I live.

When we’re done with our walk we head back toward the hotel. We reach the parking lot and I open

the car door. A smile that I’ve never seen spreads across Clara’s face. Her eyes are darker than

normal. “What else did you have planned for today Eli?” I’m not sure if it’s Cora speaking or Clara but I

answer. “There’s a sweet shop and a museum that I thought you would enjoy.” She steps into my

space and her scent is making it very hard for me to focus on the conversation. “Eli I love that you did

all this but I swear to you I am ready. I’m not afraid of giving myself to you. I’m not afraid to make you

mine.” I look into her eyes and this time I’m sure it’s Clara speaking. She slides into the seat and I close

the door. I smile at how confident she has become. I still worry about our mating after all she has been

through but she isn’t the same woman I found in the woods. It’s time to listen to my mate and do what

she asked. I won’t treat her like she is broken or like glass. I slide into the driver seat and take her hand

in mine. I pull out and head back toward the pack. “You still owe me another date to the sweet shop.” I

laugh and pull her hand to my lips. “It’s a date.”

Carter POV

I get a link from one of the wolves that Lincoln has arrived. I head out onto the porch to meet him.

Lincoln and Neal shift after they make it through the trees. I throw them shorts before they join me on

the porch. I shake both their hands before we head inside. “Thank you, for coming so quickly Lincoln.”

“You know that you never have to thank me for coming to meet with you.” “I actually called you to come

so that you could meet someone.” My office door opens and Calliope and Cayden step inside. “Lincoln,

this is Calliope, a new member of my collective and Cayden. Cayden is the one that requested this

meeting.” Lincoln turns and comes to stand in front of Cayden. He sticks out his hand and Cayden

takes it. “Thank you for coming to meet with me Alpha. I’m sure you’re very busy but I need to find my

sister.” “How can I help you with that?” “I believe she is in your pack. Her name is Clara.” A low growl

escapes Lincoln and I pray this wasn’t a mistake on my part.

Update Chapter 80 of Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Announcement Betrayed by My Beta Mate has updated Chapter 80 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author TheNich29 in Chapter 80 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 80 Betrayed by

My Beta Mate series here. Search keys: Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 80


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