Novel Name : The Dark Side Of Fate

Chapter 15

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15 Adjusting in Tension


Sylvester left me in the room, and I remained sad. The emptiness and confusion were gone.

I was glad Sylvester was around to absorb me into his pack; this was my biggest fear of leaving Leo. I

did not want to go rogue.

Kaira was weak, and I knew we would never be at a hundred percent again.

I would have to train harder now, Idoubted Sylvester would let me, but I will try.

I wished he had remained and done what he wanted to do. I wanted comfort, and I was willing to do

anything for it, but instead, he had to be a gentleman and walk away.

I lay on my bed and re-read Leo’s letter. I could see it was a difficult situation for him. He had given me

closure with his letter. I knew it was best to write a letter to him to provide closure.

I doubted Sylvester would let me send it, but I will try. I went to my vanity table and took a piece of

paper and a pen to write.

“Dear Leonardo,I received your letter, and I want you to know I am not angry.The fact that you are alive

and well is rewarding enough. Thank you for the closure. It really means a lot. If it helps, I never

blamed you for what happened to us. We were victims of fate, even Amanda. I know you have sworn

never to replace me, but I beg you to give her her place. Both of you are expecting. Do not let my

sacrifice be in vain, Leo.I have joined the Wolf Lord’s pack, so my sanity is intact.Do not waste my gift

to you. Live your life to the fullest and make the most of it.Shower your love and affection on Amanda

and your children; they deserve it.Know that I am well, and the Wolf lord has been genuinely kind to all

of us. If we ever meet again, I pray it is in good health and joy. You will always have a place in my

heart. Love Tamia.”

I read the letter a couple of times before folding it. There were no envelopes in my room, but I was

determined to give them to Sylvester to have them mailed in the morning. I did not know if he would

take offense, but I will try.

“I guess that chapter is closed,” Kaira said as we lay on the bed. I could not give a definite answer

because as long as we are all alive, no chapter is ever closed.

I went for breakfast in the morning, wearing the sheer clothes in my wardrobe against Sylvester’s


Avery and Marcel were kissing when I arrived, and I knew he would have fucked her on the table if he


Linda was still reserved, but she was getting along with Theodore. Sylvester was yet to grace us with

his presence, so I went to sit in my usual spot and wait.

I greeted everyone present with the utmost respect, and Linda was the first to notice my mark was

gone. She smiled at me, and I nodded. I was yet to adjust to being single.

From how Avery looked, it was clear the two were together all night. I wondered when she would get

tired of it.

I couldn’t blame her; from not getting any to being the centre of attention, it was expected behaviour. I

hoped for her sake it would last because, even if she didn’t want to admit it, she was falling in love.

Sylvester walked in, and he had lipstick on the side of his cheek. I did not need to know who it

belonged to. For the first time, it got to me.

I composed myself and greeted him respectfully. He sat beside me when he picked up his napkin and

angrily wiped away the mark on his cheek. I guess someone linked him to tell him.

“How was your night?” he said, gently lifting my hand and kissing it. I had the urge to pull it away, but I

controlled myself.

“Peaceful,” I replied,

“Why are you annoyed?” He linked me for the first time, and I looked at him. He was too handsome for

his own good.

“I am not; I am just respecting myself,” I replied, and he smiled and placed his hand on my bare thigh.

“I have warned you not to dress in these outfits with other people.around,” He warned, and I smiled at


“This suits my mood best,” I replied, and he growled.

He ran his hand up my thighs, and I felt tingles; then he kissed my neck and sucked gently. Was this

guy making out with me in public? I had never done this before, and I felt a bit shy.

“People are here,” I linked him, and he sucked my sweet spot, forcing a moan out of me.

“If you are comfortable with dressing provocatively in public, then this should be okay, he said and

moved his hands closer to my pussy. I wasn’t wearing panties, and I knew I was wet.

“Please,” I pleaded with him to leave me alone.

“Next time I tell you to do something, you do it,” he said, got up and lifted me from my seat.

Avery was smiling, and Linda looked away. He placed me over his shoulders and smacked me on the


“Obedience class 101,” he said, taking me out of place.

“We haven’t eaten; I am hungry,” I said, protesting, and he smacked me again.

I wanted to giggle because it was exciting, but I held it.

People saw us, and they were most surprised. Even Lilly and her sidekicks came to the passage to see

the commotion.

Sylvester moved ahead until we got to my room. He opened the room and carried me in.

He threw me on the bed, and I sat up and moved back until my back was against the bed rest.

“I guess Lunas never had to be obedient, so this will be your first class,” he said and took off his shit.

His body was sculpted to perfection. His tattoos were beautiful, and the art went up his neck.

His eyes were dark, and I was worried because it meant his wolf was involved.

He got on the bed and came to me.

“I let you be last night because you were grieving. But you had to push it,” he said and kissed the

corner of my cheek.

“I sense some jealousy, green eyes. Did it have anything to do with the lipstick on my cheek?” He

asked, and I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side.

“So I see,” he said and grazed his teeth along my neck.

“Do you want to punish me for it?” he asked me, and I did not know what to say; my legs were already

shaking. I had never experienced this kind of energy and boldness before. This was something new.

He suddenly pulled away and got off the bed. It seemed he had a sudden change of heart. It was in his

eyes. I was disappointed, but I tried not to let it show.

“I will permanently change your wardrobe. No more sexy outfits for you, he said and picked up his shirt.

“Are you afraid I might turn you on, and you will lose control?” I asked with a daring tone, and he looked

at me and smiled.

“Green eyes, you are already mine,” he said, and I growled at him out of frustration. Kaira was at the

forefront, and I knew he could see my wolf eyes too.

It wasn’t okay to mess with people like this.

“Be a good girl, and I will reward you,” he said with a smirk and left the room. He had disrupted my

breakfast for nothing. He had also figured out the lipstick got to I got off the bed and decided to change

my outfit. I wore shorts and a t-shirt. When I was done, I remembered the letter I wanted to mail to Leo,

and I took it out of my dresser to head back to breakfast.

To my surprise, Sylvester was there as if nothing had happened. I was mad at him, so I tried to sit next

to Linda, but Theodore did not allow it, and he made me sit next to Sylvester.

“Don’t you feel better?” He asked, and I did not bother to answer. I was angry. I ate quietly, and when

we were done, he got up to leave, so I followed him.

“Sylvester,” I called in the hallway, and he turned to look at me.

“I do not mean to abuse your hospitality or your kindness. Please do not see my request as an act of

defiance or as taking you for granted,” I said, and he frowned at me. I knew what I was about to ask

him to do might not be welcomed.

“Please help me mail this later to Leonardo. You can read its content. It poses no security threat. I am

just asking him to move on.” I said quickly, and his eyes darkened. He held my arm and made me

follow him to his office.

The moment the door was shut, he looked at me angrily.

“Do not abuse the privilege, Tamia. No one is allowed to communicate with their loved ones here. That

is precisely the point. I will not make exceptions for you, ” he said, and my heart broke a bit because I

did not feel I was asking for too much. I just wanted to say goodbye.

“Other trophies were actively given to you, so they said their goodbyes to their loved ones. He was

unconscious when they took me away,” I said with tears.

“How am I sure it is not a secret code? How am I sure you are not giving him information about the

north? About me?” He asked me, and I knew he wouldn’t bend on this one.

“I am sorry I asked. It won’t happen again,” I said, folded the letter, and put it in my pocket.

“May I be excused?” I asked.

“You did not answer my question,” he said, and I took out the letter and handed it to him.

“Read it and decide for yourself. I am sure you have code geniuses here; they can tell you if I am

selling secrets or not,” I said, and he opened the letter to read it. I could see shame in his eyes when

he was through. I figured he had trust issues.

“Very well, I will send it to him, but no more, and no one must know of this,” he warned, and I nodded

and thanked him. Whether I liked it or not, however kind he was and however comfortable the place

was, I was still a prisoner of war.

“Horse riding is in an hour; meet me at the stables.” He said, and I nodded. I was grateful that he

agreed to send the letter. I left his office and headed to my room.

On my way, I bumped into the annoying Lilly and her friends. She was behaving like a child.

“Alpha couldn’t stand seeing your hideous body, so he told you to cover up, she teased, looking at what

I was wearing and ignoring the fact that they were his clothes. I tried to walk away, but they blocked

me. I really wasn’t in the mood for this.

“I sent you a message on his cheek this morning. Did you get it?” She asked me, and I did not respond.

“Do you want to know how it got there?” She asked, and I heard a growl behind I did not need to guess

who it was.

“Lilly! in my office now!” Sylvester growled, and I started walking away quickly.

I did not want to imagine what they would do there together.

After what happened with Leo, I should have had a thick skin, but Sylvester got to me. I did not know

why but he got to me.

I moved quickly into my room and felt jealous over him for the first time.I knew I was grieving, but I

could not understand why he always controlled himself around me. It made me feel unattractive.

It should be the least of my worries, but I was petty like that, thanks to the fact that I had nothing to do

and I sat in a castle idle all day.

Once it was time to meet him at the stables, I headed there. I hoped to see many people, but it was just

him and two horses. He walked to me smiling. He was all decked up and ready. He handed me what to

wear, and I thanked him. I was still mad about Lilly, but I kept it to myself. I might end up punishing him

for it.

“Do you know how to ride?” he asked me, and as much as I tried to get my mind out of the gutter with

that question, my mind was rolling in it.

“Of course,” I said, and he laughed, knowing exactly what I meant.

Read The Dark Side Of Fate - the best manga of


Of the Karima Sa'ad Usman stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is The

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Usman story right here


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