Novel Name : My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 76

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“Can you hear me, Yileyna?” The king asked, taking a seat on the bed, placing his hands on his knees

as he turned towards us both. “I asked you; how are you feeling?” “I’m fine.” Yileyna replied, sounding


Although she was trying to control her emotions, it was obvious that she was angry with Dad. I looked

between them, realising their eye colour was so similar… How was this possible?

Who was Yileyna’s mother?

“I heard you had Gamma Grayson locked away. What are his crimes?” Yileyna asked. Gamma

Grayson… He was my father… I swallowed hard, thinking what would happen from here on out? What

would happen to me?

“Betraying his king and having an illicit relationship with his Luna. It is an insult to me, the Alpha!” Dad

growled, his eyes blazing. Yileyna nodded. “Will you too serve prison time for your own illicit affair, which

is an insult to your Luna?” She asked, blinking innocently.

Dad’s face almost turned purple at that blatant insult.

I almost smiled. There was a time I had to hold Yileyna back, knowing Dad would get angry, but now I

could tell he was trying to keep his temper in check. He had to tolerate her now.

Go Yileyna. “I am Alpha! I don’t need to prove anything to anyone!” He thundered. Yileyna shook her


“No, as Alpha, you are the one who should set an example… Gamma Grayson is a good person, and

with the current times, you need all the support you can get. Gamma Grayson and Zoe were not fated

mates… but you and the Luna were. Yet you both betrayed one another. If Gamma Grayson is in prison

for cheating, then all three of you need to be there together.” She said, crossing her arms. 3 An alpha

female. How had I not seen it before?

Confident, proud, and just.

Dad glared at her, yet said nothing for a moment, before exhaling deeply. He then shook his head, before

grinning and slapping her on the back so hard she almost fell off the bed. I winced, Dad often forgot his

own strength. “Answered like a true Alpha!” He chortled. I had never seen this side of him.

I knew at that moment why Dad was acting the way he was. He was going to make Yileyna his


Her powers… She was the heart.

I was happy for her, I truly was. I think I am a little disappointed that we aren’t blood-related, but it’s ok,

we are still sisters. We always have been, and we always will be. 7 I don’t know what Dad wanted to do

with me… Would he cast me aside? Would he order me to leave, as he did Yileyna when her parents

were branded traitors? Dad had always treated me well, although I never did as good as he wanted. It

had always been Mom who looked down at me, to think she’s the one who was my biological parent…

Yes, Dad didn’t seem to have much faith in me but I wondered what would happen from here.

It was frustrating to know Mom had treated me harshly when I was doing fine. For a werewolf, I’m sure I

was doing well. How could she be like that? I blinked when I realised Yileyna had taken my hand and

pulled me up from my seat. She scooted aside, pulling me to sit between her and Dad.

I felt out of place… until she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a warm embrace. I often thought

her embrace felt like how Mom’s would feel if she had been caring and loving…

I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder.

This was where I felt happy. I pursed my lips, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall.

“Charl…” She whispered, her voice full of concern. Dad sighed heavily

“Right, I think we need to have this conversation now.” He said. I slowly sat up, before scooting back so I

could see Dad properly. Yileyna smiled gently as she pulled the duvet over us as we sat there, side by

side. I smiled back, things were confusing right now, but no matter what, we’d always have one


“First of all, save a select few who know the truth about your parentage, no one else will be told. As far

as the pack and kingdom know, you are my daughter.” Dad said, and although I felt happy that he at

least was still calling me his daughter, I wondered if that rule applied to Gamma Grayson too… “What of

Gamma Grayson?” I asked quietly.

Dad’s eyes flashed, his face darkening with anger.

“He will never know.” He spat.

“That should be Charlene’s choice.” Yileyna said quietly, making Dad glare at her in irritation.

“Don’t think you know everything.” Dad frowned.

“I don’t, but I know that should be her choice.” Yileyna remained stubborn.

“Yet you want me to free the man.” Dad glared at her. I looked at Yileyna, worried for her, but she was

just looking at Dad calmly. “Yes, of course.”

“It’s one or the other. I behead him for his crimes, but before that, he gets to learn the truth, or I consider

pardoning him and we bury this secret.” Dad growled. “Which will it be?”

My heart thumped, but Dad was right, it would just destroy one more family. Just the way mine had been

torn apart today. I felt lost… empty and confused… “Dad’s right, we shouldn’t tell anyone. It’s fine,

Gamma Grayson deserves to be out of prison more than him learning about this… Plus, I may not be

Dad’s real daughter, but-” “You are his one and only daughter, my parents are dead. William and Andrea

were my parents, and that won’t ever change.” Yileyna cut in. “Your dad will always be yours.”

Dad wasn’t happy with her words, but he said nothing.

“Sisters.” I said, quietly giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

She nodded before turning to Dad. “I do think that if Charlene wants, Gamma Grayson should also be

told. I’m sure he won’t tell everyone anyway.”

“You are disobedient, girl.” He growled in response.

Yileyna didn’t reply and I watched her lock eyes with Dad, a silent move of defiance…

But I agreed with her… Even if I don’t think I ever wanted anyone to know right now, maybe in the future

that would change…

“You may not consider yourself my daughter, but it doesn’t change the fact. Tomorrow evening, I will

make the announcement that you are my daughter and the future Alpha! I will have the fae to train you to

learn control, you cannot keep losing control!” Dad stood up, frowning at Yileyna. “Don’t push my

patience because, I assure you, I have a low fuse.”

Yileyna frowned, but I squeezed her hand in warning.

She didn’t respond, and Dad left, shutting the door behind him.

We both sighed at the same time, before exchanging looks and smiling. The tension Dad had left behind

lifting, and I giggled weakly.

“Well, that didn’t go well.” I stated, dropping back onto the pillows and staring at the ceiling, as Yileyna

dropped back onto her pillows.

She didn’t respond for a moment, becoming serious.

“Hmm… Charlene, I’m sorry… I didn’t want to be Alpha, I don’t want to take what’s yours.” She said,

turning her beautiful face towards me. The sadness, regret, and guilt were clear on her face. 1

“What’s mine is yours, that’s always how it is, and what’s yours is mine. I think I’m luckier in that aspect,

Leyna… I still get to be the Alpha King’s daughter, without the burden of having to unlock my powers and

the pressure to run a kingdom when the Obsidian Shadow pack and Sirens are out for us. We are in dire

danger, and it scared me to think I was to handle it all… But … now you can, right? You’re stronger than I

am. I’ll be here rooting for you, always… but you are better suited to lead.” I said smiling at her. She may

be younger, but at times I felt like I was the younger one being protected by her.

She smiled slightly, but I knew my words weren’t enough to reassure her. She would still feel guilty, but

with time that would change. Because she was born to do this. “There’s something else too…” She said,

now turning onto her side, encasing my hand between two of hers.

I copied, turning onto my side to face her. “What is it?” “My mother… although the king wants to keep it a

secret, you know there’s nothing I can keep from you. I’m part Siren, Charl.” She whispered. It took me a

good few moments to process her words.

Part Siren?


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