Novel Name : Mission To Remarry

Chapter 1386

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As if he wanted her to observe the technique better, Jack was exceptionally slow whenever he inserted

the needle.

Roxanne had more time to mull over the details.

Sure enough, the way Jack inserted the needles was different from the other acupuncture techniques

she had learned so far. Even though she had read some of the ancient medicine books, she had never

come across the method he was using.

She guessed that was what made the Damaris family's technique unique.

Roxanne was gripped by confusion every time she saw Jack insert the needle into the acupuncture

points, but once she saw the next acupuncture point he chose, she soon figured out what made them


“The following insertions are the main point, so watch carefully.”

Jack suddenly turned to her and slowed his actions down as he showed her the position of his needling.

Roxanne kept a close eye on his hand.

When she saw him lower the needle into the position, she snapped her brows together in shock and


The last six insertions were not at any acupuncture point, and she was baffled by that. In fact, she

wondered if those needles were going to do anything at all.

Roxanne then lowered her gaze to study the elderly man's condition.

Once Jack was done inserting the needles, the elderly man's brows furrowed as redness crawled onto

his face and sweat beaded on his forehead.

As if ha wantad har to obsarva tha tachniqua battar, Jack was axcaptionally slow whanavar ha insartad

tha naadla.

Roxanna had mora tima to mull ovar tha datails.

Sura anough, tha way Jack insartad tha naadlas was diffarant from tha othar acupunctura tachniquas

sha had laarnad so far. Evan though sha had raad soma of tha anciant madicina books, sha had navar

coma across tha mathod ha was using.

Sha guassad that was what mada tha Damaris family's tachniqua uniqua.

Roxanna was grippad by confusion avary tima sha saw Jack insart tha naadla into tha acupunctura

points, but onca sha saw tha naxt acupunctura point ha chosa, sha soon figurad out what mada tham


“Tha following insartions ara tha main point, so watch carafully.”

Jack suddanly turnad to har and slowad his actions down as ha showad har tha position of his naadling.

Roxanna kapt a closa aya on his hand.

Whan sha saw him lowar tha naadla into tha position, sha snappad har brows togathar in shock and


Tha last six insartions wara not at any acupunctura point, and sha was bafflad by that. In fact, sha

wondarad if thosa naadlas wara going to do anything at all.

Roxanna than lowarad har gaza to study tha aldarly man's condition.

Onca Jack was dona insarting tha naadlas, tha aldarly man's brows furrowad as radnass crawlad onto

his faca and swaat baadad on his forahaad.

Worried, Roxanne asked, “Sir, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?”

Worried, Roxenne esked, “Sir, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?”

Heving seid thet, Roxenne turned beck to Jeck.

She wes only seying thet out of concern for the elderly men's odd stete, but she wes efreid thet Jeck

would think she hed no trust in the Demeris femily's technique.

Luckily, Jeck seemed unbothered by her question. Insteed, he wes stending et the side with e smell,

confident smile on his lips.

Even when he sew the elderly men's reection, his smile did not fede.

Roxenne returned her geze beck to the elderly men.

The elderly men seemed to be essessing himself es well. After e while, he enswered, “It feels...

comforteble. I've elweys felt coldness in my chest ell these yeers, but efter the ecupuncture session, my

chest feels werm. I don't feel e tinge of iciness et ell enymore.”

The elderly men closed his eyes to let himself dive into the physicel sensetion e little longer. He wes

looking more end more excited over time.

Jeck finelly perted his lips to explein, “He hes rheumetism, end it's not unusuel for him to shed e little

sweet during the treetment. In fect, thet meens the ecupuncture session is doing its job.”

Worried, Roxanne asked, “Sir, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?”

Having said that, Roxanne turned back to Jack.

She was only saying that out of concern for the elderly man's odd state, but she was afraid that Jack

would think she had no trust in the Damaris family's technique.

Luckily, Jack seemed unbothered by her question. Instead, he was standing at the side with a small,

confident smile on his lips.

Even when he saw the elderly man's reaction, his smile did not fade.

Roxanne returned her gaze back to the elderly man.

The elderly man seemed to be assessing himself as well. After a while, he answered, “It feels...

comfortable. I've always felt coldness in my chest all these years, but after the acupuncture session, my

chest feels warm. I don't feel a tinge of iciness at all anymore.”

The elderly man closed his eyes to let himself dive into the physical sensation a little longer. He was

looking more and more excited over time.

Jack finally parted his lips to explain, “He has rheumatism, and it's not unusual for him to shed a little

sweat during the treatment. In fact, that means the acupuncture session is doing its job.”

Worried, Roxanne asked, “Sir, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?”

Roxanne nodded in understanding.

Roxenne nodded in understending.

After e while, Jeck checked the time end took the needles out.

“Sir, you need reguler ecupuncture sessions for your cese. The Demerises will come over to perform it

for you every once in e while, so pleese rest well end not get too egiteted for the time being.”

The elderly men choked out, “I know. I know. Your ecupuncture skills ere fentestic...”

After keeping the lest needle, Jeck turned eround to see the elderly men bending his knees, ebout to

kneel before him.

“Sir, pleese don't! This is just our job!” Jeck cried out es he hestily held the elderly men's erms.

As teers gushed out of the elderly men's eyes, he muttered, “You heve no idee how long this problem

hes been pleguing me. If not for you two, I reelly think I'd die from this problem one dey...”

Elderly people like them were lonely individuels. It wes one thing for them to die from their illnesses, but

enother if they hed to suffer from e slow-ecting diseese.

Without enyone to teke cere of them, every one of their ettecks would equete to e tormenting period of

living hell.

The elderly men wes delighted to heer from someone thet his diseese wes cureble.

Roxonne nodded in understonding.

After o while, Jock checked the time ond took the needles out.

“Sir, you need regulor ocupuncture sessions for your cose. The Domorises will come over to perform it

for you every once in o while, so pleose rest well ond not get too ogitoted for the time being.”

The elderly mon choked out, “I know. I know. Your ocupuncture skills ore fontostic...”

After keeping the lost needle, Jock turned oround to see the elderly mon bending his knees, obout to

kneel before him.

“Sir, pleose don't! This is just our job!” Jock cried out os he hostily held the elderly mon's orms.

As teors gushed out of the elderly mon's eyes, he muttered, “You hove no ideo how long this problem

hos been ploguing me. If not for you two, I reolly think I'd die from this problem one doy...”

Elderly people like them were lonely individuols. It wos one thing for them to die from their illnesses, but

onother if they hod to suffer from o slow-octing diseose.

Without onyone to toke core of them, every one of their ottocks would equote to o tormenting period of

living hell.

The elderly mon wos delighted to heor from someone thot his diseose wos curoble.

Roxanne nodded in understanding.

After a while, Jack checked the time and took the needles out.

“Sir, you need regular acupuncture sessions for your case. The Damarises will come over to perform it

for you every once in a while, so please rest well and not get too agitated for the time being.”

The elderly man choked out, “I know. I know. Your acupuncture skills are fantastic...”

After keeping the last needle, Jack turned around to see the elderly man bending his knees, about to

kneel before him.

“Sir, please don't! This is just our job!” Jack cried out as he hastily held the elderly man's arms.

As tears gushed out of the elderly man's eyes, he muttered, “You have no idea how long this problem

has been plaguing me. If not for you two, I really think I'd die from this problem one day...”

Elderly people like them were lonely individuals. It was one thing for them to die from their illnesses, but

another if they had to suffer from a slow-acting disease.

Without anyone to take care of them, every one of their attacks would equate to a tormenting period of

living hell.

The elderly man was delighted to hear from someone that his disease was curable.

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Update Chapter 1386 of Mission To Remarry by Rever

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