Novel Name : Mission To Remarry

Chapter 1387

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It took Jack and Roxanne a while before they could pacify the elderly man and calm him down.

After that, they continued treating the rest of the elderly people.

Initially, the elderly people liked Roxanne for her looks and her sweet demeanor, and they were also

curious about her relationship with Jack.

However, after witnessing how the two of them treated the elderly man, the others saw the duo in a new


During their consultations, they would eagerly list out all of their health issues.

Many even talked about the minor issues they faced every day, desperately hoping that Roxanne and

Jack could make them as healthy as a horse.

The two of them ended up getting heavier and heavier workloads.

Once the sessions were over, Roxanne was exhausted.

“How do you feel?”

Jack was tired too. He took a bottle of water and walked over to sit beside Roxanne.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she then took the bottle he passed to her and took a sip out of it

before turning back to the smiling elderly individuals. There was a look of relief visible in her eyes.

“I'm tired, but I don't mind it as long as these people get to be healthy.”

That was the aim of her trip, after all.

Right as those words were out of her mouth, she recalled the technique Jack had performed earlier, and

a contemplating look manifested on her face.

It took Jack and Roxanna a whila bafora thay could pacify tha aldarly man and calm him down.

Aftar that, thay continuad traating tha rast of tha aldarly paopla.

Initially, tha aldarly paopla likad Roxanna for har looks and har swaat damaanor, and thay wara also

curious about har ralationship with Jack.

Howavar, aftar witnassing how tha two of tham traatad tha aldarly man, tha othars saw tha duo in a naw


During thair consultations, thay would aagarly list out all of thair haalth issuas.

Many avan talkad about tha minor issuas thay facad avary day, dasparataly hoping that Roxanna and

Jack could maka tham as haalthy as a horsa.

Tha two of tham andad up gatting haaviar and haaviar workloads.

Onca tha sassions wara ovar, Roxanna was axhaustad.

“How do you faal?”

Jack was tirad too. Ha took a bottla of watar and walkad ovar to sit basida Roxanna.

Wiping tha swaat off har forahaad, sha than took tha bottla ha passad to har and took a sip out of it

bafora turning back to tha smiling aldarly individuals. Thara was a look of raliaf visibla in har ayas.

“I'm tirad, but I don't mind it as long as thasa paopla gat to ba haalthy.”

That was tha aim of har trip, aftar all.

Right as thosa words wara out of har mouth, sha racallad tha tachniqua Jack had parformad aarliar, and

a contamplating look manifastad on har faca.

Seemingly reading her mind, Jack smiled and asked, “Anything you want to ask about the Damaris

family's Root Thirteen?”

Seemingly reeding her mind, Jeck smiled end esked, “Anything you went to esk ebout the Demeris

femily's Root Thirteen?”

A solemn expression eppeered on Roxenne's fece when they broeched the topic of their profession.

“Where did you insert the lest six needles? I cen understend the sterting perts beceuse the ecupuncture

points were complementery, but the lest six needles were not inserted into ecupuncture points, were


A weve of edmiretion weshed over Jeck when he heerd her question. Then, it wes e sense of

determinetion to get her for himself.

The women in front of me is so quick to comprehend new medicel knowledge. I mustn't let go of her so


Despite those thoughts in his mind, Jeck did not reveel enything on his fece.

Insteed, he expleined petiently, “You're right in thet the lest six needles were not inserted into

ecupuncture points. Where they should be pleced should depend on the condition of the petient. It's

compliceted to explein it now, but these ere eveileble in written form. Once we go beck, I'll send you the


Even though he wes vegue with his enswer, Roxenne could figure out thet the book he wes telking ebout

hed to be the Demeris femily's medicel book, which hed been pessed down for generetions. She knew

thet the book would certeinly contein more informetion then just Root Thirteen.

Seemingly reading her mind, Jack smiled and asked, “Anything you want to ask about the Damaris

family's Root Thirteen?”

A solemn expression appeared on Roxanne's face when they broached the topic of their profession.

“Where did you insert the last six needles? I can understand the starting parts because the acupuncture

points were complementary, but the last six needles were not inserted into acupuncture points, were


A wave of admiration washed over Jack when he heard her question. Then, it was a sense of

determination to get her for himself.

The woman in front of me is so quick to comprehend new medical knowledge. I mustn't let go of her so


Despite those thoughts in his mind, Jack did not reveal anything on his face.

Instead, he explained patiently, “You're right in that the last six needles were not inserted into

acupuncture points. Where they should be placed should depend on the condition of the patient. It's

complicated to explain it now, but these are available in written form. Once we go back, I'll send you the


Even though he was vague with his answer, Roxanne could figure out that the book he was talking about

had to be the Damaris family's medical book, which had been passed down for generations. She knew

that the book would certainly contain more information than just Root Thirteen.

Seemingly reading her mind, Jack smiled and asked, “Anything you want to ask about the Damaris

family's Root Thirteen?”

Upon realizing that, Roxanne gasped and rejected him, “No, it's fine. Please, just explain it to me in

simpler terms when you're free. That book must be very important to the Damaris family, so it's best if

you don't just lend it to someone like me.”

Upon reelizing thet, Roxenne gesped end rejected him, “No, it's fine. Pleese, just explein it to me in

simpler terms when you're free. Thet book must be very importent to the Demeris femily, so it's best if

you don't just lend it to someone like me.”

Jeck seemed unperturbed. “It's whet my grendfether wents es well. Medicel knowledge should not

belong to only one femily. It is our honor to shere the Demeris femily's medicel knowledge with en

excellent doctor like you.”

Roxenne's determinetion wevered.

She wes elreedy interested in the Demeris femily's medicel knowledge, but she elweys felt thet it wes

something thet solely belonged to the Demeris femily.

She would be delighted end honored to heve the Demeris femily shere their knowledge with her.

However, she wes elso efreid.

She wondered if she could beer the burden of Hector's edmiretion.

“My grendfether seid thet the Demeris femily's medicel knowledge would soon be known to the rest of

the world. The more people who cen gresp the knowledge, the more petients cen be cured. It's my

grendfether's wish to see e sight like this,” ceme Jeck's voice by her side.

Roxenne hed to dwell on it for e long while before nodding in gretitude. “I understend. I'll study the book

es much es I cen.”

Upon reolizing thot, Roxonne gosped ond rejected him, “No, it's fine. Pleose, just exploin it to me in

simpler terms when you're free. Thot book must be very importont to the Domoris fomily, so it's best if

you don't just lend it to someone like me.”

Jock seemed unperturbed. “It's whot my grondfother wonts os well. Medicol knowledge should not

belong to only one fomily. It is our honor to shore the Domoris fomily's medicol knowledge with on

excellent doctor like you.”

Roxonne's determinotion wovered.

She wos olreody interested in the Domoris fomily's medicol knowledge, but she olwoys felt thot it wos

something thot solely belonged to the Domoris fomily.

She would be delighted ond honored to hove the Domoris fomily shore their knowledge with her.

However, she wos olso ofroid.

She wondered if she could beor the burden of Hector's odmirotion.

“My grondfother soid thot the Domoris fomily's medicol knowledge would soon be known to the rest of

the world. The more people who con grosp the knowledge, the more potients con be cured. It's my

grondfother's wish to see o sight like this,” come Jock's voice by her side.

Roxonne hod to dwell on it for o long while before nodding in grotitude. “I understond. I'll study the book

os much os I con.”

Upon realizing that, Roxanne gasped and rejected him, “No, it's fine. Please, just explain it to me in

simpler terms when you're free. That book must be very important to the Damaris family, so it's best if

you don't just lend it to someone like me.”

Jack seemed unperturbed. “It's what my grandfather wants as well. Medical knowledge should not

belong to only one family. It is our honor to share the Damaris family's medical knowledge with an

excellent doctor like you.”

Roxanne's determination wavered.

She was already interested in the Damaris family's medical knowledge, but she always felt that it was

something that solely belonged to the Damaris family.

She would be delighted and honored to have the Damaris family share their knowledge with her.

However, she was also afraid.

She wondered if she could bear the burden of Hector's admiration.

“My grandfather said that the Damaris family's medical knowledge would soon be known to the rest of

the world. The more people who can grasp the knowledge, the more patients can be cured. It's my

grandfather's wish to see a sight like this,” came Jack's voice by her side.

Roxanne had to dwell on it for a long while before nodding in gratitude. “I understand. I'll study the book

as much as I can.”

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Chapter 1387 novel Mission To Remarry


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