Novel Name : The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair

Chapter CHAPTER 24.5: Searching for Answers

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“I was getting there Fairy,” Konn continued. “The king and queen found out I had another child, so I had

to bring her back. She’s been living in the castle with us for about three weeks.”

Mae glared at him. “Three weeks? My daughter has been here for three weeks and you didn’t tell me?

Why would you bring her to them? I don’t want her working for them… no offense.” She mumbled the

last part.

Lexus leaned down to my ear and whispered. “Do you notice anything different?” I wasn’t sure what he

was referring to, so I shook my head.

“Who’s he?” Mae asked.

Lexus walked to her. “I’m Lexus.” He put his hand out to shake but she didn’t so he put it back down.

Mae frowned. “Oh, the prince, that’s… great,” she said sarcastically then walked to me and we hugged.

“There so much I want to say to you… I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t want to let go but I had to eventually. “You seem so different than our family already, but I guess

that makes sense…”

Mae looked confused. “Why does it make sense?”

I thought the answer was obvious. “Because they’re not our blood, they’re human and we’re not.”

Mae took a few steps back and looked at Konn then at me. “Uh no they’re our blood… unfortunately.”

She chuckled nervously. “And we’re both human because I’m human… full human.” That’s what Lexus

noticed that was different, he was able to tell she was human right away. “Your father didn’t tell you?

You’re a hybrid.”

“There’s a lot I haven’t been able to explain.” Konn shrugged.

I wasn’t sure how to react. This whole time I was embracing my dragon side but I’m human too. I

thought I didn’t belong in the human world for a reason, but I am human. “Come.” She grabbed my

hand. “We’ll be right back.” She led me into the room from my dream. “You can sit wherever.” She let

go of my hand.

I didn’t like the idea of Konn and Lexus being alone together. Not with Konn having suspicions about

us. “I didn’t want to make being human sound bad…”

Mae put the plate down on the coffee table. She poured both if us tea and handed me my teacup then

she sat down in a chair. “Oh, you’re fine. I know there isn’t anything wrong with humans and I used to

say the same thing. It’s just easy to act like they’re the problem when you don’t fit in with them. I mean

here there are tons of humans I fit in with here and I’m sure you would too. I’m even a part of a coven,

I’m a witch.”

I was impressed that she managed to learn magic without learning it from a young age. “Humans live

here? Where exactly are we?”

“I live in a newer kingdom than the one Konn lives in.” Our kingdom was one of the oldest that are still

around. “This kingdom is full of different species, hybrids and other mixed species.” It sounded like a

dream. “You could come live here with me.”

I took a deep breath. “Wouldn’t I remind you of Konn?”

Mae frowned. “He told you about that?”

I shook my head. “I saw it in a holder dream, when you told him you were pregnant.” Why was I

questioning why she wanted me now?

“My relationship with Konn is a lot different now… I wouldn’t mind you keeping me company while I wait

for him to visit.” She must have been lonely.

“Maybe if you would’ve come to get me instead of my father. I really like my work, so I don’t think I’d

want to leave.”

Mae sighed. “Your kingdom is next door to this one. I keep up with the news of the surrounding

kingdoms.” I wasn’t sure where she was going with this. “Prince Lexus made his engagement public


I refused to make eye contact. “He did, they’ll be married and mated in a little over a month.”

“How long have you two been sneaking around?” Mae asked.

I nearly choked on the tea. “What?” I already knew she didn’t approve; the dream made that clear.

“I could tell, he came with you to meet your birth mother, he looks at you like he cares, and I assume

he’s what’s holding you back from staying here.”

He wasn’t the only thing holding me back. “My father and brothers are there too. There’s an Oracle

helping me with my abilities. In the castle they’re teaching me a lot and I’ve made friends.”

She didn’t look very happy. “I’m sorry I didn’t come back for you… I should have years ago but I didn’t

want to disrupt your life. I didn’t want to have to see my sister, explain my disappearance or fight over

custody. I thought about how that’d be hard on you.”

I wanted the subject to change. “Konn is marked, so how…?” I knew marks made it impossible to


She looked around. “I told you I’m a witch. I have a protection spell around my home. It blocks out the

ability to track anyone within its barrier. It keeps unwanted guests out and it blocks out signals of the

mark.” Usually if someone who is marked cheats on their mate their mate would feel it and be in pain.

“When Konn is here Lynn can’t feel anything… I’m not necessarily proud of that and he only visits a few

times a year and some years not at all.” She frowned. “I’m not trying to give you any ideas so don’t

think about it.”

I chuckled which might have been inappropriate. “After the full moon I’m not going to be involved with

Lexus in that way… I can’t see myself taking it this far even if I…”

“Still love him.” She finished. “I thought the same thing after I gave you away. If I knew I wasn’t going to

be able to stop seeing him, I would have raised you myself.” I knew she felt genuine regret. “Do you

want me to tell you what happened? Starting from how I met you father?”

“I want to know everything.” She was going to give me every detail I've wanted since the moment I

found out Konn was my father.


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