Novel Name : The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair

Chapter CHAPTER 48.5: Future Visions

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I did a few more jobs, some required the gems, but most didn’t. At first I was doing jobs that asked for a

magic user but now that people knew the current holder was taking jobs they asked for me specifically.

My coven went through a lot of the jobs and sorted them for me from least difficult to most difficult.

Other covens and sorceress agencies tried to recruit me, but I liked staying with the one who delivered

me as a baby and that my mom was a part of.

Once I was done I met Cade and Sadia at a small restaurant. “Hey.” I sat down and put my bag under

the chair.

Cade smiled. “I assumed you’d be late since you’ve been so busy with working.”

I shrugged, “I do as much as I can since Gram warned me about how long I should be working a day. I

don’t want to overwork myself again. I usually work when Lexus is working.”

Sadia was staring at the menu, and she wasn’t saying anything. Cade spoke instead, “How’s he doing

working with Viv?”

I picked up the menu. “He doesn’t really talk about it, he doesn’t really like talking about it. He seems

like he’s enjoying it though, sometimes he works overtime.”

Sadia looked up from the menu. “You trust him?”

I didn’t want to have the conversation again. “I do but I don’t really want to talk about this.”

“Just one thing.” Cade said. “Is he hiding his emotions and thoughts from you?”

I sighed. “Yes, he still does it when we’re apart. It’s not a big deal. How’s the pregnancy going?”

Sadia smiled and put her hand on her stomach. “It’s good and I’m showing now so that’s… fun. Cade

told me you had more visions about him.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been seeing further into the future lately. I don’t know why everyone wants

spoilers about their children so bad. I feel weird about already knowing about my children and I’m not

even pregnant. I didn’t even think about being a mother, not much.”

“It’s fun to know, I want to know everything. Can you get the gem out so you can show me again?”

Sadia asked.

I frowned when I realized that before she was probably using our making up as an excuse to see her

son. She probably always knew she was going to forgive me, but she took the opportunity to see a

vision. “No.”

Sadia frowned. “I thought you said you’d do anything for me to forgive you?”

Cade chuckled. “You’re taking advantage of her babe.”

Sadia’s frown looked genuine now. “Fine, I’m sorry Aqua.” She rubbed her stomach. “I just love him so

much and I want to know him already.”

“His dragon is silver, and his wings are huge in his adulthood. He babysits my son a lot from what I’ve

seen. Our daughters are really close, mine is a little older than yours but they’re inseparable, even in

their adult life. Is that enough?”

Sadia’s eyes lit up. “Enough? You know more?- Okay, okay that’s enough.” She smiled. “Are we going

to use the gem after dinner?”

Cade laughed and I rolled my eyes. “Sorry Aqua, Sadia is just excited,” he apologized for her.

I was reluctant to tell them what had been on my mind, but I decided to anyways. “It’s fine… I saw Vella

today, she told me to tell you guys she’s sorry.” They looked at each other then away. I don’t think

either of them were able to forgive Vella and honestly, they didn’t have to.

We talked about other things until our food came then when were done we hung out in a park on a

bench for a while. “So, you take jobs with your mom a lot?” Sadia asked.

I nodded. “She helps a lot, and I love spending so much time with her.”

Sadia chuckled. “I want to meet her, I’m sure she’s not as bad as Cade says.”

I raised my eyebrows then scrunched them up. “Wait what? Bad?”

Cade glared at Sadia then looked at me. “She didn’t mean that.”

“Oh. Sorry, yeah I didn’t mean that.” Sadia cleared her throat.

My intuition was telling me that they were lying. “You don’t like my mom?”

Cade sighed. “Let’s not make it a thing Aqua, I don’t like your mom, you don’t like mine.”

I scoffed. “I don’t even know your mom, when I was around she would act like I wasn’t even there. She

didn’t want me to spend time with you guys and even got mad when I watched a movie with our little

brother. She always gave me dirty looks and I still wouldn’t say I dislike her.”

“It sounds like you dislike her.” Sadia mumbled.

“Even if I did which I don’t, I’d have actual reasons to. What has my mom done to make you dislike


“Konain.” Sadia laughed. I think she was implying that he disliked that my mom called our dad by his

full name.

Cade glared at Sadia again until she stopped laughing then looked at me. “She slept with a married

man who had a baby, is that not enough of a reason?”

I glared at him. “She didn’t know until after the first time they slept together.”

“What?” Cade frowned. “I didn’t know that, but it doesn’t matter because she knew all the other times

for twenty years after that.”

I scoffed. “Their affair didn’t last twenty years. They took like a seven-year break then only saw each

other a few times a year after that. She didn’t even go to him after those seven years, he went to her.”

“Of course you’d defend them.” He spat and Sadia looked away sadly.

I got up. “If you feel that way then don’t come around me or my mother anymore.” I opened a portal into

the castle which I knew wasn’t the best decision. The only place portals could open was the room my

Dad would use to keep the portal splicer in. The rest of the castle was protected. Dad made sure this

room wasn’t. I called Arma and Stewart to meet them in this room since they were working.

I hugged them then we sat and talked for a few hours. Luckily Stewart had the day off and Arma had

someone cover for her. We didn’t just talk about me and Cade. I caught them up on my life and they

caught me up on theirs. “I’ve been leaving the castle lately.” Stewart said. “I didn’t want to but Konn

asked me to watch Polly and Kaya. He refused to come back here, and I couldn’t resist but help look

after them. I stay in Konn’s hotel room with them a lot now when he’s with your mom, I’ve even taken

them out.”

“Have you been seeing your girlfriend?” I asked.

Stewart nodded. “She helps me watch them a lot. We’re thinking about asking Konn if we could actually

adopt them.” That sounded great because I was afraid Stewart wouldn’t ever get out of his comfort

zone. He didn’t seem as lonely anymore.

“This might be the last time you see me for a while.” Arma said proudly. “I took baby steps like we said,

and I’ve convinced my family to let me travel. I’ve saved up so much money working here.” Arma

deserved to reach her goals of new experiences. These were good friends of mine and I was happy to

see I wasn’t the only one who’d come so far.


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