Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1453 Impossible To Explain Clearly

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As the old saying went, aged ginger was more pungent. When Hunk used his smooth tactics, the

young ones didn't stand a chance.

Standing by the door of the room, Louis wanted to say something, but decided against it. He and Emily

were still talking to each other when they noticed their father slowly going downstairs.

"Do you want me to cover for you again?" Emily asked out of kindness. She had no idea if she would

be scolded by the old man if she were to interfere.

With a sigh, Louis shook his head. Even though it was just a verbal argument, he still felt drained from

that interaction. He didn't even know if it was because of his defeat from his father's insistence or

because of his strong desire to protect the woman he loved.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Just from observation, Emily could feel how much her brother

loved that woman. Even though she really wanted to help, there wasn't much she could do. Taylor was

the type of woman who could easily touch others and gain their trust from just a few words. Despite

that, it seemed that she was a difficult woman to love.

"Yeah. Thanks, though."

It was the only reply that Louis could give to his sister at that moment. He turned around and went back

to his room. When he closed the door again, he found himself thinking of Taylor again. He knew he had

to let go of the past, but it was easier said than done. He just felt lost. He still loved Taylor as much as


He had turned into a man who had lost his soul. Even his greetings had no life in them. It was as if he

had turned into a zombie that mindlessly walked around the earth.

Whenever Louis saw his reflection in Emily's eyes, he could tell that he was no more than just an

empty shell. He had no life left in him.

"You should at least buy a gift for Janet. I know you haven't seen each other for quite a long time, but I

reckon she will be happy if you bring her a bunch of roses,"

Emily reminded Louis before he left home. Instead of answering, he just dismissively waved his hand

and drove away.

Without really giving it any thought, Louis headed towards LX Club.

He could already predict what was going to happen as soon as he arrived at the club. He was sure that

his father was going to call him upon his arrival and inform him that he and Janet's father were going to

play some golf. Then, they would both leave to go to the golf course together.

It was a predictable plan, but it would mean that Louis and Janet would be forced to eat lunch together.

It didn't matter whether they loved each other or not. His father was determined to unite the two

families through their marriage.

Fortunately, LX Club wasn't that far from the mall. Once Louis parked the car, he decided to walk to the

jewelry store in the mall. Following Emily's advice, he bought a necklace to give to Janet.

When he looked through the glass display of the jewelry store, he thought he saw a familiar figure on

the other side of it. He wanted to follow that person, but he didn't know where she went.

"Sir, do you need a gift box for the necklace?"

the saleslady asked politely. Louis felt that maybe he had lost his mind. He nodded slightly at the

saleslady. When he walked out of the shop, he happened to pass Taylor, but he thought he was just

imagining things.

After he went to LX Club, Janet arrived an hour late, just as he had expected. "I'm so sorry for making

you wait."

She apologized, but her face didn't look like she was sorry at all. He looked at the woman in front of

him from top to bottom. She looked beautiful with makeup on, but it didn't make him feel anything. His

mind was still filled with thoughts of how attractive and pure Taylor was.

"No need to apologize. I understand our situation is complicated, if you know what I mean," Louis said

frankly. There was really no need for them to hide anything from each other.

After all, uniting two families by marriage was a common practice, especially if one was born into a rich

and powerful family. Neither of them found it odd that they were being forced to wed each other in order

to unite their clans. They both minded their own business and also made sure to clear up everything

between them in order to avoid any complications once they tied the knot.

"Yes, I know. But I still have to come here, even if we are just pretending that we love each other. Is

your family forcing you to marry me? When should we get married?" Janet scanned the menu with

curious eyes as she dropped those questions at him. She made their situation sound so simple, as if

she was just buying a brand new car.

To say that Louis was shocked at her nonchalant approach would be an understatement. He had

previously thought that he no longer had feelings for Taylor. He figured that since Taylor had made it

clear that their relationship was going nowhere, it would be best for him to find another woman and

start a family. It would satisfy his parents too. To be obedient, he knew that this was what he should do.

"What? You look lost in thought. Haven't you enjoyed yourself enough these past few years?" Janet

said with a teasing smile. She was a charming lady, and Louis could admit that. She gave him a playful

look that was almost flirtatious.

"You think too much." Despite having read the menu several times, Louis still didn't have the urge to

order anything at all, so he just told the waiter that he would like to order the same food as the woman

in front of him.

He suddenly placed a few gifts in front of Janet and saw that she looked quite excited. "You're giving

me so many gifts. Are these considered tokens of your affection?" she asked.

Even though he wasn't in a good mood, he tried his best to calmly explain, "You have to tell your family

how this date went when you get back. I am giving you these gifts so that your family won't think I can't

afford to give you these things. Otherwise, they will realize that the two of us don't love each other at

all, but are just dating as per their wishes."

"So you're giving these gifts just for that reason?" Janet couldn't help but smile bitterly at Louis. She

admired the man in front of her for how brave he was for playing a love game with her just because the

woman he truly loved hadn't accepted him. Coincidentally, that woman was in the same restaurant,

sitting diagonally opposite to their table. Janet caught that woman looking at their table, but she didn't

know who she was. "Although these gifts are not valuable, I will accept them. However, I will also buy

you a gift later. What would you like? How about a tie? I know I can choose one that would best suit


As they talked, Janet casually placed her hand on Louis's shoulder. He knew that this was an attempt

at flirtation, but he was too lazy to push her hand away.

With this intimate act, Janet finally confirmed why the woman was looking at them. She smirked and

joked, "There's something I want to tell you. You see that woman sitting over there? Well, she has

glanced over at our table several times. She looks bitter and angry, maybe even jealous. It's like she's

asking herself, 'Why can't you choose me instead of her?' Are you sure she is not your girlfriend?"

A shudder went through Louis's spine as she said those words. It was as if someone had dumped a

bucket of cold water on him and he suddenly came to his senses. He quickly turned around to look at

who Janet was talking about. His eyes immediately caught sight of Taylor, but she was already on her

way out of the club.

Taylor tried to avoid eye contact with Louis. She couldn't let him see the disdain in her eyes. She was

making every effort to not meet his gaze and wanted to leave here as soon as she could. But all that

she was doing just proved how jealous she was and how much she cared about the man.

Louis stood up from his seat right away and ran after Taylor. He didn't even bother to apologize or

excuse himself. All that mattered was Taylor. He easily caught up with her and grabbed her hand.

Then, he started blurting out a string of apologies.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You're confusing." Taylor tried to shake off his grip on her.

"Don't get it wrong. It's really not what you think. I've never been with that woman, you know," Louis

stammered in a panicked voice.

However, Taylor just shook her hand again in an attempt to make him let her go. "You don't really have

to explain anything to me. Haven't I made myself clear, Louis? Nothing is going to happen between us.

It's simple. So, you shouldn't feel the need to explain anything to me, because what you do is none of

my business."

With one final pull, Taylor finally broke free from Louis's grip. Then, she noticed that their conversation

had caught the attention of a few people inside the club. Therefore, she hurriedly turned around and

attempted to leave.


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