Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1472 Stop Pretending

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Seeing the look on Jacob's face, no one dared to speak up. They were supposed to talk among

themselves at that moment but none of them could even utter a single word. All they could do was look

at each other's eyes to hopefully find an answer. However, none of them knew what to do.

They wondered if they should even continue their reports. All of the employees present at the meeting

were utterly terrified of being scolded by Jacob. They all hoped that someone would just propose to

end the meeting so that they would be spared from his wrath. At the same time, Jacob's frightening

display of anger petrified them all in their seats.

"I hired all of you to produce meaningful results, not to pay people to leech off my company! If you want

to keep your jobs, I highly urge you to work harder, or else.

This meeting is over! Everyone, get out!" Jacob exclaimed in a distressed voice.

The moment he finished speaking, every employee inside that conference room ran outside like their

lives were in danger.

Sam remained by Jacob's side, noticing that his boss' temper was a bit bizarre that day. Since he had

worked for Jacob for so long, Sam naturally had the ability to observe the changes in his demeanor.

"Mr. Gu, is there something bothering you? Why are you so upset this early in the morning? Did

someone cause you trouble?" Sam asked with a genuine concern for Jacob's welfare.

Normally, Jacob could always control his temper whenever something bad happened. In all these years

that Sam had been working for Jacob, he had never seen him this agitated.

Jacob was so distressed that he was gritting his teeth together. He didn't even pay attention to Sam's

question. "Send someone to keep an eye on Jonas. If anything happens, report it to me immediately."

Jacob had a feeling in his gut that Jonas was bound to slip up sometime soon.

Furthermore, if he were to find out about the doctor's dirty secrets, there was no doubt that he would

use that to his advantage.

Sam could tell that Jacob's mind was somewhere else at that moment, and he knew it was useless to

try and say anything else.

Judging by Jacob's face, it was clear that what had made him upset was still vividly bothering him

inside his head. Sam didn't want to take the risk of lighting his boss' fuse once again.

'It's probably better if I just do what he says right now. Meddling with this man's affairs when he gets

furious like this is like playing with fire, ' he earnestly thought to himself.

With that thought, he went straight downstairs to find some people who were qualified to fulfill Jacob's


Meanwhile, Emily arrived at the place where the fund project was to be declared. As luck would have it,

she happened to meet a familiar face by complete coincidence.

"Wow! What are you doing here? Has life been good to you these past few days?" Emily playfully said

with a faint smile on her face.

She had had no idea that Jonas was going to be there. Despite that, it seemed like it was fated to


"I'm fine, but I think I'm going through a bit of depression lately," Jonas facetiously complained to Emily

in response.

"Depression? Don't startle me like that. You seem to be doing just fine. And besides, how could you

possibly feel dejected when you have a smile like that on your face?" Emily candidly replied since she

didn't think that Jonas was being serious at all.

But as a good friend, she was naturally worried. After all, cases of people suffering from depression

were getting higher and higher with each passing day.

If Jonas was truly suffering from this illness, then he shouldn't hesitate to ask for professional help.

After all, depression was a very serious problem even though it didn't seem like it.

Upon giving a second thought to what Jonas had said, Emily knew there was no time to waste. If he

really was feeling depressed, he had to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences

he could face would be unimaginable.

"I've kept feeling like a shadow is following me these past few days. I'm sure that it's there and not just

my mind playing tricks. But when I look behind me, nobody's there. How about you, Emily? Have you

ever had such an experience?" Jonas sincerely opened up about his feelings to Emily.

In his mind, there was something strange going on. However, it seemed that everything was normal.

Meeting Emily at that moment was quite fortunate, so he didn't let the chance slip by and asked if this

was normal with patients suffering from depression.

Upon hearing Jonas' story, the first thing that came to Emily's mind was Jacob. Could it be that her

husband was behind all of this?

She didn't know why, but she just felt that Jacob was the only person to do that kind of thing. Besides

him, who else would go through such an odd and unusual task of watching a regular person?

At the thought of this, Emily had an uneasy expression on her face. Nevertheless, she knew that there

was nothing she could do at that point. So instead, she decided to calm herself down.

"Maybe it's because you've been working too much these days. Also, I haven't felt like anyone's been

following me so far. So I'm doing quite fine," Emily said the first excuse that popped up in her head.

She knew it was a bad idea to accuse Jacob of having someone followed before she was completely

sure about it. She just had a suspicion but didn't have any evidence to back it up. She had to wait for

the right time to confront him.

The next day, as soon as Emily arrived at the office, she heard people buzzing like bees nearby. Out of

curiosity, she went closer to listen to what the gossip was all about, especially since it had caused the

people there to completely stop working.

"Did you hear that Jonas was sent to the hospital last night? There's even news that he has two broken

ribs but no one knows how it happened."

When Emily heard what everyone was talking about, her joyous smile turned into a distressed frown.

The suspicion she had of Jacob rose.

When Jonas had shared his feelings yesterday, she had already doubted that Jacob had something to

do with it. And now, right after they had spoken to each other, he had been beaten so badly that he

needed to be admitted in a hospital.

Except for Jacob, Emily couldn't really think of anyone else who would want to cause harm to Jonas.

She knew her husband was one in a handful of men that were powerful enough to order a beating.

So in her mind, there was almost no doubt that Jacob was behind this.

She instantly felt her blood boil at the thought of this. She was so agitated that she had to know the

truth right at that moment. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Jacob, did you pay someone to beat Jonas bad enough for him to get admitted in the hospital? Tell me

the truth!" The irritation that Emily felt could no longer be ignored. She was fuming and she couldn't

hide it anymore.

She couldn't believe that Jacob would do such a thing. She had always known that her husband was

prone to jealousy and even a bit of paranoia, but now, it seemed that he was absolutely crazy.

"Emily, don't blame me for this. I have no idea what you're talking about!" Jacob quickly denied her


In fact, he was a little stunned. Receiving a call from his wife and getting yelled at for something he was

completely oblivious to surprised him.

But when he heard that something bad had happened to Jonas, he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction.

It seemed that this was fated retribution. Ever since that doctor introduced himself to Emily, he has

caused nothing but trouble for Jacob. And now, he was suffering in the hospital.

In spite of that, Jacob had some thinking to do. 'Does Jonas have any other enemy besides me?' he


"Stop lying to me. Who else could possibly want him in the hospital besides you?" Emily frantically


Although Jacob denied having any involvement in the matter, Emily chose not to believe him.

After hanging up the phone, Jacob was left a little dumbfounded. He called Sam over and asked him to

find out what was going on.

Sam went to investigate immediately after seeing how serious the expression on Jacob's face was. He

called the people who were sent to monitor Jonas and told them to report to Jacob's office.

"What's going on? Who gave you the order to hit Jonas? Didn't I tell you to just watch him carefully?

Why in the world did you hit him?" Jacob had no place to vent his frustrations since Emily didn't want to

speak with him on the phone anymore. Unfortunately for his men, they were on the receiving end of

Jacob's wrath.

speak with him on the phone anymore. Unfortunately for his men, they were on the receiving end of

Jacob's wrath.


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