Novel Name : Ex-wife, Please Come Back

Chapter 253 What Should Come Eventually Came

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Jacob felt like his father had cried so many times that his tears had practically left permanent traces on

his face.

He was nervous. For some reason, his heart felt heavy. It was as if it was weighed down with a bad


His mind instinctively repulsed the possibility, and his heart was shouting "No". Unfortunately, he

couldn't do anything, not even to shout his objection out loud. He seemed to have been petrified by the

grim prospect. At this moment, he could only pray in his heart, hoping that life wouldn't be so cruel as

to leave people no power over their death.

"I know… my health… It's been… bad... for a long time… I didn't... want to worry you... I was… I was

just pretending… pretending to be alright... But now… I can't pretend any longer."

Michael's eyes were bright. Even though his life was running out, his eyes were still as firm as before.

No one could stop him from doing what he'd decided to do. He'd chosen the best path for himself.

"No, dad... Believe me—you'll get better. You have to be confident and trust yourself. We'll always be

with you. We'll help you get through this. You must hold on."

Jacob continued to say encouraging words, though it was unclear whether he was encouraging himself

or his father. The uneasiness in his heart seemed to grow increasingly heavier with each passing

second. Furthermore, he knew his father very well, and it made him even more afraid to listen to what

he'd say.

"Jacob, you and Sara… The two of you must live happily together... As for the company… just do your

best… I know, you… you've always been… living… living for me. Now, I hope you… can live for…

yourself. I won't… blame you."

It was getting more and more difficult for Michael to speak. He didn't care how his operation ended up,

but he knew he didn't have much time left. At this moment, he was just using all his willpower to resist

his sleepiness. The only thing he felt now was that he was about to leave this world.

As it turned out, people could sense it when they were going to die. This gave them some time to say

their final words to their family. Michael was in so much pain now, but he knew this pain wouldn't last


"I know. Rest assured—I'll follow your wish. I need you to go through all these with me, dad. You've got

to get well as soon as possible."

Even though the prospect was grim, Jacob wasn't willing to give up all hope. He still had to cheer his

father up. If he, the supporter, gave up, how could he expect the patient to continue fighting?

"You must… listen to... what your uncle says…" Michael suddenly broke into violent coughs which

made him look even weaker than before. In front of death, human lives were really fragile.

"Promise me… No matter what decision… I made, you'll follow it." Michael was heaving, trying to speak

and breathe at the same time.

Jacob looked shaken. What should come finally came.

He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, seemingly wanting to say something but couldn't. It was

as if something was stuck in his throat. His heart was thumping madly. The ominous premonition in his

mind made him feel like escaping but he couldn't even move. In the end, he finally gritted his teeth and

braced himself for what was coming.

"Jacob… It's really… painful for me to stay like this... I just want to rest… Let me… leave peacefully..."

After Michael arduously conveyed his wish, he had another fit of coughs. His illness was really torturing

him. Nevertheless, the most painful thing for him now was to live as a sick old man pitied by others.

Like now, for example. The distress in his son's eyes was glaring. He'd rather die quietly than letting the

people around him suffer along with him.

Moreover, he knew clearly that his life was ending, and nothing could change that. The first operation

he had was indeed a success, and he was very grateful that he was given more time.

This time, however, he didn't think he'd be as lucky. Miracles rarely happened twice after all. A life full

of illnesses was torture. For an old patient like him, such a life was much harder than death.

"Dad..." Jacob's tears once again started to fall. What he feared most finally came. He was saddened

by his ailing father's request, but he couldn't reject it. He'd promised that whatever decision his father

made, he'd accept it.

Everyone had their own fate, and they had the right to make their own choice. Besides, he knew that

his father must've thought it through before making such a decision.

He wouldn't object or complain, but it was still hard for him to come to terms with reality. After all, the

hope of life had just appeared before him, but the god of death already came knocking on the door.

Jacob could feel his father's time to leave was drawing near.

"Jacob, I know… it's cruel, but since I have little... chance to survive, I don't want to… suffer the pain

of… living and being… tortured… by illnesses..."

Tears fell from the corner of Michael's eyes, forming a wet trace that looked like a long, flowing stream.

It was an aged stream, profound, and natural. No one wanted to end their own life. He wasn't an


But he had no choice. He'd rather proudly face death than slowly being tortured to death by illness. He

knew how difficult it was for the people dear to him to accept such a request. But again, he had no

other choice.

He had put forward his request to the doctor. The doctor was shocked and told him that he needed his

family's consent. Others might not understand why he'd choose to die since the operation was a


However, the doctor knew how painful living could be for a cancer patient. This kind of pain was torture

to both their body and mind.

That was why the doctor respected his choice. Before Jacob entered the room, the doctor, who

unusually had a rather abnormal expression, warned him that there was a special circumstance.

So this was the special circumstance the doctor mentioned. Jacob was about to have a mental

breakdown. He felt like someone was mangling his heart.

Nevertheless, he'd follow his father's final wish. He'd never really gone against his father's wishes ever

since he was a child because they practically had an astonishing agreement on all the choices.

"Is it really that unbearable that you choose to go like this?" His voice was trembling. When he recalled

this scene in the future, he'd probably feel he'd wasted his chance and left too many words unsaid.

But some things didn't need to be said. Even without saying them, he and his father could understand

each other well. At this thought, Jacob finally came to acceptance. He understood his father's feelings

and pain.

"Jacob, I'm sorry... You and Sara… must live happily together." Michael held Jacob's hand tightly. Each

word he said seemed to consume a lot of his strength.

If he was kept alive, he'd soon lose the ability to speak and look, and even lose consciousness. It was

better to die than to live like that.

When he thought of this, he was very grateful for everything. At least, he could still feel pain and talk to

his son.

"Tell your uncle… I have to... I have to go now." Michael suddenly drew a sharp breath. He felt a sharp

pain in his throat. It was as if a bomb had exploded in it.

His head was dizzy, and the pain became more and more intense. If there was any consolation, it was

the knowledge that he wasn't escaping. He was just bravely facing his end. Since the end was

inevitable, he chose to be brave and decisive.

Jacob held his father's old, withered hands tightly and buried his head on them. By now, tears were

already streaming down his face.

It was said that men would never shed tears unless they were extremely sad. Well, Jacob was

extremely sad now. He'd never experienced such a farewell before. It felt like God was punishing him.

He never expected that seeing his father dying would be this painful. However, such a situation was

beyond anyone's control. He wasn't sure whether it was right for him to follow his father's will to give


All in all, his heart was now filled with a mixture of grief, helplessness, and desperation. Jacob just sat

quietly next to his father, trying his best to hold back his tears but to no avail.

"Don't cry, my son." Michael also burst into tears, wheezing rapidly as he tried to breathe. Perhaps, this

was the only way he could feel he was still alive.

When Sara and James saw the scene in the room through the glass window, Sara was shocked. Jacob

was crying his heart out.

She couldn't hear what they were talking about, but she had a hunch that something was wrong. This

was the first time she saw Jacob cry, and so sadly at that, so the shock she felt was quite



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