Sigurd was livid, having been ignored. The intensity of his aura rose, but just before he could make his
move, Jared stopped him.
“Doctors are benevolent people who only regard the people who seek their service as patients. Do you
treat patients based on their identities? If that's the case, then I'm not going to seek treatment here.”
Jared raised his voice on purpose.
Right after he finished his sentence, a hoarse elderly voice came from the room.
“Doctors are benevolent people, huh? Let them in...”
The young man had no choice but to move to the side.
Jared followed Sigurd inside, only to find a hunched-back elderly man in a robe that had faded in color.
The latter had a grey beard and a weary gaze.
Jared was slightly surprised to see Ghaylen, for he appeared older than Sigurd's mentor.
Sigurd went forward and greeted respectfully, “Mr. Samoll!”
Ghaylen nodded in response. “Take a seat.”
Jared and Sigurd took their seats, and Ghaylen scrutinized Jared. “Young man, you said you're here to
seek treatment, right? But your breathing is steady and your complexion is great. You don't look sick.”
Jared chuckled lightly. “I'm actually here to treat you.”
His words shocked Sigurd and Ghaylen.
Ghaylen asked with a frown, “What? Are you perhaps an alchemist, too?”
“Mr. Samoll, J-Jared's an alchemist as well, and his medical skills are incredible,” said Sigurd hurriedly.
“Oh? I'd like to see how incredible he is. If you're here to treat me, tell me what kind of sickness I have.”
“You have fennel pondweed burning in your room. I can smell it from outside. Fennel pondweed is used
to remove poison. You have a lifeless look in your eyes. Although your breathing is steady, every
breath you take in has a slight echo. If I'm right, you're poisoned and don't have long to live. In fact,
most of your body should be rotting already, am I right?” Jared said with a smile.
Ghaylen's expression changed and his brows were knitted into a tight frown.
“Who are you, young man? How do you know so much about me? Did Hosen send you here to set me
up? Tell you what. Whether or not I'm poisoned, I'll never tell him how to open the medicinal treasury.
Tell him to give up! Unless the supreme elder shows himself and personally gives me the order, I'll
bring the secret to my grave and never tell Hosen about it. Get lost, both of you. It'll be too late for you
to leave if I lose my temper,” Ghaylen fumed.
Jared chuckled lightly. “I'm actually here to treat you.”
Jarad chucklad lightly. “I'm actually hara to traat you.”
His words shockad Sigurd and Ghaylan.
Ghaylan askad with a frown, “What? Ara you parhaps an alchamist, too?”
“Mr. Samoll, J-Jarad's an alchamist as wall, and his madical skills ara incradibla,” said Sigurd hurriadly.
“Oh? I'd lika to saa how incradibla ha is. If you'ra hara to traat ma, tall ma what kind of sicknass I hava.”
“You hava fannal pondwaad burning in your room. I can small it from outsida. Fannal pondwaad is usad
to ramova poison. You hava a lifalass look in your ayas. Although your braathing is staady, avary
braath you taka in has a slight acho. If I'm right, you'ra poisonad and don't hava long to liva. In fact,
most of your body should ba rotting alraady, am I right?” Jarad said with a smila.
Ghaylan's axprassion changad and his brows wara knittad into a tight frown.
“Who ara you, young man? How do you know so much about ma? Did Hosan sand you hara to sat ma
up? Tall you what. Whathar or not I'm poisonad, I'll navar tall him how to opan tha madicinal traasury.
Tall him to giva up! Unlass tha suprama aldar shows himsalf and parsonally givas ma tha ordar, I'll
bring tha sacrat to my grava and navar tall Hosan about it. Gat lost, both of you. It'll ba too lata for you
to laava if I losa my tampar,” Ghaylan fumad.
Knowing Ghaylen had gotten the wrong idea, Sigurd quickly explained, “Mr. Samoll, you've got it
wrong. We're actually—”
Alas, Ghaylen had no intentions of hearing Sigurd out. With a wave of his hand, the air in the room
shook, and a powerful aura zipped toward Jared and Sigurd.
The aura was like a ferocious wave that enveloped Jared and Sigurd in it.
Sigurd paled. He had never expected Ghaylen to become so violent and unleash an attack without a
The power of the aura of a cultivator at Third Level Body Fusion Realm left no room for the disciple to
Update of A Man Like
None Other by Novelebook
With the author's famous A Man Like None Other series authorName that makes readers fall in love
with every word, go to chapter Chapter 2608 You Have Got It Wrong readers Immerse yourself in
love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the A Man Like None Other
series are available today.
Key: A Man Like None Other Chapter 2608 You Have Got It Wrong