Novel Name : Love Knows No Bounds

Chapter 52

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Kendall did not even open her eyes, but she was still muttering his name. Hm, she's dreaming, I guess.

She's dreaming about me? The look on her face changed into the expression of agony a moment later.

She flailed her arms in the air, calling out in pain, "Baby. My baby…"

Baby? Dylan frowned. Who is this baby? He noticed her shedding a tear, and it annoyed him. Dylan

pushed her. "Hey, Kendall."

Kendall woke up from the push. When she saw Dylan before her, she fell into a trance for a long time.

Eventually, she snapped out of it. Oh, I was dreaming. She had dreamt of her past life—the moment

her baby died, and how helpless she was.

"Had a nightmare?"

She sat up and wiped her tears away. Kendall admitted, "I did." She asked, "What? I can't have a

nightmare now?"

He looked at her in silence. She eventually felt nervous, so she tried to liven things up, but he suddenly

knocked her on her head. "Hey, quit knocking me! You didn't even tell me this time!" Annoyed, she

pounced at him. He was caught off guard, and he fell backward. She was on top of him, and they

almost fell from the bed. Still, she still knocked on his head a few times as payback.


"What's with you and flicking or knocking on my head? I used to be smart until you did all these things

to my head." She got up after getting back at him, but then she felt guilty seeing him lying on the

ground just like that. She helped him up, muttering, "Don't blame me for this. You started it first. You

could have just told me what you wanted to know and not resort to violence. Oh, and shoot straight. No

metaphors too. I'm an idiot. My comprehension skills are basically nonexistent."

"Who's this 'baby'? You mumbled that name in your sleep."

"Oh, she was my daughter."

Huh? "You have a daughter?" None of the data shows this.

"I had her in my dream, but someone took her away right after I gave birth to her. I screamed and cried

as I tried to take her back, but you woke me up before I could take my kid back," she lied as naturally

as she breathed.

Dylan heaved a sigh of relief. And I thought I was gonna be a father. "Get back to sleep. I'll be in my

study," he answered and left.

Kendall wanted to push him out, but she stopped the moment he said he was going to his study. Amos

had told her about the rules before. Dylan's study was a forbidden zone. Not everyone had the privilege

to enter it.

Dylan pushed himself into the elevator and went to the study on the second floor without asking the

bodyguard for help. As usual, he sat behind his desk and took out the faceless portrait. Dylan spent a

long time looking at it before tucking it away. He then turned his computer on and drafted a plan for

Kendall. She wants to be a businesswoman and protect Parker Corporation, but she has no plan of

attack. She does this at random. He could not stand that.

A long, long time later, the darkest moment had finally passed. It was about five in the morning, and

dawn had broken through. Dawn came early in this season. After he came up with the plan for Kendall,

Dylan looked at the time and picked his phone up to call Toddy.

"Sir?" Toddy was still asleep when Dylan called him. He woke up and yawned as he asked, "What do

you need, sir?" It's an ungodly hour.

"Toddy, I want you to look into Kendall and Jackson's relationship. I want all the details."

"Um, okay."

"Alright, that's all. Get back to sleep."

He hung up, but Toddy could not sleep anymore. He was curious, but he would not ask anything. Dylan

would not say a word even if he did. Nobody could force him to say anything unless he wanted to talk

about it himself.

Kendall found it hard to get back to sleep after she had a nightmare and was woken up by Dylan. She

read some webnovels on her phone before going back to sleep, and the sun was already shining a few

hours later, but she was still asleep. Amos had to knock on the door to wake her up.

"Young Mistress Kendall," Amos called out to her from outside the door. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, Mr. Miller. I'll come out in a minute. What do you need?" She sat up and scrambled to get her

phone to look at the time. Holy smokes? It's already nine?

"Miss Zorn is here, and she wants to see you."

Kendall hurried to get changed, and she asked, "Miss Zorn? Which Miss Zorn?"

A moment of silence later, Amos said, "Her name is Yasmine."

"Oh." I forgot about her. This b*tch is Kelly's best friend. She embarrassed me at her birthday party in

my past life. Wait, why does she want to see me? And in the mansion, no less. I mean, of course she

knows I'm here. Kelly must have told her, but why did she come? Wait. Does she have a crush on

Dylan? "Mr. Miller, tell Miss Zorn to give me ten minutes."

"Of course." Amos left.

She came out of the room about fifteen minutes later. Without Charlotte nagging her, she wore

whatever that felt comfortable. This time, it was a striped T-shirt and long black pants. It was just like

what she wore back at her foster parents' house, but it suited her well.

Amos seemed to know she would come out right at that moment, as he and the other servants were

already waiting outside. "Good morning, Young Mistress Kendall!"

More than ten servants greeted her at the same time, much to her surprise. "Oh, um, good morning,

everyone." She smiled. It's already a bit late though.

"If you please, Young Mistress Kendall, it's time for breakfast." Amos extended his arm, inviting her into

the dining hall for breakfast.

"I thought Miss Zorn wanted to see me."

"I asked Master Dylan about it, and he wants you to have breakfast first. You can see her if you want

to, but it's perfectly fine if you don't."

Yasmine was here for a confrontation. With Dylan out of the way, nobody would protect Kendall, so

Amos asked Dylan what he should do. Once he got his master's orders, he could protect Kendall in

Dylan's place.

Should I have breakfast or see the woman who threw me under the bus in my last life first? Duh. That

was a rhetorical question. Food comes first. Yasmine can wait.

Yasmine was standing outside, looking annoyed. Two men in black were standing before her, and she

asked, "What's Mr. Miller doing? I told him to get Kendall here, so where is she?" She would have

barged into the place if it were not for the fact that this was Dylan's house. The Zorns were on par with

the Mendelsons in Orapolis, and they were only second to the Colemans in terms of power. Yasmine

was the princess of the Zorns, just like how Alice was the princess of the Colemans. She had always

been the center of everyone's attention and was spoiled rotten. How dare Mr. Miller let me wait? She's

just a country bumpkin!

About Love Knows No Bounds -

Love Knows No Bounds is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below

Chapter 52 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the

tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 52 and update the next chapters of this series at


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