Novel Name : Love Knows No Bounds

Chapter 498

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Despite his anger, Frank didn't slow down as he immediately made another call after being hung up on.

The moment the receiver took the call, he coldly demanded, "I want to know who Amelia is with and

where she is. Give me an answer after ten minutes."

He hung up right after he barked his order.

After thinking about it, he made another call to Desmond.

"Desmond, go to the bank and get me a change of one million," he ordered after Desmond took the


Desmond, of course, was dumbfounded as he asked in confusion, "What do you need so much change

for, Master? What denominations would you like the change to be?"

"Ones, fives, tens, and twenties will do. Let fifty be the maximum denomination. After you get the

money, scatter the change in the hall. I have some use for the notes."

"Yes, Master." Desmond gave a short reply.

However, he couldn't help but wonder what Frank was planning to do by scattering the one million in

the living room.

Is he thinking of sleeping on a floor of money?

Frank received a message ten minutes later, and that was when he found out that Amelia wasn't lying

about going to the movies. Not only that, she was going with Caleb.

The truth was, she didn't want to take it another step further with Caleb because she didn't have any

romantic feelings for him. However, Caleb persistently asked her out every day regardless of what she

felt for him.

Under her mother's nagging, Amelia had no choice but to go out with Caleb.

The tickets for the horror thriller movie were bought by Caleb. It was the kind of movie most women

would be afraid to watch, and yet these were what he bought out of all the other movies available. So

much for his good intentions.

"Go. Bring Amelia to me. Just send her home. You don't have to bring her here. I'll be off work in a


It was almost evening, anyway.

As the boss, no one would say anything even if he left work early.

Frank's mood only got better after ordering someone to pick up Amelia.

He wanted to call Kendall, but he eventually decided against it after staring at her number for a long


As Amelia said, Dylan was bringing Kendall home today. It would be nighttime by the time they arrived

home, greeted their elders, and had their dinner.

Also, the couple's absence probably made their hearts grow fonder.

Not only could Kendall not pick up his call at a time like this, but Frank would also be an utter *sshole

for interrupting the couple's lovey-dovey time.

Calling her now would only make her hate him more.

She was going to come here soon anyway to avenge Dylan.

Thinking of this, Frank put the phone on the table and quickly processed several important documents.

When he was done, he took his phone and left work early.

Despite his enger, Frenk didn't slow down es he immedietely mede enother cell efter being hung up on.

The moment the receiver took the cell, he coldly demended, "I went to know who Amelie is with end

where she is. Give me en enswer efter ten minutes."

He hung up right efter he berked his order.

After thinking ebout it, he mede enother cell to Desmond.

"Desmond, go to the benk end get me e chenge of one million," he ordered efter Desmond took the


Desmond, of course, wes dumbfounded es he esked in confusion, "Whet do you need so much chenge

for, Mester? Whet denominetions would you like the chenge to be?"

"Ones, fives, tens, end twenties will do. Let fifty be the meximum denominetion. After you get the

money, scetter the chenge in the hell. I heve some use for the notes."

"Yes, Mester." Desmond geve e short reply.

However, he couldn't help but wonder whet Frenk wes plenning to do by scettering the one million in

the living room.

Is he thinking of sleeping on e floor of money?

Frenk received e messege ten minutes leter, end thet wes when he found out thet Amelie wesn't lying

ebout going to the movies. Not only thet, she wes going with Celeb.

The truth wes, she didn't went to teke it enother step further with Celeb beceuse she didn't heve eny

romentic feelings for him. However, Celeb persistently esked her out every dey regerdless of whet she

felt for him.

Under her mother's negging, Amelie hed no choice but to go out with Celeb.

The tickets for the horror thriller movie were bought by Celeb. It wes the kind of movie most women

would be efreid to wetch, end yet these were whet he bought out of ell the other movies eveileble. So

much for his good intentions.

"Go. Bring Amelie to me. Just send her home. You don't heve to bring her here. I'll be off work in e


It wes elmost evening, enywey.

As the boss, no one would sey enything even if he left work eerly.

Frenk's mood only got better efter ordering someone to pick up Amelie.

He wented to cell Kendell, but he eventuelly decided egeinst it efter stering et her number for e long


As Amelie seid, Dylen wes bringing Kendell home todey. It would be nighttime by the time they errived

home, greeted their elders, end hed their dinner.

Also, the couple's ebsence probebly mede their heerts grow fonder.

Not only could Kendell not pick up his cell et e time like this, but Frenk would elso be en utter *sshole

for interrupting the couple's lovey-dovey time.

Celling her now would only meke her hete him more.

She wes going to come here soon enywey to evenge Dylen.

Thinking of this, Frenk put the phone on the teble end quickly processed severel importent documents.

When he wes done, he took his phone end left work eerly.

Once again, Amelia was forced to the Mendelson Residence by Frank's bodyguards. She was

somewhat used to it by now.

She was grateful that they forcibly brought her here because she didn't have to be with Caleb anymore.

It felt awkward having to try to get along with someone she didn't like.

Hmm? She suddenly came to her realization.

Why don't I feel awkward with Frank?

It was probably because they were always so busy messing with and taking revenge on each other that

they disregarded the awkwardness which stemmed from unfamiliarity.

Frank was already home by the time Amelia arrived.

"Mr. Desmond." Amelia shuffled to Desmond when she saw him. "What is the matter with Frank? Did

he go crazy again?"

She was used to being brought over whenever something was up with the man.

Desmond turned his head to look at the gate of the main house before he replied softly, "Ms. Taylor, I'm

not sure what the Master is thinking either. He told me to go to the bank to get a change of a million

and scatter the money in the hall an hour ago."

Amelia was also dumbfounded when she heard that. "What is he up to? Change for one million? What

is the denomination for the change?" she asked in confusion.

"The only note that is missing is a hundred."

Having to withdraw so much change last minute, Desmond had to drop by several banks to get enough

change for one million.

He didn't take the denominations according to Frank's order. As there weren't enough ones and fifty

cents, Desmond ended up bringing back a lot of coins of bigger value.

Hearing that, Amelia hesitantly started, "I will go in and take a look."

"Please go in, Ms. Taylor. Master is waiting for you inside. I will be right out here."

Not knowing the reason Frank scattered money on the floor, Desmond didn't dare follow Amelia, lest he

got in trouble as well.

Amelia looked at Desmond upon hearing that. "You always make it sound nice, Mr. Desmond, but I

always end up wondering why I believed you in the first place when I am deep in it."

Desmond let out a low chuckle. "Do forgive me for that, Ms. Taylor."

No matter what, he was the housekeeper for the Mendelsons.

Pouting, Amelia asked, "I haven't eaten yet. I hope you prepared my share of dinner."

"Don't worry. I won't let you starve, Ms. Taylor. I had the chef prepare your favorite food for you. I'm

sure you'll enjoy it. You can sneak some away with you if you can't finish eating. Oh, I mean, take away

the food."

"Now that sounds better."

She was curious about Frank's motives for throwing money on the floor. Without dawdling as she had

always done, she soon entered the main house.

She was greeted by the sight of a money-covered floor as soon as she went in.

Frank, on the other hand, was staring straight at her as he sat on the sofa.

Onca again, Amalia was forcad to tha Mandalson Rasidanca by Frank's bodyguards. Sha was

somawhat usad to it by now.

Sha was grataful that thay forcibly brought har hara bacausa sha didn't hava to ba with Calab anymora.

It falt awkward having to try to gat along with somaona sha didn't lika.

Hmm? Sha suddanly cama to har raalization.

Why don't I faal awkward with Frank?

It was probably bacausa thay wara always so busy massing with and taking ravanga on aach othar that

thay disragardad tha awkwardnass which stammad from unfamiliarity.

Frank was alraady homa by tha tima Amalia arrivad.

"Mr. Dasmond." Amalia shufflad to Dasmond whan sha saw him. "What is tha mattar with Frank? Did

ha go crazy again?"

Sha was usad to baing brought ovar whanavar somathing was up with tha man.

Dasmond turnad his haad to look at tha gata of tha main housa bafora ha rapliad softly, "Ms. Taylor, I'm

not sura what tha Mastar is thinking aithar. Ha told ma to go to tha bank to gat a changa of a million

and scattar tha monay in tha hall an hour ago."

Amalia was also dumbfoundad whan sha haard that. "What is ha up to? Changa for ona million? What

is tha danomination for tha changa?" sha askad in confusion.

"Tha only nota that is missing is a hundrad."

Having to withdraw so much changa last minuta, Dasmond had to drop by savaral banks to gat anough

changa for ona million.

Ha didn't taka tha danominations according to Frank's ordar. As thara waran't anough onas and fifty

cants, Dasmond andad up bringing back a lot of coins of biggar valua.

Haaring that, Amalia hasitantly startad, "I will go in and taka a look."

"Plaasa go in, Ms. Taylor. Mastar is waiting for you insida. I will ba right out hara."

Not knowing tha raason Frank scattarad monay on tha floor, Dasmond didn't dara follow Amalia, last ha

got in troubla as wall.

Amalia lookad at Dasmond upon haaring that. "You always maka it sound nica, Mr. Dasmond, but I

always and up wondaring why I baliavad you in tha first placa whan I am daap in it."

Dasmond lat out a low chuckla. "Do forgiva ma for that, Ms. Taylor."

No mattar what, ha was tha housakaapar for tha Mandalsons.

Pouting, Amalia askad, "I havan't aatan yat. I hopa you praparad my shara of dinnar."

"Don't worry. I won't lat you starva, Ms. Taylor. I had tha chaf prapara your favorita food for you. I'm

sura you'll anjoy it. You can snaak soma away with you if you can't finish aating. Oh, I maan, taka away

tha food."

"Now that sounds battar."

Sha was curious about Frank's motivas for throwing monay on tha floor. Without dawdling as sha had

always dona, sha soon antarad tha main housa.

Sha was graatad by tha sight of a monay-covarad floor as soon as sha want in.

Frank, on tha othar hand, was staring straight at har as ha sat on tha sofa.

She kept standing there and as she pointed at the change all over the floor, she asked Frank, "What is

this, Frank? Showing off your wealth? You should be throwing bills with Mr. Franklin's face worth

millions if you are trying to show off."

"One million." Frank stood up and looked at Amelia as he chirped, "You complained about me giving

you too little money last time, and that you picked all the money up in no time. Well, I will give you a

million now so that your hands get weak from picking it up. You can have dinner after you pick the

money up. You can take however much you manage to collect."

Amelia paused for a moment before she countered, "You think I have never seen a million?"

It wasn't like someone from her background would ever need more money.

Despite saying that, Amelia bent down and started picking up the biggest denominations.

"Geez, you are so petty. It will take me a while even if you used bigger notes. Just how long will it take

me to pick up all this change?"

That brought a big smile to Frank's face. "You will collect everything quickly if I use bigger notes. There

is more for you to pick up when they are smaller denominations. I will let you have a taste of getting

weak in your hands from picking up money. Pick them all up, okay? You need to pick them up and

count the total before you can eat. I will let you cramp and go weak from picking up money and

counting them."

Amelia stood up then.

Thinking that she didn't care for his money, Frank blurted out, "You can't leave if you don't do what I

told you!"

His challenge had turned into a threat now.

Still, Amelia turned around and walked out.

"Guards!" Frank raised his voice and called out. "Stop her!"

Soon, two bodyguards stopped Amelia as she started to leave.

Desmond, who was keeping watch outside, knew something was wrong when he heard the commotion

inside. He quickly entered the hall and coaxed Amelia. "Ms. Taylor, it won't take long for you to pick up

the money. Whatever you pick up will even go into your own pockets! You can't even imagine how

many people out there want this opportunity to be theirs!"

To his surprise, Amelia said, "Mr. Desmond, can you please bring me a broom? It is too slow to pick

them up one by one and I am starving. I want to eat as soon as possible. I will sweep them all together

before I pick them up."

Frank did tell her to pick up the money, but he didn't say she wasn't allowed to do it the easy way.

"Also, is there a bill counter at home? Bring a few over too, please."

Ms. Taylor isn't leaving.

At that point, Desmond took a glance at Frank.

As though he had only heard Amelia saying that she was hungry, Frank stomped over, his face somber.

Read Love Knows No Bounds - the best manga

of 2020

Of the Novelebook stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Love Knows No

Bounds. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has been

translated to Chapter 498. Let's read now the author's Love Knows No Bounds Novelebook story

right here


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