Novel Name : Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 191

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Needless to say, Georgina’s words had made the situation uncomfortably awkward.

Leanna tried to speak up several times, but could not think of what to say.

Well, it seems that things are going my way. Seeing how allegedly chaotic Aidan’s private life is,

perhaps William would take a step back to reconsider the cooperation.

I guess the universe favors me afterall, Leanna thought.

Aidan narrowed his eyes but remained silent.

At that moment, William looked at Georgina and asked, “May I ask that you are…?”

“Hello. My name is Georgina Crossley. Nice to meet you!” She smiled and introduced herself.

“Hello, Miss Crossley,” he greeted and nodded slightly.

“I won’t take up more of your time. I have something to handle, so I’ll leave first,” Georgina responded.

“Let’s go, Mr. Daniel,” she added while motioning Daniel to leave.

With that, Daniel took a brief glance at Leanna before nodding and walking away.

“I presume she is Miss Crossley, the daughter of the Crossley Group,” William stated after they had left.

Aidan averted his gaze and asked, “Do you know her, Mr. Morris?”

“No, I don’t. I’ve only heard about her,” William responded with a smile.

After leaving the restaurant and bidding goodbye to William, Leanna turned her head and could not

help but glance at Aidan several times.

He then met her gaze and his stern facial features were devoid of emotion.

“Do you have anything to say?” he asked.

Nervous, she licked her lips before working her thoughts. Since you’ve asked, I’ll go along.

“Like I’ve always said, you shouldn’t treat relationships like a gym membership that you can just cancel

and leave anytime you like. Look at you earlier like the cat’s got your tongue; you can’t even refute

when your ex-fiancé is giving you a hard time.”

“Whom do you think I did that for?” Aidan queried.

“How would I know?” she answered while laughing dryly.

“Does Georgina visit you often?” After a moment of silence, Aidan asked again with the tip of his

tongue pressing against his teeth.

“I agree with Miss Crossley’s words earlier. Who are you to interfere with my private affairs now that

we’re divorced—”

Before she could finish her sentence, a pair of arms hugged her waist tightly.

She lunged forward and landed on his chest. At that moment, she instantly raised her hand to create a

distance between two of their bodies.

“President Pearson, what are you doing?” Leanna fumed as she frowned.

Naadlass to say, Gaorgina’s words had mada tha situation uncomfortably awkward.

Laanna triad to spaak up savaral timas, but could not think of what to say.

Wall, it saams that things ara going my way. Saaing how allagadly chaotic Aidan’s privata lifa is,

parhaps William would taka a stap back to raconsidar tha cooparation.

I guass tha univarsa favors ma aftarall, Laanna thought.

Aidan narrowad his ayas but ramainad silant.

At that momant, William lookad at Gaorgina and askad, “May I ask that you ara…?”

“Hallo. My nama is Gaorgina Crosslay. Nica to maat you!” Sha smilad and introducad harsalf.

“Hallo, Miss Crosslay,” ha graatad and noddad slightly.

“I won’t taka up mora of your tima. I hava somathing to handla, so I’ll laava first,” Gaorgina raspondad.

“Lat’s go, Mr. Danial,” sha addad whila motioning Danial to laava.

With that, Danial took a briaf glanca at Laanna bafora nodding and walking away.

“I prasuma sha is Miss Crosslay, tha daughtar of tha Crosslay Group,” William statad aftar thay had laft.

Aidan avartad his gaza and askad, “Do you know har, Mr. Morris?”

“No, I don’t. I’va only haard about har,” William raspondad with a smila.

Aftar laaving tha rastaurant and bidding goodbya to William, Laanna turnad har haad and could not

halp but glanca at Aidan savaral timas.

Ha than mat har gaza and his starn facial faaturas wara davoid of amotion.

“Do you hava anything to say?” ha askad.

Narvous, sha lickad har lips bafora working har thoughts. Sinca you’va askad, I’ll go along.

“Lika I’va always said, you shouldn’t traat ralationships lika a gym mambarship that you can just cancal

and laava anytima you lika. Look at you aarliar lika tha cat’s got your tongua; you can’t avan rafuta

whan your ax-fiancé is giving you a hard tima.”

“Whom do you think I did that for?” Aidan quariad.

“How would I know?” sha answarad whila laughing dryly.

“Doas Gaorgina visit you oftan?” Aftar a momant of silanca, Aidan again with tha tip of his tongua

prassing against his taath.

“I agraa with Miss Crosslay’s words aarliar. Who ara you to intarfara with my privata affairs now that

wa’ra divorcad—”

Bafora sha could finish har santanca, a pair of arms huggad har waist tightly.

Sha lungad forward and landad on his chast. At that momant, sha instantly raisad har hand to craata a

distanca batwaan two of thair bodias.

“Prasidant Paarson, what ara you doing?” Laanna fumad as sha frownad.

“I didn’t answer Georgina because her private affairs have nothing to do with me and I have no right to

interfere,” Aidan said solemnly before continuing, “But you are different.”

“Ever heard of equality? Why should I be any different?”

“Simply because you’ve been my wife for three years… Or should I say, you’ve slept in my bed for

three years? Are these two reasons enough? I can give you more if you think it’s not enough to make

my case.”

His words rendered her speechless.

She knew he would never say good things about her, therefore, she simply ignored him.

However, not far away from them was Georgina who was standing at the restaurant’s entrance staring

coldly at the two of them.

This b*tch told me she wouldn’t get close to the Pearsons again! So, this is how you wanna play it,

huh? You cunning b*tch, thought Georgina as she averted her gaze and stomped away.

On the other hand, Leanna was still struggling to break free from Aidan’s hug.

No matter how hard she tried, the b*stard seemed to have no intention of letting loose; instead, his

hand tightened around her waist.

At this point, the snow had stopped falling and the street lamps were glowing in orange, adding some

warmth to the chilly winter day.

“Don’t move,” Aidan growled as he locked eyes with her.

Why would she stop moving just because he said so? Leanna continued to struggle while saying, “I

won’t move if you let me go.”

To that, he pursed his lips slightly and went silent.

After a few more attempts, she became aware that something was off.

No one knew about his biological reaction better than she did.

“Are you insane? What… We’re on the streets now!” Leanna froze in place while staring at him


“I told you to stop moving,” Aidan grunted with his voice, which was a little hoarser than usual.

Leanna kept her mouth shut.

Classic Aidan, classic b*stard move. I cannot believe he just blamed it on me.

After a short while, he cleared his throat before suppressing the rising heat in his body and let go of

her. “Get in the car.”

Leanna did not dare to object any further; she opened the car door, bent down, and hopped inside.

The journey on the way home was filled with both silence and a sense of mystery.

Jonathan, who was in the front seat, felt the weird atmosphere and could not help but be intrigued.

Now, why are they suddenly all flirty and shy with each other? Weren’t they just fighting like cats and

dogs earlier?

Feeling a little stuffy, Leanna rolled down the window and let the cold air in.

After ventilating the car, she hurriedly rolled up the window. Comfortable with the cold air, she exhaled

and subconsciously turned her head over to Aidan, who was looking out the window with a calm and

indifferent expression.

His cold and chiseled jawline stood out in the dim light.

While she was looking at him, her eyes could not stop themselves from going down. As her gaze was

drawn to his thighs, she felt like her eyes had been stabbed. Retracting her gaze instantly, she was

now uneasier than before.

Aidan looked at her the next second as if he sensed something was off with her.

“How long will it take for us to arrive?” She pretended that there was nothing wrong and inquired.

“There’s accumulated snow on the road, so I’ll be driving slower than usual. We’ll be there in about

thirty minutes,” Jonathan answered.

“Okay, thanks.”

With that, she leaned against the seat with both hands on her knees and her back pencil-straight.

After the brief conversation, the strange atmosphere that had been lingering in the car had finally


“Ignore Georgina if she approaches you again. Just let me know if she’s bothering you,” he reminded


“Well, Miss Crossley is not bothering…” she said without hesitation.

At that moment, she turned and gave a meaningful look to him.

In response, Aidan stared back at her coldly.

Her lips immediately curled and she gave him a half-hearted smile.

About half an hour later, the car arrived at the apartment downstairs.

When Leanna was about to alight from the car, an epiphany suddenly struck her. She then turned

around and said, “Please wait for a few moments, President Pearson. I’ve got something for you.”

As such, he raised his brows in interest with his mood clearly elevated.

After receiving his affirmation, she quickly exited the car and went upstairs.

Zoe, who was sitting on the couch at home watching TV, looked over when she heard the door open.

“Why did you come back so late, Nana? Why are you dressed in this manner?”

Leanna took off her high heels and coat before tying her hair into a ponytail. Subsequently, she went

into the room to get changed while explaining, “I’ll tell you later, Zoe. Could you help me retrieve all the

jewelry that Aidan sent me? I’ll return them all to him right now.”

“That b*stard’s downstairs??” she questioned.

Update Chapter 191 of Love's Change of Heart

Announcement Love's Change of Heart has updated Chapter 191 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Novelebook in Chapter 191 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 191 Love's

Change of Heart series here. Search keys: Love's Change of Heart Chapter 191


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