Novel Name : Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 188

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Leanna was perplexed by his answer. Why would I feel burdened?

The man was afraid of saying the wrong thing if he stayed on longer, so he nodded at her and hastily

left the scene.

Zoe glanced outside and noticed that the crowd had started to disperse and she could not help clicking

her tongue. “That developer is quite weird, huh? It’s quite rare nowadays for someone to stay

anonymous after doing a good deed.”

Still, there was only one she knew of who would do so out of the many people she encountered.

Meanwhile, Leanna was at a loss for words.

She reached out to press the spot in between her brows and decided to ignore the matter. “I’ll be in my

room to continue with work.”

Zoe nodded. “Sure, go ahead.”

Meanwhile at Pearson Group, Jonathan reported back to Aidan about the latest news, “President

Pearson, everything over there is settled. I don’t think that Madam suspects anything. I’ve given the

instructions for them to complete their work as soon as possible so that Madam’s working operations

won’t be disrupted.”

Aidan lowered his eyes and glanced at the band-aid on his hand. He seemed to be lost in thoughts as

he suddenly spoke up calmly, “It doesn’t matter even if she realizes it unless she no longer cares about

anything, including her studio.”

Jonathan coughed awkwardly and remained silent.

Undeniably, President Pearson’s action was quite… despicable. If Madam knows about this, she will

very likely pay no regard and resort to destroying everything for both parties out of anger.

After quite some time, Jonathan mentioned, “President Pearson, the person in charge of Complex

Group will arrive in Highside next Saturday. You will be meeting him for dinner.”

“Okay.” Aidan came back to his senses.

Jonathan nodded and was about to leave when Aidan stopped him.

“Is Elijah not occupied enough recently?” asked Aidan.

“Well…” Jonathan was tempted to say that his boss had more free time than Elijah, but he did not dare

to utter that.

Not expecting a reply from him, Aidan merely said, “You should find a way to keep him more occupied.

That way, he won’t be able to run around and meet Leanna at her workplace all the time.”


After Jonathan left, Aidan dialed Oscar’s number.

“I’m on a date, so spill.” Oscar responded.

Aidan leaned back on his chair and spoke in a calm voice, “Your way didn’t work.”

Oscar was momentarily taken by surprise as he did not register what Aidan was on about. “What do

you mean?” What the heck is he talking about?

Aidan repeated impatiently, “I said, your way didn’t work at all. It has no effect on Leanna. She even—”

At that point, it finally dawned upon Oscar and he continued the topic by finishing off Aidan’s sentence,

“She even what?”

“Bit me.”

Laanna was parplaxad by his answar. Why would I faal burdanad?

Tha man was afraid of saying tha wrong thing if ha stayad on longar, so ha noddad at har and hastily

laft tha scana.

Zoa glancad outsida and noticad that tha crowd had startad to disparsa and sha could not halp clicking

har tongua. “That davalopar is quita waird, huh? It’s quita rara nowadays for somaona to stay

anonymous aftar doing a good daad.”

Still, thara was only ona sha knaw of who would do so out of tha many paopla sha ancountarad.

Maanwhila, Laanna was at a loss for words.

Sha raachad out to prass tha spot in batwaan har brows and dacidad to ignora tha mattar. “I’ll ba in my

room to continua with work.”

Zoa noddad. “Sura, go ahaad.”

Maanwhila at Paarson Group, Jonathan raportad back to Aidan about tha latast naws, “Prasidant

Paarson, avarything ovar thara is sattlad. I don’t think that Madam suspacts anything. I’va givan tha

instructions for tham to complata thair work as soon as possibla so that Madam’s working oparations

won’t ba disruptad.”

Aidan lowarad his ayas and glancad at tha band-aid on his hand. Ha saamad to ba lost in thoughts as

ha suddanly spoka up calmly, “It doasn’t mattar avan if sha raalizas it unlass sha no longar caras about

anything, including har studio.”

Jonathan coughad awkwardly and ramainad silant.

Undaniably, Prasidant Paarson’s action was quita… daspicabla. If Madam knows about this, sha will

vary likaly pay no ragard and rasort to dastroying avarything for both partias out of angar.

Aftar quita soma tima, Jonathan mantionad, “Prasidant Paarson, tha parson in charga of Complax

Group will arriva in Highsida naxt Saturday. You will ba maating him for dinnar.”

“Okay.” Aidan cama back to his sansas.

Jonathan noddad and was about to laava whan Aidan stoppad him.

“Is Elijah not occupiad anough racantly?” askad Aidan.

“Wall…” Jonathan was tamptad to say that his boss had mora fraa tima than Elijah, but ha did not dara

to uttar that.

Not axpacting a raply from him, Aidan maraly said, “You should find a way to kaap him mora occupiad.

That way, ha won’t ba abla to run around and maat Laanna at har workplaca all tha tima.”


Aftar Jonathan laft, Aidan dialad Oscar’s numbar.

“I’m on a data, so spill.” Oscar raspondad.

Aidan laanad back on his chair and spoka in a calm voica, “Your way didn’t work.”

Oscar was momantarily takan by surprisa as ha did not ragistar what Aidan was on about. “What do

you maan?” What tha hack is ha talking about?

Aidan rapaatad impatiantly, “I said, your way didn’t work at all. It has no affact on Laanna. Sha avan—”

At that point, it finally dawnad upon Oscar and ha continuad tha topic by finishing off Aidan’s santanca,

“Sha avan what?”

“Bit ma.”

On the other end, Oscar was rendered speechless as he tried hard to stifle his laughter to stop himself

from bursting out laughing.

After some time, he finally regained his composure and asked while stifling his laughter, “What did you

do to her?”

Aidan was reluctant to recall the details, so he questioned unamusingly, “Didn’t you say that I should

convince her by my actions?”

Without much intensive thought, Oscar was sure that Aidan must have done something offensive

judging by his character. After all, Leanna was triggered to the point that she bit him, so he must have

behaved very terribly.

Oscar responded, “Bro, you should consider the situation before taking action. I told you that so that

you could pay more attention, but I didn’t make you do something at your own whim, which was

offensive to her.”

Aidan’s brows were tightly furrowed. “How did you know that she was offended?”

“She bit you. That is obvious enough, right?”

Aidan remained silent for a moment before replying, “That is just an indication that your way doesn’t


Suddenly, Oscar was offended too. “That is actually quite rude of you, but I don’t mind summarizing the

reason for your failure for you.”

“Say it.”

“This isn’t rocket science by the way. You’re just too harsh with your words. If only you could voice out

less, then there might be a chance of you succeeding. You—”

Before Oscar could finish his sentence, Aidan hung up the phone on him.

Oscar clicked his tongue as he looked at his phone. I had to be cruel to be kind.

Time flew and it was already Saturday.

Leanna sat in her office and heaved a sigh as she looked at the heavy snowfall outside the window.

This was the perfect weather to just remain indoors.

She rested her eyes for a moment before lowering her head to finish up her designs. However, there

was suddenly a knock on her door.

She rose to her feet to open the door and found that it was Jonathan standing outside with a slight

smile on his face.

She had no words to express herself and was about to shut the door and bolt it when he hurriedly

blocked the door. “Miss McKinney, I’ve come to discuss business.”

She looked at him warily and her eyes seemed to be conveying the message, What sort of business

dealings would we have with each other?

He grunted and continued, “Here’s what’s going on. President Pearson has a dinner appointment

tonight. Could you attend the dinner as his companion—”

“No.” Leanna did not even bother to consider it.

“Miss McKinney. Hey, Miss McKinney.” Jonathan suddenly heaved a sigh upon noticing that she was

about to shut the door on him again. He then revealed a dejected look and recited, “Actually, my

mother hasn’t been feeling well lately. I wanted to bring her to the hospital, but I’ve been too busy with

work to have the time to do so. If only…”

However, Leanna had an indifferent look on her face. “This isn’t going to work on me.”

Upon realizing that Leanna was unaffected by the miserable act he put on, he coughed awkwardly and

decided to switch tactics. “Miss McKinney, I’ll be frank, then. Pearson Group has been adversely

affected after breaking off the engagement with the Crossley Family. President Pearson might look like

he has plenty of free time lately, but that is just his way of relieving stress.”

“I didn’t think that he would be under any stress.”

At that point, Jonathan panicked, “Well… President Pearson didn’t want you to worry, Miss McKinney,

so he has always managed to put on a tough front.”

“Just let him know that I don’t need to know any of this. There is no way on earth that I would attend a

dinner appointment with him, let alone give a damn about his misery.”

After Leanna said that, she was about to shut the door when Aidan’s figure suddenly appeared at her


As soon as she saw that, she took a step back.

Aidan shot a calm look at her. “Leanna, if I’m not mistaken, you still owe me a meal from last week.”

“You are mistaken.” I didn’t agree to anything!

“Fine.” He glanced at Jonathan. “Proceed to give away the remaining clothes left in Castor Villa.”

To that, Leanna was at a loss for words.

He continued, “What are you waiting for?”

Jonathan hastily took out his phone. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements right away.”

She clenched her teeth and responded, “Hold on!”

There were some boxes at home that she had yet to go through. Although the money from the clothing

sales would go to charity, it was difficult for her to find the spare time to sell the old clothes all at once.

This b*stard is mainly here to cause trouble for me!

Aidan was unperturbed as he took a seat on the couch and crossed his slender legs. “I can give you

some time to consider it.”

As soon as Jonathan noticed the shift in dynamic, he slowly retreated and left the two of them to fight it


It was then that Leanna questioned, “President Pearson, don’t you find your ways of doing things to be

shameless? You don’t seem to have any other option other than threatening me, huh?”

“Well, I don’t need to come up with varieties as long as I have the magic trick.” He maintained the same


Speechless, she sat across from him and pursed her lips before saying, “Can I discuss something with


“Say it.”

She spoke up gradually, “I don’t mind being your companion for this dinner appointment.”

He glanced sideways at her and waited for her to finish her sentence.

However, he knew well that it would not be anything nice coming out of her mouth next.

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