Novel Name : The Tormented Soul

Chapter 12: moving day

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Aleera's POV

It had been a few days since Darius was here and told me that I was his mate. I remember my wolf

Pixie told me that the first time I saw him but I pushed it away. It's not like I don't want a mate, I do, but I

am not ready at all. Right now I think he would be better off with another woman that can be with him

and want to be with him right from the start.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts and in walks Celia, Cassie and Darius.

I look up at them with a concerned expression. What’s going on? I looked at Celia first, then my eyes

turned to Cassia and finally to Darius. I could tell that they saw the expression on my face. Celia sat

down on the chair next to me and looked at me, she took a deep breath and then she started to tell me

why they were there.

"Sweetie I want to tell you now that you're healthier and your strength is back on track, even if it's not

one hundred percent back yet, I'm going to discharge you. So you are going to move to your own


"What, bu..t … bu..t where?" I replied with a slight stutter, I was starting to become frightened. Where

am I moving?

Celia took a deep breath and turned her face to Darius to look at him and then looked back at me.

"You are going to move to the pack house and there you’ll have your own room on the 3rd floor. No one

except for 6 people have clearance to go up there, but it’s only you and Darius that have a room on that


My breath got caught in my throat, It felt like I couldn't breathe. Why the hell am I going to live on the

third floor with Darius and why am I going to move to the pack house? I don't want to live there not after

what I have been through.

I was shaking my head so much that my long dark blonde hair danced with my movement. Celia took

my hands and I looked at her still shaking my head but slower now.

"Hun, you can't stay here forever. You will still be safe even if you move to the pack house. The pack

house is the safest place you can be at Alea." Celia tells me in a calm voice.

"No, ple..ase, I ca..n't." The words came out in a stutter again. Tears now running down from my

cheeks. Celia moves her hands over my cheeks to wipe away the tears. When she was finished she

put her arms around me, hugging me.

The room was left in total silence for a few minutes until Darius finally broke it.

"Alea, I know you are afraid and uncomfortable with moving to my pack house, but I assure you that

you will be safe. Your room is next to mine and I have fixed up your room all by myself."

I looked over Celia's shoulder right Into Darius chocolate brown eyes and he looked right back into

mine. During the time we stared at one another it felt like it was only the two of us in the room and no

one else. We stared at one another for a few more minutes before I broke eye contact.

Celia moved away from our hug and looked at me. She turned her head to her sister Cassie and I

could tell she was mind linking her sister. Then I saw Cassie start to walk up to me to disconnect me

from the machines.

My mind went haywire right away. 'They want me to move right now? No they can't do this to me. I feel

much safer here.'

When they had removed all the cables from me I looked down at the end of the bed and I could see

new clothes. 'They really want me to move right now...'

Celia saw that I looked at the clothes at the end of the bed.

"If you want I can stay and help you or we all will go outside and wait for you to change your clothes."

"Are you really throwing me out?" I asked with a sad broken voice as tears threatened to come back.

"No one is throwing you out. You are just moving to your own room. We are not leaving you, we will

always be around here." Celia said to me.

"Do you want help or should we wait for you outside?" She asked me.

I thought for a few seconds. "Help." I whispered to her.

"Cassie and Darius can you please leave the room and wait for us outside?" She asked both of them.

They both nodded and walked towards the door. Darius was the one that exited the room last and

closed the door behind him.

Celia helped me to sit up and she took the black sweatpants and the grey hoodie from the bed and she

held it up to me. After I put on the big gray hoodie she helped me to put my legs through the

sweatpants and stand up. When we were done I pulled the hood over my face and let Celia lead me

out from the hospital room. Celia opened the door and I saw Cassie and Darius waiting outside. We

walked out from the hospital wing and walked towards my new room.


Third POV

As they walked towards the pack house Aleera could feel people were staring at her and she didn't like

it, it made her feel uncomfortable. She lowered her head so they couldn't see her.

Darius walked beside Aleera. While Celia and Cassie were behind them. They walked for a few

minutes before they reached the pack house.

The pack house was not a house. It was more like a mansion with three floors. In front of the house

was a lawn with a fountain in the middle of it. We walked past it and reached stone steps. Aleera

looked up just a little to notice the big black doors. When they were standing by the stone steps Aleera

started to breathe heavily like she was going to have a panic attack.

Celia was right there beside her to make her breath in a deep and calm breath. Aleera's body shivered

so much that she had to sit down on the ground.

With a stuttering voice Aleera said, "Ple..ase, do..n't me live th..ere, I can't."

Celia got down on her knees and moved her hand up and down Aleera's back.

" I know that moving in here might bring up horrible memories. You were most likely all alone the whole

time before, but this time you’re not alone. We are here with you and we are here to stay." Celia said to

her using a calm tone.

Aleera nodded her head and looked up at Celia with tears in her eyes. She also looked at Cassie and

Darius. She hides her face with her arms and bursts out in a loud sob.

Aleera feels sparks that go all over her body and she knows that Darius has put his hand on her

shoulder. She looks up and sees that Darius has come down to eye level.

"Alea, if the first steps into my pack house are too hard on you I can carry you in, with your permission

of course, it could be of some help for you." Darius said to her.

Aleera nodded her head to Darius's proposal, Darius kept his facial expressions intact and scooped her

up to carry her bridal style. Aleera puts her arms around Darius's neck for support. She buries her face

against the curve of his neck as he carries her towards her room. She inhales his scent, that's a

mixture of strawberries and chocolates and it helps her relax.

Darius walked up to the pack house with Aleera in his arms. Celia opened the front door and they

walked in. Darius could feel that Aleera was shivering in fear in his arms. He moved his head just little

and whispered in Aleera's ear.

"Shh, everything will be fine, I'm here with you."

Aleera increased the hold on Darius's neck as they walked through his house and climbed the stairs to

the third floor.

When we had reached the third floor it was a long hall. The walls were covered in pictures and were a

dark red color. Darius stopped in front of a door and somehow he managed to open it while still holding


Behind the door was a large room. The walls were a shade of darker beige color with light beige carpet

that covered the whole floor and a crystal chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. The room also had

a glass sliding french door that went from the floor to the ceiling with light gray curtains on both sides.

Beside the glass door were two beige colored armchairs and through the glass door was a balcony that

connected to Darius's balcony.

On the right side of the room there was a queen sized bed with a black frame and on each side of the

bed were black bedside tables. On the left side were two more doors, one to the bathroom and one to

the walk-in closet.

Darius put Aleera on the edge of the bed and she looked around the room. It was so open and light.

She was stunned at the sight.

"I hope you like your room. My room is right next door." Darius said to Aleera.

Aleera nodded her head even if she was afraid. This room looked so amazing. She just wished she had

grown up in a room like this and never had to go through what she did.

"The second door to the right is your walk-in closet. I sent my betas mate Nicole to the mall to pick out

some new clothes for you. I hope you will like them, if not then once you're ready then you can get

items you like." Darius told her.

She is still sitting on the bed and admiring the room. Aleera's stomach made a sound that gave Darius

and Celia a signal that she was hungry, even if she was not going to admit it, she still had problems

with eating and she was afraid that she would puke it up. But they have made progress to get a small

amount of nutrition in her system.

"I will get you something to eat." Darius said with an amused smile on his face as he walked out of the

room and Cassie left to go back to the hospital shortly after we got in the room. Celia was sitting in one

of the armchairs. It was silent until the door opened and Darius stepped in with a plate full of food.

“I'll leave it here and leave so you can eat. If you need anything I will be in my office a floor down."

He left after he had placed the plate on the bedside table. Celia got up and came over to sit next to her.

On the plate there was pasta and bolognese. Aleera eat a quarter of the food. It was a huge progress.

When Celia noticed that Aleera had stopped eating she took the plate from her. She was happy with

the amount she had eaten. She got up and walked to the walk-in-closet to pick out something for

Aleera to wear to bed. She found blue PJs for Aleera. Once dressed Aleera crawled under the white

duvet and Celia tucked her in.

"Get a goodnight sleep. I will be back tomorrow morning, I promise. If you need anything Darius's room

is next door."

Aleera nodded her head and Celia turned around and walked out of the room and closed the door. But

she left the light on on the bedside table.

Aleera felt so comfortable in this bed, It felt like she was on a cloud. It didn't take long before she was

sleeping. Around 3 am Aleera woke up screaming her lungs out.

"They are here! Get them off me!"


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