Novel Name : The Tormented Soul

Chapter 15: escape the forest

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Aleera's POV

After Darius had left my room I decided to lay down for a bit. But I couldn't get comfortable so I got up

and walked into my walk-in-closet to take a look around it for something to wear. I finally decided on a

pair of white sweatpants and a black tank top. When I was done in the closet I walked out and my eyes

looked at the bathroom door. I have been a prisoner in my own home for so many years without the

opportunity to have a shower. I looked back at the door to the room and because i was alone it would

not be that scary and no one could do anything to me. So I decided to have a shower. I walked into the

bathroom and I locked the door, just in case.

I stripped my PJs off and got in the shower. The hot water ran down my body helping to wash away my

irritation and helping to relax my muscles. I was in the shower for at least thirty minutes. When I felt I

was done I turned off the water and stepped out. I dried myself off with my towel and sat down on the

toilet to get dressed. Celia and Cassie had talked to me about going to get special training with them in

two weeks or so because I have never trained before. She also wanted to see how my muscles would

handle it and if they would come back to normal strength. Celia had talked to Darius about it also. I did

look forward to it but at the same time I didn't.

When I was back in my room I could see the sun was shining in through the glass door into my room. It

has been so long since I have been outside. I have lived in a room with no windows and this was my

opportunity to go outside. I really wanted to go outside to feel the sun rays on my skin. I walked

towards my door and opened it and started walking down the hallway to the stairs to the first floor.

Once on the first floor I heard voices in a room close to the staircase and I knew that I would not go

over there, I was not ready to meet anyone from his pack that I have not already met. So I walked in

the other direction and I ended up at the back exit.

When I had exited the house I ended up in the backyard. In the backyard was a huge sitting lounge

with light brown wood chairs and benches. There were flowers in the ground and in flowerpots. When I

looked up I saw outdoor string lights hanging from the closest trees and a wooden privacy screen but it

was not on during the day, it was so magnificent. The forest was just a few feet away so I started to

walk towards it

I walked around the backyard for a bit then moved to the outskirts of the forest for a while before I

decided to leave for a bit and be alone to think in peace, something I had not experienced in a long


As I reached the forest line I looked back at the house and then back to the forest. This would be my

second time in a forest since I escaped. Am I strong enough to do it? I took a breath in and then started

to walk into the forest. I decided to walk instead of run, I wanted to enjoy the view. While I was walking

around the forest looking at everything and admiring everything my eyes could see it felt like someone

was watching me but I ignored it. When the feeling did not disappear it started to creep me out so I

started to run. The feeling did not leave even if I ran away from it so I tried to run faster but now I could

hear paws hitting the ground and became scared.

I pushed myself to run even faster. I wanted to get away from whatever was chasing me. Darius

promised me that I would be safe on his territory, but he lied to me. He must have lied, if he was not

then why was someone chasing me on HIS territory? The fear I felt was so bad that it made me run

faster than I ever thought I could. I just want to get away. I want to be safe!

I still can't shift, Celia believes it's because of all the stuff me and Pixie have been through. And as you

all know, we female wolves can't shift before we meet our mate.

I was pushed to the ground and it brought me back to some of the horrible memories from that night

and I felt tears forming in my eyes. I turned around slowly because I was scared. What I saw when I

had turned around was a young boy, maybe in his early twenty. He had blonde hair and two different

eye colors, the left one was blue and the right one was green. He then bent down and he grabbed my

arms with such force that I knew I was going to bruise from it.

"How dare a rogue like you enter our territory. " He screamed at me and his hold on my arms got


I tried to push him away. "I am not a rogue, I am a guest here."

"Stop lying! You aren't a guest here! If you were I would know about it! You must be lying as I don't

know anything about a guest!” He said back to me and his voice was beyond angry.

"I am not lying. I am telling you the truth." I said in a stuttering voice.

He had me pinned to the ground and was now straddling me. I can't take this. What have I done to

deserve this? I filled my lungs with air and I let it out in a loud scream that echoed through the forest.


I was fighting and fighting but I could not defeat him. I was screaming for help over and over again.

"Stop screaming rogue, no one will save you. I will give you the punishment for entering our territory."

He said.

He grabbed my breast with one of his hands and he squeezed it hard. What kind of punishment is this?

He is crazy! I struggled and finally, I got a hand free and I slapped him across his face.

"You have some nerves to hit me! You will regret that!" He screamed at me.

Then he put his left hand over my throat. Now I was scared for my life! I pushed his hand away and

screamed out.


Tears were coming down my eyes heavily. I did my best to fight him off but he was stronger than me

and he also had the upper hand. I was screaming and screaming to the point it hurt my lungs and

throat. I don't know for how long I have been trying to fight him off when I heard one powerful



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