Novel Name : Lie To Me Alpha

Chapter 95: Trouble In Paradise

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It almost feels like forever since I last talk to Matteo or us having a real conversation after the arrival of

Quinn and her mate.

He became a total stranger that I don't know anymore if we're a couple or not. He keeps on avoiding

me and never sleeps in the same room with me anymore.

Sighing in frustration I grip my hair and sat on the bed not knowing what to do. I needed a friend now

but Gia is away with her mate with her newly born baby and Cora was kind of far from me.

All I need is a friend to talk face to face with now. Definitely not a therapist but a friend to help me figure

my choices out.

Biting on my finger nails a knock came on the door "who is it?"

"luna you have a letter from someone" a pack member said.

I stood up and open the door slightly, she gave me the envelope and went back down stairs. I received

another note threatening me that I won't be able to live happily with Matteo.1

Yes this starts after the day Quinn came back and Matteo ignoring me.

I was scared to tell Matteo as he has already have a lot on his plate and plus were not really on

speaking terms.

Me being a burden wasn't helping at all and I hate to be one. On the other hand the note indicates that

we know each other and he was my lover before Matteo.

So I decided to meet this person name Jude in person who seems to know me pretty well. Maybe he'll

tell me of my past as it looks like my memories are gone forever

Also I wanted to tell and show that person how much I love Matteo. If there was anything between us in

the past then it's all in the past.

Matteo is my mate and my future lies with him.

I grip his note in my hand before grabbing my jacket and made my way out of the pack house.

I didn't want anyone to be suspicious of my action so I acted like everything is so normal. Alera is

telling me that this was a bad idea, still I wanted to be a hero of my own.

I made my way towards the woods telling other pack members I'll be gone for a run and instead of

running I change the direction to other side and walk until I made it to the main road.

I look around to see of any our pack members are around but none was on sight so I pull out my phone

and call an uber to pick me up.

Fishing for the note in my pockets I couldn't find it and I try so hard to remember the location in the note

until I finally did.

When the uber arrived I take one last look back to the forest and the way I came before I got into the

car holding onto his gifted necklace. I made it there to the abandoned old factory building in time.

It wasn't really far from our territory but it was kind of deeper in the woods.

"Lady are you sure this is the place?" the man ask with concern and I nodded my head yes to him.

"Ms. Isn't this?" he ask again making sure that I am in the right state of mind but I immediately dismiss

it and he shook his head in disapproval before driving away.

I made my way in the building which was pretty dark. Alera was definitely right when she says for me to

stay I should have listen and tell my mate about this.

"Hello" I call but there was no sign of anybody "excuse me if you want to play game with me then I am

here," still no one answer.

This must be a prank. Turning away to go back a clap stops me. Suddenly the lights went on. Looking

around I came to face with a guy and his werewolves friends sitting at the back like they are posting for

a magazine cover.

They look pretty young to me precisely around nineteen or eighteen.

I hated the fact that I came all the way here for some kids prenup game in College. I sigh feeling

disappointed that this kid seems to know nothing of me. His letter seems to tell it all but his age tells me

that he's another stupid horny teenage wolves.

Alera growl in my head "these little shits might thinks the can take us for a fool" she growled through

our link.

The leader whom I assumed is Jude lick his lips and disgustingly I wanted to puke. He didn't even look

like a man like my man at home. He look like a wannabe man.

I groan cursing myself for being stupid too.

"Didn't know you're dumb for taking my note seriously" he laugh

"but you're here and I can't wait to taste you luna. We heard so much of your beauty from your pack

boys. We dig a little and woo we got a lot of info" his minions at the back howl altogether.

I pull my hair up in a pony tail taking my defense stance and wanted this to be over as these kids are

getting on my nerves.

"What are you waiting for?" I smirk at him and his stupid friends.

His speed was quick than I expected which caught me off surprise 'okay I don't think he's a kid' Alera

heightened our hearing and I try to calculate the way the wind blow due to his movements.

He move too fast to be a werewolf even with his friends and they laugh all around trying to pull away

our attention. Alera and I focus our hearing and senses to our surrounding more now.

We did not want to be taken off guard or die easily in these motherfuckers looking kids hands.

Something flashes before my eyes and I reach out quickly


I smile when I caught on the neck of one and quickly I snap it off before another attack me from behind.

This one was pretty hard to fight with as he was really good with his defence.

I threw him to the other side and only to be tackle down by another then others began to move in while

the prick lock me with his body.

"Well, we got ourselves a whore" with my strength I push the one on top of me off so hard and snap on

to the neck of another.

Then my claws gush through the chest of another. I was going to lunge for Jude and the other three

when a loud growl boom throughout the building.

Looking at the door entry Matteo stood there with furious and without another words he moves in quick

speed and kill off every last one of them right in front of me.

He look as if he's ready to strangle or yell at me but he just walk past me and into the car outside.

I silently follow behind and get in after him thinking he won't lash out on me.

Yet I was so wrong as when the doors of our room close he furiously look at me and the next thing I

know we were screaming at each other well more like him to me.

"You're selfish, you know that right" he threw the couch on the other side of the room making me flinch

a little.

"Right I'm selfish, well the last time I check my mate wasn't talking to me and ignore me" I retort at him.

"It's complicated and I was going to fix it if you weren't run off today to meet up those mother fu*kers,"

he growl a loud.

"You always think of yourself... What about me huh?" he grip on his hair.

"If you die today what about me? don't you love Me?" it's like his words sink right in to me and I started

to sob

"you know I love you so much."

"I don't know Addasah you keep getting yourself in danger without thinking about me. You0 left without

even saying a goodbye or a god damn note to let me know that you are finally leaving me" his tears

drop from his eyes.

"You know that's not true and I won't do that. It just that you weren't talking to me" I reply feeling hurt of

what he just accused of me.

Then suddenly he said something which made me puzzle as we have never spoken about my

memories lately.

"Maybe you'll do when you're memories are back Addasah" he says in a low voice and I took a step to


"I need time" he stops me before he storm out of the room.

It was the first time he ever shouted at me and I knew I have hurt him alot and I have shouldn't listen to

that stupid note from a kid.

'You didn't know Addy' Alera tries to comfort me 'come on girl hell be okay just take a breathe' and I did

what she just said.

I went down the stairs afterwards and out of the house heading straight to Gia's place. Hoping she has

returned today. I

I kept on knocking on the door but nobody was at home so I look for Jay instead at the training area but

he was nowhere to be found.

I walk back to the house and went to see Matteo. It is better to go face my own problem than running to

others to burden them with it.


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