Novel Name : Life After the Storm

Chapter 33

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As I am leaving the woods from my encounter with Lily. I am in shock, wondering how the hell she

survived that fall. All this time I was calling her weak, but I was so wrong. I hate myself even more now

for treating her the way I did. Remembering When I touched her skin it felt like a delicate flower, so soft.

I tried to snap out of my thoughts of thinking of her, it's distracting me as I am tripping over branches

that are on the ground. Realizing that I have made the biggest mistake Underestimating my own mate.

I shift into my wolf and take off to the pack house. I need a distraction. From thinking of her it's making

me crazy and craving more of her, I want to respect her and let her be free. Even though I'm not going

to be able to let her free for long. I am hoping now more than ever that Jenny finds a way out of this


Not really sure how she is going to do it, but I'm looking forward to it. If she can get out of it, then I will

be able to be happy with my mate. I know that I will have a lot to make up for gaining her trust, knowing

it will be all worth it in the end. She will be mine eventually, it just takes time, but am I going to be able

to wait to get the satisfaction that she gives me for long.

Now that my wolf knows that she is alive, I can feel his power coming back to me more. Not that I was

weak before, but now I feel invincible. I know that he wants his mate, I do too, but I messed that up. I

will get her back no matter what. I just have to figure out how. I can feel my body ache for her, wanting

to be close to her. I have never felt this for anybody that I have ever encountered.

I always thought that this whole mate thing was bullshit, that it was all an act. Now I realize that I was

the one who was full of shit somehow I hid my feelings for her so deep inside me, I made them non-

existing. What a fool I am Realizing now that power is not worth losing your mate.

As nighttime is coming, I reach the pack house and go straight to my room. I don't want to shower, I

crave her scent to be near me. As it sends chills up my spine and arousal takes over. I want to be

satisfied, but knowing there is no wolf here that could satisfy me like her.

As I lay in my bed trying to fall asleep but all I keep replying in my mind is fucking her. Loving how she

just took what she wanted and fucked me hard. Knowing if she was here, I would make her do it again.

As my cock gets hard, I begin to stroke it, thinking of her perfect breast as I sucked on her nipples

making them hard. Imagining that my hand is her hand that is stroking my hard, throbbing cock. Not

being able to stop, I felt my warm liquid on my hand, wishing instead it was on her face, as she liked

her lips.

I get up to clean myself, knowing there is no use of trying to sleep. So, I go to my office to work on

some of my leftover work I had lifted from the other day. God, she is so distracting why can't I just

forget about her As hours pass I see that it is morning. I can't take any more of her, distracting me so I

decide to go for a run to try to clear my head.

As I am running in the woods I hear an odd noise that almost sounds like a cry coming from a baby. I

stop to try to make it out, the sound wondering why there would be a baby this far in the woods. As I

get closer to the noise, I shift into my human, not wanting to scare the child with my wolf. Then all of a

sudden, I feel a sharp pinch in the back of my neck as I fall to the ground. I try to move, but I can't, It's

almost like I am paralyzed. I continue to try to move, but there is no use.

I fall to the ground, not being able to move a muscle. I start to feel something I have never felt, then I

realize its fear. Not being able to help myself, fear overcomes me. I can't even let out a howl of

desperation for help. I hear a woman's voice, knowing who she was but not being able to put my finger

on it.

That's when I see her as she approaches me. "Hello Ivan you're right there was no plan that I could

come up with to escape you. So, instead, I came up with a plan to kill you."

I can feel my blood begin to boil with anger, but I can't react, it's like I'm stuck in my own mind, trapped.

Maybe this is what I deserve, especially because of what I did to my own mate. Maybe I deserve to

suffer just the way I made her suffer. Realizing that Jenny was never going anywhere, that she was

watching me and waiting for the perfect time to strike.

How would she have known I was here, I wondered if her and Lily were working together to kill me. I

don't blame Lily for wanting to kill me. Sorrow takes over me, thinking that she hates me so much that

she would want me dead. Knowing I can't blame her for her feelings, but wishing she didn't feel that


As I watch other wolves surround me, I try to prepare myself for what is about to come. As they shift

into their wolves. I know my end is here as they attack. I feel every bit of their canines tear through my

flesh. All I see is my blood covering their mouths. I can feel the pain of my flesh being torn apart but

unable to react. I then feel liquid coming from my eyes, realizing that I'm crying.

As I'm fading away, they pick up my lifeless body from the ground. As my legs are dragging, I accept

that this is it. Regretting decisions that I made, wishing I could make it up to the people I hurt. As they

throw my body against the tree, I can't help but want to be dead, not wanting to feel the pain that is

overcoming my entire body. As they begin to hold my body against the tree they tie a rope as it's

getting tighter and tighter I can't handle it any longer. I hear Jenny screaming at the wolves that are

helping her.

"Come on, let's go get him tied to the tree, something will come and take care of the rest, or he will

bleed out before anybody can save him. We need to go Now So that are alibis add up."

I accept that this is what is to happen, tired of trying to fight the pain. I just let blackness take over.

A smell nodges me awake knowing I smell Lily. I become terrified thinking she's going to be in danger.

As I felt her touch, I told her to run, but she didn't listen. I would rather die than endanger her if she's

helping to set me free. Does this mean she wasn't involved? As she begins to lick my wounds, my pain

is slowly going away. I wonder if it's her helping me or am I dying.

I feel like giving up as I fade away more, but then I hear her say something that makes me fight. Your

daughter needs you. I know then I need to fight. It's the words that saved my life as she's trying

desperately to help me. I have no strength. I want her to run worrying if they see her saving me she will

be next and. I will not be able to protect her.

I hear another voice. I then realized she isn't alone, not sure who is with her. As my body dropped to

the ground as I let out a growl of pain. I realize I am healing. How could this be I'm coming back? What

did she do to bring me back to life? How did she save me?

My vision is blurry, but when I look down, all the wounds that I have are gone. I can feel a desperation

that she is trying so hard to save me, but why would she want our daughter would be better without

me? As she is begging me to help her, I don't know where she is taking me. I try As hard as I can. My

body can't handle The Strain, and then I feel my other side being lifted. I know then I can finally just

relax and everything just close black.


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