Novel Name : Life After the Storm

chapter 36

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I can't believe what Ivan has just told me about Jenny. How could she be capable of something so evil?

I know that Ivan hurt me, but I couldn't have done that to him, maybe it's just because he is my mate. I

know that she didn't want to marry him, but to kill him. Knowing the repercussions for this are going to

be so bad. How do I even begin to even tell Landon?

He's going to get so angry as soon as the words escape my lips. I want to avoid lying to him. I want to

tell him the truth of what I just heard. I then think maybe it is better if I just keep it to myself for now. I

need to find Sam, so I can figure all this out. I don't want Ivan to leave I don't know if he is safe, I know

that I shouldn't care, but I do.

As Ivan is sitting on my bed, I see the pain in his eyes, I can tell he is terrified. I want to comfort him,,

but I don't know how. The feelings I have for him are only because of the mate bond. I walk over to him

and sit beside him on the bed. "Give me Sam's number, I will call him and tell him to come right away.

But you need to promise me that you will stay right here and not try to escape, I need to know you're


As he looks at me, his eyebrows raised like he surprised that I am concerned about him at all. "I will

stay put Lilly, just please get me Sam."

And look back at him before I exit the bedroom, "please Ivan, just listen to me, I will get Sam just stay


I don't know why I'm so worried about him leaving. It's not like it would make any kind of a difference. I

just want him to be safe and out of harm's way. I don't want him to think that I care, but I can't help but

to show it. The baby has been kicking like crazy, hearing his voice. It makes me wonder if the baby

knows that he is her father. As I rub my belly, I head for the door.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock at the door I am nervous to answer it I automatically go into defense

mode, which is odd. I go to look to see who it is, and I see it's Landon.

"Landon, I need to get a hold of Sam his brother do you have a phone."

'Yes, at my house how is he holding up."

"He's still weak but he's recovering I need to talk to you about something But you can't get angry at


As we are waking over to his house, I'm nervous as I keep tucking my hair behind my ear, trying not to

make it so noticeable that I'm nervous or anything is going on. I don't say anything, waiting until we are

in the privacy of his own home. I don't want others to hear me talk, not sure who it may in danger.

As we approach his house we walk in suddenly Landon grabs a hold of me forcefully but gentle at the

same time. As He pushes me and pins me up against the wall, I can see fury but a motion in his eyes.

"Lilly, do you love him?"

"I don't know my mate's bond with him is strong, but my other feelings are not, I don't love him like I


"Lilly, I don't want to lose you I don't want you to leave, I need you to stay."

"Landon, I am not going anywhere, I promise. I just want to help him, he's the father of my child."

As his grip loosens up on me, he let's go, I become relieved. "Lilly, I know I can be hard to handle, and

I'm sorry, but you keep me sane."

I get a feeling that I'm not used to, it, almost feels like butterflies in my stomach. I know the feelings that

I feel for Landon,, but he has also hurt me. I wish I could forget about all the things that have

happened, but I can't. I don't know why I'm so easily to hurt. All I really want is just to be happy, but I

really don't know if that is even possible to be happy the way that I was when my family was alive. It's

like I'm a broken soul left just to suffer.

"I will go get you the phone, so you can make your phone call."

"Landon, wait, I need to tell you something."

He stops and looks back to me "what is it you need to tell me."

"It was Jenny that attacked Ivan."

"What are you talking about, Jenny would never do anything like that, she never hurt somebody to take

what she wanted?"

"I'm sorry, that is what Ivan had told me, and he said that his pack is in danger, I'm thinking from your

father that maybe this was the plan all along to gain control of both packs."

"No, if my father had organized this, he put a death sentence on my sister. There's no way Ivan will let

her survive if they attacked his pack."

"Wait, I thought you said the pack was fine, that they weren't being attacked."

"There was nothing we could have done, it was already gone, so I lied. I saw my sister, she said that

she escaped. That they were attacked by a pack of rouges,, so that's what I thought attacked Ivan."

"What is wrong with you, why wouldn't you have told me the truth I could have helped them."

"Lilly, you can't heal everybody and nobody knows what you are, It would have put you in danger."

"What is the use of my power if I'm not using it to save others. You should have told me the truth. I

need to call Sam to see if he survived."

I take the phone from his hand pissed off that he lied to me, my hands began to shake scared that Sam

isn't going to answer. As I struggle to dail the numbers with my shaky hands, tears began to fill my

eyes. Once all the numbers are dialed I become scared that he isn't going to answer. I put the phone

up against my ear, then I hear a woman's voice.

"Who is this, where is Sam." I ask with desperation in my voice, wanting to know that he survived.

Her voice is shaky, I can tell she has been crying. "First, you tell me where Ivan is. He is the only one

who knows this number, where is my son."

"I can't tell you where he is, how do I know that you won't try to hurt him. He is safe, he told me to call

Sam and tell him to come, please tell me where is Sam."

Sam isn't able to come he." I cut her off, not allowing her to finish what she is about to say.

"Where are you I can save him,, please let me save him."

"There is no saving him, he is dying."

"Please let me try please I can save him if you let me please."

The phone goes quite, I am hoping that she is willing to let me at least try. Sam was the only person

who treated me good like I belonged, he brought me back to life. He made me feel cared about when I

felt nothing but pain.

"I want to talk to Ivan first, I want to make sure he is alive and not being held captive."

"Okay, I will go get him and call you back."

I don't say a word to Landon, I run out the door not wasting anytime. Needing to save Sam if at all

possible. When I get to the cabin, I go to my room and my bed is empty. Ivan has left damn it, how

could I have been so dumb?

I scream out in frustration, knowing that I'm probably not going to be able to save Sam. I dropped to my

knees then I feel a hand on my back, when I look up I'm relieved to see Ivan.


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