Novel Name : Werewolf Committee

Chapter 1: Prologue

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"All students report to the auditorium, I repeat all students," the school announcement blared through

the speakers as the students scrambled their way through the halls, heading towards the gymnasium

which the school used as their auditorium.

"Lily c'mon! We have to go there now," I giggled as she made a face at me tugging me back towards


"No, Elina! Its a trap! They're going to suck out our brains, and steal our knowledge!" Lily cried in fake

worry as she hugged my arm and leaned into me.

"Knowledge? That's a pretty big word for you, isn't it Lily?" I teased as she rolled her eyes and started

walking with me down the hall.

"Sorry, not everyone can be a whiz at maths," she mumbled as I slapped her arm.

"Hey! Werewolves are supposed to get numbers, it just comes naturally!"

After giving me one last look, Lily and I giggled as we walked up to the main doors of the gymnasium.

Just as I was going to reach out to pull the door, to our utter shock, it swung open and revealed a very

angry looking Ms Mavel.

"Oh! What a surprise, Elina and Lily. And why are you two young ladies wondering around the halls

when you should be in there?" She said gesturing towards the room that the now open double doors

displayed. Her eyes were narrowed and her white messy hair was more disheveled than ever as

various strands escaped her tight bun.

"Ms Mavel!" Lily said smiling widely, "-you see, I seem to have the stomach bug and Elina over here

was simply helping me return from the nurses office," Lily lied smoothly as she gave me a grateful

smile and softly patted my head to add to her little act of innocence.

However Ms Mavel wasn't believing a word Lily was saying as she stared at her with a blank look.

"Werewolves don't get the stomach bug Lily," the old woman deadpanned as she began to tap her foot

onto the floor repeatedly in impatience.

"What? Werewolf?" I asked in astonishment, "-who said anything about Lily being a Werewolf? No,

shes the daughter of satan and something went wrong with her birth. You see, her mum was half fertile

so shes not exactly a Werewolf," I paused, my lips in a thin line as I looked up at Ms Mavel who was

looking back at me with wide eyes.

"So like I was saying. I've got the stomach bug," Lily finished unfazed.

Ms Mavel seemed to freeze for a second. She carefully and cautiously eyed Lily before her eyes slowly

trailed back to mine.

"I don't have time for this!" She suddenly said, "-just, get in there! Now!" Ms Mavel said raising her


Once she spun around and her back was successfully facing us, I turned my head towards Lily and

shared a smirk with her that said; 'Yes! No detention!'

We quietly made our way inside and stood behind the mob of students who jumped up and down in

excitement. It was clear everyone in here wanted to be chosen. To bad the school would only pick one

student who'd be sent to the official Werewolf Committee. Rarely anyone gets to meet or even see the

high class society of wolves. Only if your born in a family of wealth or lucky enough to be chosen to go

on a scholarship to graduate on your last year. Its like their own parliament.

"We all know why we are gathered here today," the principal spoke into the microphone as he fixed up

his tie, and cleared his throat.

"The student we have chosen this year has all the qualities the Werewolf Committee is looking for.

Confidence," he said looking around as the crowd fiddled nervously with their fingers while Lily and I

snickered at them.

"Academic," he said glancing down at the notes in his hands.


"Who do you think it'll be?" Lily whispered as she kept her eyes glued to the principal to avoid making it

obvious she was whispering to me.

"I'm thinking Ashley," I said looking at Ashley who stood up straight as she played with her blonde hair

looking as confident as ever.


"And last but not least, compassionate."

Once the principal finished listing this years qualities, the crowds buzz awoke and everyone rubbed

their hands together in anticipation as they gave each other wistful looks.

"And the person who will be leaving tonight as Constant High's Scholarship graduate is," he paused,

looking around the crowd. His eyes suddenly found mine and he held eye contact. My eyebrows

immediately raised.

"Elina Weitzel."


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