Novel Name : Werewolf Committee

Chapter 43: Epilogue

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"...May we bow our head in prayer."

Everyone that stood by the coffin, lowered their head.

It was Colin's funeral and somehow it helped make everything seem more real.

It was also a week after the incident. When everyone found out about Colin's death they didn't handle it

so well. Vases were thrown, windows were shattered and tears were shed.

However right now everyone at the funeral stayed deadly silent as we all silently prayed. Tate stood

close by my side, his shoulders grazing mine.


Everyone slowly raised their heads and murmured to one another. There was quite the crowd and I had

to admit Colin must've been pretty popular.

The man on the other side of the coffin gently tapped onto the microphone. We were in the woods so

everything was set up. As werewolves it was normal for us. The woods were the place of Colin's birth

and he would've wanted it to be his place of death.

Or at least were he was buried.

"If any speeches need to be made..." the man that was also a werewolf trailed off as he gestured to the


I thought very few would make speeches. That they were all to devastated to talk.

But I thought wrong. Several people lined up to make their speeches. First it was Roger. He spoke

about his brother highly and repeated many times how he was going to miss him.

Then it was Dale, then Tom, then Tate who left my side to make a brief speech on his uncle. His face

remained emotionless but I knew he was hurting.

A little grin spread across my face when Eddie sped his way to the front and went up on his tippy toes

to reach the microphone. The man standing beside him also smiled and pulled it down to his height.

"Hi," Eddie said brightly and a few mumbled back.

"This is my first funeral so I don't know what to say," he said and a small frown slipped onto his face.

Everyone stayed silent as they all watched Eddie. Eddie glanced down still frowning then a moment

later glanced back up with a smile.

"My uncle was one of the coolest people, and I've met a lot of cool people," Eddie brightly said as he

glanced at me and I smiled in return while a few people chuckled through blurry eyes.

"I don't know why all of you are crying so much," Eddie exclaimed with another frown.

"-Uncle Colin is happy and I know it. He used to always tell me he couldn't wait to go up there," Eddie

pointed to the sky, "-to see his mate."

Eddie then became silent not knowing what to say. The man next to him patted Eddie on the shoulder

and gave it a squeeze with another kind smile as he put the microphone back up and leaned forward.

"May he rest in peace," He finished off for Eddie.

Eddie looked up at him and gave the man a friendly smile before turning around and coming back near

the crowd.

After a few of Colin's long lost friends gave inspirational speeches, they bid there goodbye and paid

their respects before slowly leaving.

The Coffin was lowered and all to soon Colin's body was underground and gone.

I tightly held the bunch of flowers in my hand and stepped forward once no one was around grave.

Walking near it, I placed the flowers gently on top of the soil and kneeled down with a sigh.

"Hey Colin," I whispered.

There was no reply.

"I'm sorry I didn't go up and make a speech," I said with a sheepish smile even though he couldn't see


"-but I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful for everything you did," I said with a smile and glanced

behind me to see Tate leaning on a tree far behind me.

"So is Tate," I whispered.

After a moment or two of silence I stood up and dusted off my pants. Taking a few steps backwards I

Iowered my gaze.

"Thank you for everything."

Spinning around I pulled my jacket around myself tighter as I began walking towards Tate.

However, when I almost reached Tate I felt a small change in the wind. It was only for a split second

and then there was a small whisper in the air.

You're welcome.

I reached Tate and glanced behind me with furrowed eyebrows.

Shaking my head I looked back at Tate to see him staring at the ground with a blank look.

"Tate?" I whispered and he looked up at me but said nothing.

"Are you alright?" I said worried.

Tate blinked a few times and took in a shaky breath before nodding his head.

I placed my palm on his cheek and caressed it, leaning forward to rest my forehead on his.

Tate closed his eyes and so did I.

"We can have that life you wanted," I whispered, "-to live happily with you're mate and not have anyone

trying to kill us."

Tate slightly shook his head. If anything probably not believing me.

"You kept your promise," I insisted and leaned back to see Tate's hazel eyes already focused on me.

"Everything's over now we can be happy," I persisted. Anything to see him smile.

"Can we?" he asked and I smiled nodding my head.

I put my arms around Tate and rested my head on his shoulder. Slowly Tate's arms wrapped around

me and he caressed my hair with one hand.

"You know I love you Elina?" Tate murmured in my ear and I hugged him tighter.

"I know. I love you too," I said back and leaned backwards to place a kiss on his lips. Tate held me

there and slowly kissed me back. It was slow and full of passion.

"Come on. We should go back inside," Tate gently said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder,

pulling me to his side.

We began our way back to the Committee. However I couldn't help but glance back one last time. I also

couldn't help but smile.

If Colin was now with his mate that met he feels the way I feel when I'm with Tate? That means he's

happy? Safe. Loved.

That was the thought that kept me going and smiling.

When we arrived to the Committee I opened my mouth to speak and comment on the funeral. However

an overly excited Eddie came running out of the doors in a fast sprint.

He tripped over and awkwardly stumbled back up before he stopped in front of us panting.

"Eddie? Whats wrong?" Tate asked immediately as he knelt down in front of his little brother and placed

his hands on his shoulders.

"I, It just, when I, It," Eddie blabbered out random words and Tate furrowed his eyebrows shaking his


"Calm down Eddie. Breath," Tate said as he waited for a reply from Eddie.

Eddie took in a dramatic breath in and then out.

"Okay. Now speak," Tate ordered and Eddie squealed.


Tate and I watched, confused. Eddie lifted up his hand and harshly swiped it through the air.

Tate and I glanced at each other and looked back at Eddie strangely.

However after a moment or two, a strong current of wind suddenly appeared and hit us with such force

I stumbled back a few steps, stunned.

Eddie fell backwards and landed on his backside, however had a massive grin on his face.

Tate wasn't affected by the wind and didn't even flinch. With one hand he pulled me back and with the

other pulled Eddie up.

I looked at Eddie with wide eyes and slowly a small smile spread across my face.

" you're the new air Elemental?" I asked Eddie in excitement and Eddie furiously nodded his


"Yes! It's so cool!" Eddie yelled out in excitement as he clapped his hands.

"I can do this," Eddie swung his hand to the left making the breeze come from another direction,

"-and this," he exclaimed again and the winds direction changed again.

"Eddie," Tate firmly said and grabbed Eddies hand placing it back down to his side.

"You have to learn to control it," Tate told his brother and Eddie smiled at Tate nodding his head.

"Control the power or himself?" I chuckled and Eddie stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm going to go tell Dale! He's going to be so jealous!" Eddie exclaimed with a cheeky grin and spun

around, running back inside.

Eddie disappeared back inside and I turned around to face Tate who ran a hand through his hair with a


"Great, now we're going to wake up to a different weather forecast everyday," he mumbled and I

couldn't help but snicker.

"It could be worse," I shrugged and Tate stayed silent looking into my eyes.

I noticed the natural brightness of his eyes were missing and he looked at me with what looked like sad


"You," Tate paused, "-you said we can live happily right?" Tate asked suddenly and I immediately

nodded my head.

"-because, I will be happy no matter what if you're near me. But will you be happy?" Tate asked, his

hazel eyes boring into mine as he stepped forward.

"What?" I asked tilting my head.

"-yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

Tate stepped incredibly closer to me and tilted his head so his mouth was beside my ear.

"That girl Lily you called your friend is still breathing," Tate growled softly, his voice low and dangerous.

"That's why," Tate added and slowly moved back, his face inches away from mine.

I was taken aback by his harsh tone and I sighed looking down.

"I'll still be happy," I whispered then looked back up with a grin, "As long as you're near me I'll always

be happy," I added with a cheesy smile and finally Tate broke a smile.

I had to hold in the sigh of relief when I saw him smile. I couldn't help but smile with him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward, looking down at me with a smirk.

"Oh?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile wider, seeing him happy.

I leaned forward and without wasting another second locked lips with Tate. Tate immediately responded

and pulled me towards him tighter as he kissed me back aggressively, emotion leaking into the kiss.

Things would be different now. With Colin gone and everybody affected by it, things won't be the same

for a while. However I was determined to be happy now. Happy with Tate.

Maybe one day start a family. One day have children.

The thought made me blush. However I could definitely see a future with Tate.

"Are you blushing?"

I snapped out of my daze as I saw Tate was leaning back and looking at me with his head tilted.


"You are blushing," Tate teased and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not."

"Why are you blushing?" Tate asked in a curious tone.

"Tate!" I exclaimed and Tate chuckled. I couldn't fight off the smile that threatened to overcome my lips.

"Fine. I'll let it go," he said with a grin, "-come. Let's go inside."

...and so we did.

Even though the day had been saddening it was also worth going through. Because at the end of the

day I got to see Tate smile for longer than ten seconds.

From the start Tate and I went through a lot of lunatic people. Surprisingly we managed to stay sane.

But there was no need to dwell on the past. Things would get better. Tate was happy and smiling so

already my goal was complete.

We finally got here. Stronger than ever.

I was lucky to find my soul-mate in life. So damn lucky to have Tate.

And I wasn't planning on letting him go.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and

continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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