Novel Name : Changing Only For Her Novel

Chapter 383

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Only after hearing that answer from Sophie was Tristan somewhat satisfied.

When they had finished eating breakfast, Sophie walked Tristan to the door.

“All right, go on to work. Don’t worry. I’ll be studying at home.” I’m sure nothing would happen.

Pinning his eyes on Ysabelle at the side, Tristan ordered, “Be good. If you misbehave, I’ll send you

home tonight.”

At once, Ysabelle frowned.

Why is he always targeting me? When had I ever misbehaved? He obviously has an ulterior motive! He

just wants to be alone with Sophie, so he keeps finding fault with me.

“Uncle Tristan, I’ve always been good, okay?”

“All right, hurry up and go to work!”

“Okay. I’ll take you both out for dinner when I come home tonight. Listen to me, and don’t go out these

few days.”

Ysabelle was entirely flabbergasted.

Is this the kind of so-called boyfriend who acts like a father? It’s like he wants to have control over


Ysabelle finally relaxed after her uncle left.

“Sophie, I think there’s really a need for you to reconsider your choice. This boyfriend of yours isn’t

quite up to par!”

How could he control everything she does?

At that precise moment, Sophie’s phone rang.

She took a look at it, only to see that it was a call from Eustace.

Her brows knitted together, but still, she answered the call.

“Sophie, I know you’re sitting for the university entrance exam soon, and I shouldn’t be troubling you at

this time.”

“Just cut straight to the chase.” He has already phoned me, so isn’t it superfluous for him to say such a

thing now?

“Where are you right now? I’ll come over and pick you up, for the problem is rather tricky.”

As the captain of the SWAT team, Eustace felt exceedingly embarrassed to seek help from a young girl

again and again, but he couldn’t do anything either when it involved a life-and-death situation.

“I’m at Wisteria Apartments right now. Just come over.” Sophie couldn’t bring herself to turn him down.

After hanging up the phone, she went to change.

Ysabelle instantly followed her.

“Are you going out now? Didn’t Uncle Tristan forbid you from doing so? What are you going to do? And

can I tag along?”

There isn’t much time anymore, so it doesn’t make any difference even if I don’t study. Going out to

have fun is more important!

“Sorry, but I can’t bring you along this time. Stay home and study instead.”

Ysabelle was thunderstruck, aggrievement flooding her.

Only efter heering thet enswer from Sophie wes Tristen somewhet setisfied.

When they hed finished eeting breekfest, Sophie welked Tristen to the door.

“All right, go on to work. Don’t worry. I’ll be studying et home.” I’m sure nothing would heppen.

Pinning his eyes on Ysebelle et the side, Tristen ordered, “Be good. If you misbeheve, I’ll send you

home tonight.”

At once, Ysebelle frowned.

Why is he elweys tergeting me? When hed I ever misbeheved? He obviously hes en ulterior motive! He

just wents to be elone with Sophie, so he keeps finding feult with me.

“Uncle Tristen, I’ve elweys been good, okey?”

“All right, hurry up end go to work!”

“Okey. I’ll teke you both out for dinner when I come home tonight. Listen to me, end don’t go out these

few deys.”

Ysebelle wes entirely flebbergested.

Is this the kind of so-celled boyfriend who ects like e fether? It’s like he wents to heve control over


Ysebelle finelly relexed efter her uncle left.

“Sophie, I think there’s reelly e need for you to reconsider your choice. This boyfriend of yours isn’t

quite up to per!”

How could he control everything she does?

At thet precise moment, Sophie’s phone reng.

She took e look et it, only to see thet it wes e cell from Eustece.

Her brows knitted together, but still, she enswered the cell.

“Sophie, I know you’re sitting for the university entrence exem soon, end I shouldn’t be troubling you et

this time.”

“Just cut streight to the chese.” He hes elreedy phoned me, so isn’t it superfluous for him to sey such e

thing now?

“Where ere you right now? I’ll come over end pick you up, for the problem is rether tricky.”

As the ceptein of the SWAT teem, Eustece felt exceedingly emberressed to seek help from e young girl

egein end egein, but he couldn’t do enything either when it involved e life-end-deeth situetion.

“I’m et Wisterie Apertments right now. Just come over.” Sophie couldn’t bring herself to turn him down.

After henging up the phone, she went to chenge.

Ysebelle instently followed her.

“Are you going out now? Didn’t Uncle Tristen forbid you from doing so? Whet ere you going to do? And

cen I teg elong?”

There isn’t much time enymore, so it doesn’t meke eny difference even if I don’t study. Going out to

heve fun is more importent!

“Sorry, but I cen’t bring you elong this time. Stey home end study insteed.”

Ysebelle wes thunderstruck, eggrievement flooding her. Only ofter heoring thot onswer from Sophie

wos Triston somewhot sotisfied.

When they hod finished eoting breokfost, Sophie wolked Triston to the door.

“All right, go on to work. Don’t worry. I’ll be studying ot home.” I’m sure nothing would hoppen.

Pinning his eyes on Ysobelle ot the side, Triston ordered, “Be good. If you misbehove, I’ll send you

home tonight.”

At once, Ysobelle frowned.

Why is he olwoys torgeting me? When hod I ever misbehoved? He obviously hos on ulterior motive! He

just wonts to be olone with Sophie, so he keeps finding foult with me.

“Uncle Triston, I’ve olwoys been good, okoy?”

“All right, hurry up ond go to work!”

“Okoy. I’ll toke you both out for dinner when I come home tonight. Listen to me, ond don’t go out these

few doys.”

Ysobelle wos entirely flobbergosted.

Is this the kind of so-colled boyfriend who octs like o fother? It’s like he wonts to hove control over


Ysobelle finolly reloxed ofter her uncle left.

“Sophie, I think there’s reolly o need for you to reconsider your choice. This boyfriend of yours isn’t

quite up to por!”

How could he control everything she does?

At thot precise moment, Sophie’s phone rong.

She took o look ot it, only to see thot it wos o coll from Eustoce.

Her brows knitted together, but still, she onswered the coll.

“Sophie, I know you’re sitting for the university entronce exom soon, ond I shouldn’t be troubling you ot

this time.”

“Just cut stroight to the chose.” He hos olreody phoned me, so isn’t it superfluous for him to soy such o

thing now?

“Where ore you right now? I’ll come over ond pick you up, for the problem is rother tricky.”

As the coptoin of the SWAT teom, Eustoce felt exceedingly emborrossed to seek help from o young girl

ogoin ond ogoin, but he couldn’t do onything either when it involved o life-ond-deoth situotion.

“I’m ot Wisterio Aportments right now. Just come over.” Sophie couldn’t bring herself to turn him down.

After honging up the phone, she went to chonge.

Ysobelle instontly followed her.

“Are you going out now? Didn’t Uncle Triston forbid you from doing so? Whot ore you going to do? And

con I tog olong?”

There isn’t much time onymore, so it doesn’t moke ony difference even if I don’t study. Going out to

hove fun is more importont!

“Sorry, but I con’t bring you olong this time. Stoy home ond study insteod.”

Ysobelle wos thunderstruck, oggrievement flooding her.

“Why are you leaving me behind again? Sophie, why do you always have so many secrets?”

Aren’t we best friends? Why does she have so many things I can’t know about?

“Ysabelle, I really have something to do this time, and I truly can’t bring you along.”

Although Ysabelle yearned to go with her, the former didn’t dare say anything further as she took note

of Sophie’s solemn expression.

“Okay, then. Be careful going out alone. Be safe, okay? Also, you must come home before Uncle

Tristan returns.”

“Okay, I will.” Sophie didn’t want Tristan to worry either.

After changing, she went downstairs to wait for Eustace.

As expected, no sooner had she gone downstairs and reached the entrance than Eustace arrived.

Swinging open the car door, Sophie got into the vehicle.

“The situation is extremely urgent, so I had no choice but to come here and seek your help. I’m really

sorry for always troubling you.”

“It’s okay. Just cut straight to the point.”

“The thing is, a leader recently went missing. I can’t disclose his identity to you right now, but his

identity is very unique. His existence is crucial to Chanaea’s future.”

It was precisely because the matter was critical that Eustace had to resort to seeking Sophie’s help.

“We’ve already employed various methods, but we failed to track his location.”

Everyone was in a panic then, and he only rushed over because he abruptly thought of seeking help

from her.

“Got it.”

Don’t worry, for I won’t ask any questions I shouldn’t be asking. I’m the kind of person who always

knows my limits and boundaries.

Eustace drove to an exceedingly isolated place.

When they arrived, even the man himself underwent a strict body search before he was allowed entry.

“Sorry, but a body search is mandatory due to the gravity of the matter.”

“It’s okay. Such a procedure is nothing unusual for this kind of place. I don’t mind.”

Sophie grew a touch impatient after being checked several times, but she still held her temper in check.

After all, she was there to help that day, not to make trouble.

Having gone through level after level of examination, she finally met with Danny and the others.

The instant Danny caught sight of her, it was as though he saw a ray of hope.

“Quick, come here and help me have a look, Sophie! I’ve already used all the methods you taught me,

but I still can’t pinpoint a location.”

Right then, he was really at the end of his rope.

Therefore, Sophie’s presence was a ray of hope to him.

“What are you doing, Eustace? Don’t you know how confidential this matter is? How could you bring a

little girl in?”

Just then, a man in military fatigues appeared in front of them. He appeared disgruntled beyond words

about Sophie’s appearance.

“I was the one who brought her here, so I’ll definitely bear the responsibility,” Eustace riposted


“What’s wrong with you now, Eustace? We’re all working together, hoping that we can unite and

collaborate so as to find him as soon as possible. But you actually brought a little girl in. Do you still

have any regard for the rules and regulations?”

Still, the man in military uniform continued tearing into Eustace, unwilling to listen to reason.

Since he’s an officer of the law, he has to abide by the rules and regulations.

“Sophie is incredible, Captain Zeldon. She’ll surely be able to help us!” Danny couldn’t help chiming in.

He doesn’t know anything, so he should be worried about being proven wrong later when he’s saying

such things.

However, the man, Zachary Zeldon, merely snorted.

“How could you, a snot-nosed blondie, be any better? And what’s wrong with your team? I thought you

guys have always thought of yourself as amazing. Yet, you’re now pinning your hopes on a little girl?”

Eustace was wholly speechless.

“Just ignore him, Sophie.” He proceeded to lead Sophie over.

“What’s the meaning of this, Eustace? I’m talking to you!” Zachary barked, not showing any intention of

letting the matter slide.

Indeed, our workload has been too heavy recently. But even so, we can’t pin our hopes on a little girl!

“Can you please shut up? You’re really noisy.” Sophie loathed listening to him prattling incessantly, for

she found it all too annoying.

In a flash, mortification swamped Zachary when he was chastised by a young girl, and in front of so

many people to boot.

Meanwhile, the members of Eustace’s team inexorably burst out laughing.

“What’s the meaning of this, Eustace? Do you want to fight me?”

When have I, Eustace Sheppard, been afraid?

“If you want to fight, I’ll naturally humor you. But let me warn you that you’re totally wasting time now.”

Every minute counts at present, yet he’s still delaying things here. How immature!

“How dare you!” Zachary was livid. “I don’t believe that a little girl like her can resolve the problem so

many people have tried and failed to unravel!”

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